The Prodigies War

Chapter 1764: Surpassing the Ancients and the Modern

Chapter 1764: Surpassing the Ancients and the Modern

Not only Tang Su, but all the other people present were also rooted on the spot as their pupils dilated violently.

What they were seeing was that Lin Xun’s Fengshan Dao Stele, after arriving at the ninety-thousand-foot mark, didn’t stop but even leaped up a huge chunk.

Under the horrified gaze of the crowd, the stele kept shooting up and only struggled to stop after it passed the one-hundred-thousand-foot mark!

The area was so quiet that one could hear a pin drop.

Their throats were dry and their hearts were thumping with emotions, making it difficult for them to calm down.

Since the beginning of time, ninety thousand feet was already more than enough to cause people to look up to, with only three cultivators ever having achieved this.

Of these three experts, the first one was Xuan Shangchen who had achieved this in the primeval era.[1] Later on, he had stepped into the Emperor stage with the title of Great Emperor Xuanyan.

The second one was Feng Tianzi from the Mythical Huang Dao Court. He had achieved the ninety-thousand mark a hundred thousand years ago and had also stepped into the Emperor stage afterward with the title of Mythic Emperor Nine Enlightenment. Currently, he was secluding himself within the Mythical Huang Dao Court.

The last one was a mysterious expert named Qi Ning who had achieved this sixty thousand years ago. No one knew anything about this person’s origin or their later whereabouts, making them the most mysterious of the three.

And today, at this moment, Lin Xun sealed his Saint Path with his own power, achieving something unprecedented and unique to him only.

His Fengshan Dao Stele alone shone one hundred thousand feet in the void!

This was a miracle that struck everyone with endless impact and shock.

As everyone knew, the higher a Fengshan Dao Stele was, the stronger the cultivator would be after their transformation to a Sage, and they would obtain more blessings from heaven as a result.

And Lin Xun was the first person in all of eternity whose stele had risen beyond one hundred thousand feet in the void!

How terrifying would his transformation to a Sage be?

How many heavenly blessings would he obtain?

The mere thought of this made one’s heart tremble.

After a long silence, Hua Xingli lamented, “I didn’t think Brother Lin would be the biggest winner on this Fengshan Platform despite going last.”

The others’ expressions flickered dimly.

Previously, they had suspected that Lin Xun had grasped the supreme secret of becoming an Emperor and an Ancestor. Now, he had sealed his Saint Path in a way that overshadowed everyone that had ever existed.

He was, indeed, the biggest winner!

Even A’hu had never dreamed that such a miracle would come to Lin Xun and was shocked for a good while.

On the five-colored altar, Lin Xun stood alone, handsome and elegant as he emanated an ethereal aura of great perfection.

Looking from afar, there was a soul-piercing majesty underneath his seemingly calm energy!

It was one that belonged to a Sage, and it was much more special than that of an average Sage!

“Hmph, I don’t care who wins and whatnot! I only know that he’s seized the secret of becoming an Emperor and an Ancestor!” Tuo Chenghai’s expression shifted quickly as jealousy and hatred uncontrollably surged within him.

Zhuanyu Heng, Nie Jianchen, and the others also wore different expressions.


Lin Xun suddenly attacked. The Broken Blade cut through the air incredibly fast like a dream, like electricity, like an illusion.

Tuo Chenghai’s expression changed drastically. How could he have expected Lin Xun would just attack without warning? Since it was too late to dodge, he could only confront it.


Tuo Chenghai was sent flying the next second, blood spurting from his mouth and nose.

Almost simultaneously, A’hu teleported in front of Tuo Chenghai with a flicker and stabbed out a flying sword that was almost transparent.

Lin Xun’s attack and A’hu’s strike came in a seamless and flawless succession!

Tuo Chenghai, who had already suffered a heavy blow, couldn’t even react in time. The flying sword entered his neck.

With a poof, his head was sliced off, splashing blood in the air.

“You…you two…” Tuo Chenghai’s eyes were wide open, his face full of shock and unwillingness as he died on the spot.

His body fell to the ground with a loud noise, and his head rolled down.

Even in his final breath, he had not thought that he would die at this moment, after he had painstakingly climbed to the top of the Fengshan Platform and seized the opportunity to become a Sage.

He could never accept this outcome!

This sudden and bloody turn of events caused everyone else’s heart to jump and their face to change color.

“A fly that keeps buzzing around recklessly is one that begs to die, no?” commented A’hu indifferently.

The crowd sank into silence. And only after calming down did they realize that it was hard to say who would win if they clashed with Lin Xun at this moment.

Meanwhile, Lin Xun paid no attention to all this. Since the beginning, he had been standing on the five-colored altar without moving his feet at all.

However, there was quite an odd look on his face.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to move, but rather, he was encased by a mysterious force that prevented him from leaving the altar!

Just now when he had attacked Tuo Chenghai, he had also had to do it via telekinesis. Otherwise, Tuo Chenghai’s death would have only been more tragic.

“A’hu,” transmitted Lin Xun.

“Yeah?” A’hu was a bit surprised, then keenly noticed that something was off with Lin Xun’s mood.

“Tell Toady and the others that there’s no need to worry about me.” A complicated emotion flashed through Lin Xun’s face. He also seemed to be struggling, as if he was resisting something.

“What’s wrong?” A’hu’s pupils shrank.

Almost at the same time, Zhuanyu Heng’s crowd also noticed the abnormality in the fact that Lin Xun was slow to step down from the altar.

“I…” Lin Xun couldn’t explain it as he shot up all of a sudden. It was as if a large hand had grabbed and was pulling him toward the universe above.

“He seems to have been captured?” Tang Su was dumbfounded.

“Lin Xun!” A’hu’s heart clenched. She wanted to give chase and rescue him.

“Don’t worry about me. Remember what I said and tell them that I’ll definitely go find them!” Lin Xun’s transmission came from the depths of the sky and stopped A’hu. His clothes fluttered, and he was glowing.


The next instant, his figure completely disappeared into the cold and pitch-dark void. No one could see him anymore.

A’hu stood there in a daze, her expression flickering.

Why had he left so suddenly?

It had happened all too fast, catching everyone present off guard.

“How could that happen?” Hua Xingli couldn’t help but frown in alarm.

“Odd.” The others were also confused.

The boundless and unfathomable universe, having lost all its stars, displayed a dull color.

No one knew where Lin Xun had gone, and whether he would return alive.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely…” It was only after a long time that A’hu came back to her senses with a determined expression.

Now that she had regained her calm, she realized that Lin Xun must have sensed something was about to happen to him. That was why he had left that instruction to her.

It had just happened so suddenly that he hadn’t had time to explain anything.

“You must come back alive…” muttered A’hu.

This was the Kunlun Dominion, one of the four ancient great dao dominions. As one of the three great taboo lands here, the Fengshan Platform was nothing short of mysterious.

Even if an Emperor came here, they probably wouldn’t know where exactly Lin Xun had gone.


On this day, all the cultivators scattered around at the foot of Mount Kunlun heard about what had happened on Fengshan Platform, and it caused a sensation.

And as time passed, they departed from this forbidden land and returned to the Kunlun Ruins, spreading this news along the way.

For a while, the event raised endless clamors.

“That fellow…is really a demon god who kills without batting an eye!”

Lin Xun had chased Xu Lingkun and Wen Qingxue through the entire Fengshan Trail to the Fengshan Platform, where he had proceeded to kill Xu Lingkun, abolish Wen Qingxue’s cultivation, cut down Sha Liuqing, and exterminate Ku Du!

When such a bloody deed came to light, countless cultivators trembled in shock and fear.

“Beyond one hundred thousand feet high, shining alone in the sky, surpassing the ancients and the modern?”

After hearing Lin Xun’s unprecedented miracle when becoming a Sage, some were envious, some people were awed, and some found it unimaginable.

How could a young man from the Ancient Wasteland Domain have such an impressive achievement with his Saint Path Ritual?

“Heavens! He obtained the supreme secret of becoming an Emperor and an Ancestor?”

When it was learned that Lin Xun, on the five-colored dao altar, swallowed the power of the galaxy with a hand and seized such a supreme fortune untouched by everyone else since the beginning of time, everyone almost went crazy.

“What heaven-defying luck! If this gets back to the Ancient Nebula Road, he’ll become the prey of those old fossils!”

“It’s becoming an Emperor and an Ancestor we’re talking about... An unattainable dream of countless experts on the Ancient Nebula Road…” Many were taken over by waves of emotions.

“Where is he? Where is he now?” Some were murderous as their greed spun out of control.

“He disappeared!”

Soon, everyone throughout the Kunlun Ruins learned that after grasping the secret to becoming an Emperor and an Ancestor, Lin Xun had strangely vanished into the depths of the universe above the Fengshan Platform. This struck them dumb.


A guy who can trigger an earthquake in the Ancient Nebula Road and take the attention of countless cultivators, disappeared?

Simply maddening!

“That’s actually a favorable thing for him,” someone mused.

Since the opening of the Kunlun Dominion, whether it was at Treasure Refining Land, Imperial Dragon Mountain, or Fengshan Platform, Lin Xun had killed numerous experts.

Among them, there was no lack of dazzling figures like Xu Lingkun, Wen Qingxue, Meng Yi, Kun Jiulin, Yan Chunjun, and Gu Cangxin.

It was not an exaggeration to say that Lin Xun had offended more than half of the Great Six Courts and the Great Ten Battle Clans by offending their disciples!

Not to mention that the two of the Three Dark Giants of the Ancient Nebula Underworld, the Holy Illumination Ancient Sect and the Earth Treasury Realm, also had their eyes on him…

Under these circumstances, Lin Xun would be viewed as a thorn in their flesh the moment he reared his head, and would be faced with unimaginable blows from them.

On top of that, he was now carrying the supreme secret of becoming an Emperor and an Ancestor, which was enough to attract the spying eyes and ill actions of Emperors!

The fact that he had disappeared in such a strange manner actually allowed him to avoid many storms and troubles for the time being.

“It’s a pity…”


“This matter, as well as everything happening with Lin Xun, must be reported back to our clan. Nothing so significant has ever happened before in the Kunlun Dominion.”

“If Lin Xun is still alive, I have a feeling that he’ll sooner or later be considered the fattest prey by all the experts on the Ancient Nebula Road.”

“Cultivators vie for supremacy on the path of dao. Now that Lin Xun has become the key to supremacy, many old monsters will salivate…”

Discussions and conversations continued to ferment around the topic.

There was no doubt that Lin Xun’s name would take the Ancient Nebula Road like a storm and cause great turmoil!

“What about that woman named A’hu? As long as we catch her, we can use her to threaten Lin Xun once he reappears.”

“Not bad, this woman has a close relationship with Lin Xun. We can indeed use her to restrain him.”

“They said she disappeared after everything ended on Fengshan Platform, but she certainly hasn’t left the Kunlun Dominion.”

Many switched their target to A’hu and were secretly plotting against her!

1. This is the guy who had opened the Omega Door by a crack. ☜

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