The Prodigies War

Chapter 293: The Aeth Cannon’s Power

Chapter 293 The Aeth Cannon’s Power

Xu Qianjing frowned. His gaze swept across the group as he solemnly said, “The target is not the only person on the rune shuttle and there are many innocent people riding it as well. If we dispatch Violet Hero Battleships, will any of you be able to bear the consequences?”

There was a questioning tone in his voice.

However, Xu Qianjing was bitterly disappointed by their response. The assistants revealed disapproving expressions and one of them even sneered and said, “It’s just a group of lowly citizens. What’s the big deal about sacrificing them to kill the target?”

Lowly citizens!

These words stabbed Xu Qianjing’s heart. Prior to entering Qinglu Academy, wasn’t he also a ‘lowly citizen’ in these noble disciples’ eyes?

One of the assistants tried to persuade him, “Young Master Xu, there’s no need to hesitate anymore. This is the best opportunity to kill the target. As for those lowly citizens, who will know as long as we say nothing?”

“Hehe, if Young Master Xu is worried about bearing responsibility, feel free to push it all to us. Honestly, it’s just the lives of a few lowly citizens. No one will care even if they find out.”

His words were filled with disdain.

Xu Qianjing fell silent as a wave of indescribable anger filled his heart.


The doors were pushed open and Chi Cangmei walked in.

Chi Cangmei indifferently said, “Qianjing, we shall proceed as they’ve suggested. I’ve already given the order and dispatched a Violet Hero Battleship to Maple Night Mountain Range.”

Xu Qianjing’s eyes narrowed. His always calm and composed expression finally changed, darkening ever so slightly.

Xu Qianjing stood up, took a deep breath, and icily said, “Do you know that this is no different from butchering the empire’s citizens?!”

Chi Cangmei was unfazed and nonchalantly agreed.

The assistants revealed disdainful expressions. They had originally felt respect toward Xu Qianjing, but after several successive failures, they had begun to doubt his capabilities and lose respect for him.

When they heard that Xu Qianjing did not dare to make the smart decision because of a few lowly citizens, they began to suspect whether his title was real or not and wondered why he was being so pigheaded.

Xu Qianjing saw all their mocking looks and disdain, causing him to suddenly feel a surge of powerlessness and disappointment.

“I am against this.”

Even so, he did not back down but stood firm on his principles.

Chi Cangmei said, “Sorry Young Master Xu, starting now, your mission is complete. I shall take care of everything else.”

The few failures had also made her begin to doubt Xu Qianjing’s capabilities. When she heard he would rather give up on the best opportunity to kill the target because of a few lowly citizens, she felt that she could no longer put her faith in him.

Xu Qianjing dazedly asked, “Does that mean that I can leave now?”

“Hehe, do you still need to ask? Master Tactician Xu, please hurry up and go. Our humble hall is too small for a mighty being like you.”

One of the assistants could not help but laugh, his words filled with sarcasm.

The others roared with laughter.

Chi Cangmei frowned but did not reprimand the assistants. She looked at Xu Qianjing and solemnly said, “Young Master Xu, you may leave.”

The final word was firm and left no room for negotiation.

Xu Qianjing was stunned for a long time. In the end, he took a deep breath and cupped his hands together. “I’ve repaid my debt to the Chi Clan. Farewell.”

After speaking, he turned around, pushed open the doors, and left.

“Hmph, he dares to call this repaying his debt? It’s already very nice of us to not hold him accountable for all those failures.”

“Master Tactician my ass. From the moment the target appeared, all of his plans ended his failure. If we believe in him again, all of our forces will probably be wiped out!”

Scathing remarks sounded from behind, causing sorrow to surge in Xu Qianjing’s heart.

What do these noble disciples understand about tactics?

It only took a few failures to make them so agitated and restless. How comical.

However, Xu Qianjing understood that this was how noble disciples acted. When they needed you, they would treat you as a VIP, but when you were useless to them, they would immediately abandon you without blinking.

It was a pity none of them understood how terrifying the target was!

They thought they could use the Violet Hero Battleships to kill the target?


From information he had collected over the past few days, Xu Qianjing had a strong feeling that the target would not be killed so easily!

If the target survived the Violet Hero Battleship attack…

Xu Qianjing immediately shook his head and stopped himself from pursuing this train of thought. It was meaningless to think about such things now. He had originally prepared many follow-up plans for the target. What a pity that none of them were going to be used.


In the room, the assistants were still ridiculing Xu Qianjing for being a softy, a fraud, and failing to live up to his reputation.

In fact, they had already decided that after the target was killed, they would spread how incapable and useless Xu Qianjing was to make sure he lost all credibility!

Chi Cangmei frowned unnoticeably at the group’s reactions as a slight sense of unease rose in her heart. However, it was quickly discarded.

The orders had already been given. Chi Cangmei did not believe the target in the rune shuttle would be able to survive the Violet Hero Battleship’s bombardment!

After all, the new series Violet Hero Battleship was a very recent innovation. It was rumored to have been personally created by a Grandmaster Mo from the Divine Workshop and its overall power had been raised to a whole new level. In fact, some even called it the trump card among the small-scale battleships. Even a Spirit Sea expert would be hard-pressed to defend against a full-power blast from the Violet Hero Battleship, let alone a mere Human Dipper cultivator.



A blaring alarm suddenly blasted in the peaceful carriage, causing the passengers to panic. They jumped to their feet and jerked their heads from side to side but were unable to figure out what they should do.

The greatest worry when riding a rune shuttle was that an accident would happen while it was flying. In the history of the empire, there had been many cases where rune shuttles would suddenly explode and crash.

This was why the alarm made everyone panic, including the cultivators. If they were to fall from such a great height, even the cultivators would not be able to survive.

Lin Xun had been chatting with the little girl called Luoluo when it happened. His eyes immediately narrowed and he abruptly rose to his feet.

Through the windows of the rune shuttle, a cone-like shape could be seen in the distance. It was estimated to be several dozen feet in length and was a small-size battleship that gleamed with a dark purple light.

“It’s an empire battleship!”

“Oh, it’s an empire battleship approaching. Phew, it should be fine then.”

Numerous passengers revealed relieved expressions. They had originally been worried that some accident might have happened. Fortunately, it was just the appearance of an empire battleship and there was nothing to be alarmed about.

Someone joked to try and lighten the mood. “I was wondering what it was, turns out the empire’s battleship has come to give us an escort.”

Several people laughed, although more in relief than amusement.

In contrast, Lin Xun’s heart dropped like a stone as his hands and feet turned ice-cold. He had recognized it in a single glance. It was the new series Violet Hero Battleship he had helped Old Mo design. There was only one possible explanation for such a ship to suddenly appear here: it was here for him!

Sure enough, a blinding beam of light abruptly surged on the Violet Hero Battleship!

Lin Xun’s body turned rigid as his eyes widened. It was the Violet Hero Battleship’s aeth cannon!

As one of its makers, how could he possibly fail to recognize it?

“Everyone, watch out!”

Lin Xun’s face turned white as a sheet as he furiously yelled. He never expected the enemy to be so vicious that they would destroy an entire rune shuttle just to get him!

They…clearly had zero regard for the other innocent passengers!

Many passengers were shocked and confused. A few sharper individuals managed to piece together what was happening and immediately shrieked in horror.

The entire carriage descended into chaos. The piercing alarm seemed to ring even more urgently as the terrified passengers began to howl and curse in despair and helplessness.

Lin Xun had no time to care about anything else. He tightly hugged the little girl, Luoluo, and hurriedly circulated his full power. With a roar, he swung at the wall of the carriage.


The carriage was blasted open.

The aeth cannon blast from the Violet Hero Battleship arrived at this moment and blasted the rune shuttle.


A terrifying blast of wind unfurled as destruction ravaged the narrow carriage. It was as if armageddon had descended.

Pain showered Lin Xun’s body and his eardrums felt as if they were being ripped apart by needles. His vision turned dark and hazy and the world violently shifted around him. His body was grabbed by a terrifying force and flung into the air, sending him spiraling uncontrollably.

He could see nothing.

He could feel nothing, but searing pain rapidly spread to his entire body. Despite this, Lin Xun desperately curled his body around the little girl to protect her.

It seemed as if many years had passed yet it also felt as if only an instant had elapsed. Lin Xun suddenly found the strength to open his eyes.

He instantly saw that there were only a few dozen feet between him and the ground!

Almost by instinct, Lin Xun gritted his teeth and let loose a savage roar as his body fiercely twisted in the air.


His back crashed into the soft grasslands a split second later, creating a sizable hole in the ground amidst a spray of dirt.

Right before he hit the ground, Lin Xun successfully used a technique to shift all the falling force of the little girl to himself before gently tossing her to a nearby grass patch.

Lin Xun felt as if every bone in his body was on the verge of snapping. He could not help but vomit a large mouthful of blood, causing his face to turn deathly white as he gasped in pain.

It hurts!

The incomparable pain made Lin Xun feel as if his organs were shifting. His vision rapidly turned dark as his consciousness began to slip away.

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