The Protagonist’s Sister Is Actually The Strongest [An Action-Packed LitRPG Transmigration and Progression Fantasy]

Chapter 186: Going Out With Friends

Chapter 186: Going Out With Friends

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We spent the rest of the day pigging out, chatting, watching movies, series, and anime, and playing video games with Baihe. I wanted to kick off and relax from all the intense battles. I was fighting to protect this damned world, so I better enjoy the delights of it as well! One of the best ones is, of course, food and entertainment.

I was thankful this was a post-apocalyptic society that regained technology and international connectivity, so although many people were lost, many cities were destroyed, and the governments of many places changed, humanity was still strong and connected, and therefore, all sorts of entertainment appeared to keep citizens busy.

The industry of movies has never seen such a huge comeback. Now that they can employ awakened people with superpowers, it is much easier to do practical effects, if there’s a need for any. Streamers of all kinds are as common as always, now with whole genres of streaming inside of dungeons or in danger zones hunting creatures.

There are Youtubers that make videos recommending how to grow stronger, what methods they use to learn abilities, and also several “tips and tricks” for newbie hunters. Of course, the vast majority of the population are still normal civilians, but they still find such things amusing to see.

Annabelle came crashing on our house after a few hours, bringing with herself Scarlet too. My brother came from his daily training all sweaty at the same time and was caught inside the woman’s webs while walking in.

“Anna, we came to visit! We brought snacks and drinks!” Annabelle brought us a huge bag full of goodies. “Oh, you girls are watching anime?! Let me in!” She jumped immediately onto the couch without even asking for an answer.

“Sure, sit down; my house’s your house.” I giggled, hugging my bestie and giving her a kiss on the forehead because she was too cute and precious, like the little sister I’ve always wanted to have. “You can come hang out whenever you want, Annabelle.”

“Yeah, you didn’t come yesterday.” Said Baihe. “Come every day, seriously. We’re getting bored, just the two of us.” She joked.

“Hahah, okay! I was just training my abilities with Scarlet, so I’ve been rather busy... I’m really sorry! I’ll come hang out more then; don’t regret it later, hehe.” She giggled mischievously. "Oh, you’re watching the new season of Reincarnated with a Glitched System?! I heard that this is when Sylphy will finally enter the Magician Academy in the Elven Kingdom! Did she meet with Aquarina already?”

“It just started, but Sylphy’s still with the lazy witch.” Baihe said. “Though she’s kind of cool, how she has those ice powers but also fire powers and mixes and matches them to make an amazing blacksmith. Is that even possible to begin with IRL?”

“Nah, it’s pure fantasy. I’ve seen Hilda, and she can’t do that.” I laughed. Not even my forge can do what that witch does. This world’s already very crazy, but it becomes clear when there is even more fantasy-like stuff.

Wait, or maybe not? There are so many worlds out there. Maybe there’s something like this? I had never stopped to think about it. If this novel was actually in the real world this whole time, what’s stopping the possibility of more of the same? More fictional worlds unconnected to this novel are somehow becoming real? Can… that happen?

…I better not overthink things; becoming paranoid is not a good idea. Let’s focus on what we can achieve now instead of fearing the stuff that I am simply imagining.

“Back from training, Jack? You look all rugged and sweaty. Not like I mind, though.” Scarlet smiled, winking sexily at my brother, who was only blushing a bit.

“Yeah, well, I do this every day. How have you been, Scarlet?” He asked with a slightly nicer smile.

“Fine, trying to raise that kid while not getting into any more trouble now. It is a relief that the knowledge of us belonging to the Dawn of a New World has been kept a secret.” Scarlet sighed. “It would seriously destroy all the image I’ve been building.”

“It is all thanks to the chairman’s advice; the old man’s still in the hospital, hanging by a thin thread.” Sighed my brother. “He is a really good man; he saw through you and Annabelle and knew you regretted what you'd done and that you did your best to make up for your actions. And... I also know how painful it was for you to lose your family, even as insane as they were. I’m… I’m sorry, Scarlet.”

“…Jack.” Scarlet gasped, feeling moved by Jack’s heartfelt words. My brother had truly changed; he would have never said such things to someone in the novel. “I… T-Thanks.” She felt too embarrassed to act coquettishly or cocky as always, only blushing and smiling.

“As I fight and train, I’ve been thinking about a lot of stuff. Heavy stuff.” My brother said. “The things this Apocalypse has forced us to go through—the people we’ve lost, the friends we’ve made… And I lost too. The wicked powers we wield are capable of taking away lives so easily. We are all victims here. Even the people I kill, I know they are victims of this madness.”

“…” Scarlet remained silent as she looked at her own pale hands. “You’re not wrong... But why do you keep fighting when you know all of this? When does it feel so pointless at times?”

Was Scarlet asking this to my brother or to herself? It felt that way.

“This world’s messed up. The Constellations are incomprehensible gods from other worlds, hungry for entertainment and power. And we are just people. We have connections, things we like, and people we care about. I care about Anna a lot. She’s my family. I just want to protect what’s left of my family. Even if… Even if I have to continue killing, and killing, and killing... If we can one day get to the end of it, I want to do it with her by my side. And maybe with all of you too, the friends I made along the way.” He spoke like a true protagonist right there. “With Henrietta…”

Scarlet smiled a bit more, her mood slowly rising, although when she heard the name Henrietta whispered by my brother, I could notice a bit of murderous intent in her eyes, but it faded away immediately afterwards.

“She really beat me to it, huh? She’s… a good girl, yeah.” She nodded. “Henrietta’s the best woman you could ever have, to be honest. She’s a bit annoying at times, corny, and too righteous. But… She’s good. She’s one of the few people in this world who has kept her sanity and her morality. Someone is striving to contribute to society and not destroy it or be on her own. I was none of that; I was an outcast, a freak, someone strong but selfish. It took me a while to realize what I had become. Take care of Henrietta, Jack. She’s probably the second-best thing that has happened in your life after your sister.”

“Right… Thanks, Scarlet.” My brother nodded. “And about that… Well, you’re changing too. I’ve seen it and noticed it. You’re taking responsibility for Annabelle too. You’re turning on a new leaf. I know the things we did in the past will haunt us forever, but... I want you to know that I trust you and see you as a comrade, and perhaps as family too. My sister has created a very strong bond with your own, after all. Annabelle, and you are welcome in my house whenever you want to.”

“Aww, you didn’t have to go THAT far! You’re melting my heart now!” Scarlet giggled, sitting down at the table at my brother’s side and taking out a wine bottle she brought. “Let’s have a cup to celebrate these peaceful days, then!”

“Hah, fine. Let me go take a quick shower, and I’ll be right back.” My brother smiled, swiftly moving to the bathroom.

“Take a good shower; you’re all stinky!” I said, as he laughed it off.

Like that, the day went on peacefully. The night came, and we all slept in my room while still watching movies and series. The next morning we woke up quite wasted, but nothing but some meditation and a bathroom couldn’t cure.

These Breathing Techniques weren’t just increasing my stats right now. They were making me feel so good about myself, like my body was fresh all the time. Even when I woke up like I got beaten up inside of bed, I would slowly recover and feel anew.

My stats were increasing steadily, one little point at a time. Ki and Mana were very important resources, so even if I can accumulate them over time like this, that’ll be for the better. Also, the skills gain EXP passively too! In a week, they should level up, I believe.

I need to accumulate as much “fuel” as possible to use all my crazy, overpowered abilities well enough after all. Even more, once the Second Awakening comes and then the Third Awakening, the restrictions invaders from other worlds have will be slowly lifted up one after another.

Things are only going to get crazier and grittier; I’ve been pretty much fighting for my life since I woke up from my coma, sometimes more easily and other times barely making it. I’ve reached the point where I am becoming strong enough to do a lot of stuff myself.

But as the Awakening Processes continue, I’ll be facing even more insane foes. Overpowering everything was never on my mind, just to survive. But for fuck’s sake, I want to sweep the floor with some weaklings for once.

So we’ll be going to a Dungeon today! Though it's still a surprise, and not after another stop I’ll be taking, after a slow morning of exercise and pancakes, I decided to go out with my two besties and invited Kevin along too; why not? He was our friend too, and about our age range. He’s an annoying brat, so I bet he was all alone. I’m doing him a favor by inviting him.

“I want the Frappuccino with extra mocha sauce!” Annabelle pointed at the picture of the cafeteria’s menu. “Oh, and the six colorful donut special too!”

“I just want some milk tea.” Baihe said. “Hmmm, maybe a meat bun too. What does Kevin want?”

“I-I… I’ve never bought stuff here. I prefer burgers and sh*t. Well, just get me that sandwich with cheese and bacon. Oh, and some coffee, why not?” He shrugged. "Anyways, what’s with the invitation out of nowhere?”

“What?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “I can’t invite a friend to hang out once in a while. Am I not allowed? Oh, maybe you’re too important to come hang out with us? Huuuh?”

“T-That’s not what I meant!” Kevin suddenly got red. “I… thanks, I guess. I don’t really have friends… I… Uh, I dropped out of school a year ago, and all my friends were non-awakening people. When they learned I became one, they were happy on the surface, but… I could tell they became kind of afraid of me.”

“Oh…” I felt slightly bad. I got a bit snarky before. “Um, I guess it can’t be helped. With all the things that terrorist awakeners had done to the citizens, even before I woke up, I read a lot of old news to get in touch.”

“Yeah, before these madmen, there was the Esper Association; those guys dropped half a building in the middle of the city... Almost a hundred people died then.” Kevin said. “And then… Hahh… The Demonic Cults and their horrendous shit. If only these pieces of sh*t didn’t exist, people would maybe trust us more; maybe they wouldn’t be afraid... Maybe I wouldn’t have lost my friends.”

“Aw, come on now. You got us at least.” I said. I patted Kevin’s small shoulders as we made our way out after buying our brunch. Pancakes weren’t enough, to be honest. Awakeners have strong metabolisms. “Right girls?”

“Huh? Sure.” Baihe shrugged while drinking her milk tea.

“Yeah! Kevin! Do you want a donut?” Annabelle asked him with a friendly smile that could melt anyone’s heart. “They’re super sweet and jelly-filled!”

“S-Sure, thanks.” Kevin smiled faintly as he received the girl’s donut.

He looked at the donut for a little while as we made our way to the hospital, our destination, before eating lunch and then hitting a secret dungeon I wanted to go to.

As he took a bite, tears started flowing from his eyes.

“Kevin? Are you crying?” Baihe wondered, feeling a bit concerned.

“Tha… nks….” He sniffed.

“Huh?” I looked into his face; he looked like a mess.

“Thank you for being my friends.”

We were left in silence as we looked at one another in silence. Kevin had never shown us this part of himself before. It was shocking! And it made me feel so guilty that I'd treated him slightly badly!

“Holy sh*t, please don’t cry!” I cleansed his tears with a handkerchief.

“Kevin, is everything alright? Did something happen at your house?” Baihe wondered.

“Is your big sister okay?" Asked Annabelle.

“Y-Yeah, everything’s ok. I’m just… Ah, shit. I really did that. Sorry.” He tried to shrug it off, but we all ended up approaching him and giving him a friendly hug. “E-Eh?!”

He got all red as we hugged him a bit, patting his head.

“You’re a good brat.” I said.

“It’s alright, Kevin; don’t be a crybaby.” Baihe said.

“Was the donut too sweet for you? Sorry.” Annabelle smiled.

“W-Wha…? What are you doing?! G-Get off me!” He was so red, he looked like a tomato. We swiftly let him go.

We just burst into laughter after he got so embarrassed.

“You looked so hilarious, oh my god.” I laughed.

“Is this the first time a girl touched you, Kevin?” Laughed Baihe.

“Hehehe.” Annabelle just giggled like a little imp.

“Ahhh, shut up!” He went back to his normal, annoying self.

But I noticed he was smiling, and his eyes were really bright. We’re not the best with words, but we know when a friend needs a hug.

“Alright, if we’re all done here, let’s get in. We got a chairman to save.” I smiled.

“Wait, what? We came here to see the chairman?!” Kevin asked.

“To SAVE him, Kevin! Not to SEE him! Two different words.” Annabelle said, snacking on her donuts.

“How are you even planning on saving him?” He asked. “What he has is terminal. He’ll…”

“Come on, Kevin, when have I EVER disappointed you?” I said confidently, as we entered the hospital.


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