The Reincarnation of the Kingmaker

Chapter 168 Hunting For The Forest Spirit Seed Part 7

Chapter 168: Hunting for the Forest Spirit Seed Part 7

Using the ghillie suits, Kayn was able to sneak pass the men patrolling the base of operation of the Thieves Guild Alliance. They didn't even see that the grass was actually moving despite it just being under their nose, albeit a few extra meters below as they were standing on top of the trees.

Looking at where he had assigned Gilbert and the others, Kayn finally understood just how hard it is to notice them. Honestly, he couldn't even see a single sign of them despite the fact that he knows where to look.

Anyway, putting that aside, he turned his attention to the group of Drowsy Mushrooms a few meters in front of him.

This group had dozens of sprouts sticking closely to each other, which is why he decided to approach it first. Moreover, there are groups of Drowsy Mushrooms surrounding it, giving him the perfect opportunity to disrupt them all at the same time.

He didn't approach very closely because the effectiveness of its mist increases the closer one gets to it.

Reaching his arm to the side, he carefully grabbed a handful of pebbles. He then locked onto his target and with extreme precision, he hits all of them at the same time.


In the next moment, the dozens of Drowsy Mushrooms started releasing their mist.

It didn't just end there.

Kayn quickly directed his attention to the groups of Drowsy Mushrooms not so far away from him. He grabbed another handful of pebbles and from his location, he threw one pebble after another.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

A series of puffing noises could be heard as the surrounding Drowsy Mushrooms let out their mist one after the other.

He didn't target that many Drwosy Mushrooms yet, as such the mist wasn't dense enough to be noticed easily.

Looking closely at the direction of Gilbert and the others, he started noticing that they have also started disrupting the Drowsy Mushrooms nearby them. Only after looking intently did he notice the mist.

"Okay, this might take longer than I expected," He initially thought that just disrupting a few Drowsy Mushrooms would be more than enough to cover their enemy camp. Turns out that they need a lot more than just a few dozen.

Grabbing another handful of pebbles at the side, Kayn used his extreme precision to target more and more Drowsy Mushrooms nearby his location.

After a few minutes of throwing pebbles around, the mist began accumulating together as it slowly got denser and denser. From merely being translucent, its body started showing a tinge bit of the color purple.

"Finally," Kayn started feeling excited as he sees his plan is about to unfold.

All of a sudden, he felt a strong wind from the direction where Jude was assigned.

Turning his head around, he instantly saw a tsunami of purple mist quickly approaching the direction of the camp.

Because of how strong the wind was, every Drowsy Mushroom that it passed through would instantly release its mist as if thinking that the wind is a threat to it.

"That's actually possible?" Kayn was surprised. If only he knew about that before, he would have just let Jude do all the work instead of spending countless efforts throwing pebbles around.



Not long after, Kayn similarly started hearing loud noises coming from the direction of Gilbert and Charles' side.

"Wind…" Kayn immediately realized something. He seems to have a skill that can produce a strong wind… or perhaps even better.

Waving his hand, Kayn took out a dagger from his Storage Ring.

<<Hundred Shadow Cut>>

The ground around him was immediately covered by one hundred shadow daggers.

"Instead of throwing pebbles, I should have thrown these shadow daggers instead," With a motion of his hand, the shadow daggers flew towards the nearby Drowsy Mushrooms.

With the commotion that Gilbert and the others created, silently disrupting the Drowsy Mushrooms is of no use anymore. That is why he dared to use the skill <<Hundred Shadow Cut>>.


In just a span of a single minute, the entire camp of the Thieves Guild Alliance was covered by the mist of the Drowsy Mushrooms.

With the combination of the mist coming from all directions, the strength and effectiveness of its effect multiplied to the degree that the mask they brought with them no longer prove any usefulness.

One by one, the men started dropping to the ground while snoring.

The first ones to sleep were those inside the cages before quickly being followed by the men patrolling their surroundings.

Seeing their comrades sleeping on the ground, the others quickly tried to escape.

Unfortunately, Kayn and the others swiftly took care of them and sent them flying back inside the trap so that they can join the rest of their comrades.

Around ten minutes, everybody aside from Kayn's team is now sound asleep on the ground.

"Great work everyone," Kayn complemented Gilbert and the others for doing such a good job.

"It was Jude who informed me and Charles on what to do," Gilbert looks at Jude.

"Why didn't you inform me as well?"

"I thought that you were smart enough to know what to do," Jude reasoned out. "And my guess was right,"

"So, should we continue with our search?" Gilbert can't help asking.

"Let's leave that for later. Right now, I want all of you to search everything that they have,"

"What are we looking for,"

"You've mentioned that their specialty is scouting and gathering information. In that case, they should have clues about the location of the Forest Spirit Seed,"

"Great idea!"

With that being said, Kayn's group hurriedly look around the Thieves Guild Alliance's base of operation to look for clues.

After looking around for ten minutes, they gathered together and started discussing each of the clues they'd found.

As expected, the Thieves Guild Alliance had useful clues about the location of the Forest Spirit Seed.

"So people have sighted a Forest Spirit Seed around the river banks to the south," Kayn looks at Gilbert meaningfully. "It seems like your previous guess was correct,"

The river actually leads to the east area outside of the Slumbering Forest, which is where Gilbert suggested that what if the Forest Spirit Seed was just out there in the plains? Although its other side is leading the deeper part of the Slumbering Forest.

"Just close, since it is still inside the Slumbering Forest,"

"So, should we head back to the east area?" Jude looks at Kayn.

"We've pretty much looked everywhere over there, so I suggest we follow the river and start heading into the deeper part of the Slumbering Forest instead," Kayn muttered before looking at their surrounding. "It's also the best choice we have since we need to be far from here before they wake up,"

"Indeed," Gilbert doesn't want to experience a situation where they would be chased after by over fifty people.

"Let's quickly leave,"

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