The Rejected Alpha's Vengeance

Chapter 113: Of Course, She Knew


"Where are we going th…. Can you tell me that?" Rukiya asked gtly as she held Hawi's hands like she was worried Hawi would lock her out again. Oh, Ruru.

"Sicario. To my brother's funeral," Hawi said as silce befell them once again.

However, it wasn't the heavy silce of despair, but this time, it was the silce that came from Rukiya not believing that Hawi was ready to face the truth of it all.

It had be two long years of Hawi being in exile and she hadn't made a meaningful decision that involved her home or ev mtioned that she would be going back.

It was almost like she was okay with commissioning Malika on missions to Sicario and all she had to do was pretd that she didn't have a home, and her last name had never be Sicario.

Hawi had be on the bches for so long, and Rukiya had a feeling that this wasn't just about them going to mourn Dom. there had to be more to this and only the goddess would be able to tell what the hell was in Hawi's mind at the momt.

This was crazy, and that scared Rukiya for a momt.

Ruru was sure she wasn't just invited out of loyalty, but because Hawi truly needed her there it wasn't to help her to war, but probably to help her be in shape to keep her within the borders of sanity.

If Hawi ever crossed those borders over into her insanity th there would never be a realm to live in. That much all the races were sure of, since the time Hawi had ascded the Sicario alpha throne. Oh, Hawi.

"I—" Rukiya began, cursing herself wh she noticed the face that Hawi was wearing. It was one that was trying to explain to Rukiya that she didn't have to come, but goddamn, why the hell was she ev stammering right now? Wasn't she Rukiya fucking Greyson?

"You don't have to come, Ruru. It is just a request, and lie I said, it has nothing to do with the blood oath, so you don't have to wor—"

"I'll come, baby. I promised I'd follow you to the ds of the earth, and be your executioner, love. I intd to keep that promise, no matter what the universe throws at us.

"We can talk about that later, alright?" Rukiya said as she cupped Hawi's cheek with her hands, staring into the deep dark eyes that had be empty for the past two weeks.

It had be heartbreaking for her, seeing Hawi like that, but she also knew that there wasn't a thing she could have done more than what she had already managed to do.

The rest was always going to be up to Hawi and right now, it seemed like Rukiya's decision was a good one.

"Yeah, let's eat th," Hawi said and wt to look at her food. She was trying to think of a better way that she would get into Sicario.

Of course, she was the wolf and had so much power that no banishmt could hold, but ev th, she wondered if her father would want to see her or if there was a chance that her father had banished her for her safety and not because she had killed her mother.

Hawi wondered if there was a chance that she could still get her father to trust her. Hawi had so many questions and in the past two weeks, she had come to the conclusion that her father hadn't be the one to kill her brother.

Sior Alpha Sicario may have be a working father, but he had loved his childr with his heart. He adored them so much that he wouldn't just wake up and decide to murder his only son in Sicario.

It was just not possible and as Hawi looked at Rukiya, she couldn't help but wonder if her woman already knew that Dom had be murdered by Jer.

"Do you have a lot of work today?" Hawi asked as she looked at her food, like she didn't want Ruru to be suspicious of her but wh was Awuor Hawi never suspicious in her silce anyway?

"No. You want something?" Rukiya asked earnestly.

"Yeah. I was hoping to spar with you in the gym or the training gs. It has be long since I sparred and well Malika is still unconscious in Sicario so she can't come.

"I may have also warned Mbali against setting foot in Greyson unless she was with Malika, so yeah," Hawi said nonchalantly as she ate her food like it was the most normal of things.

But th Rukiya seemed so excited about Hawi wanting to spar with her that she didn't ev think that this could easily be something else. Well, there was a reason for her to hope that everything was going in the right direction right?

"Sure, shall we?" Rukiya asked and Hawi didn't hesitate to get up, ev though she had be eating. She wasn't in the mood to eat honestly because she was still racking her brain on the hows of what had happed back home.

It was crazy and she refused to believe that her strong brother, who had the Viking blood in him, would be tak down so easily by a measly warrior she had be mated to and one who had gone up the ranks because of Hawi.

It just was just not making any sse to Hawi.

As they made their way to the training gs, the farthest one from Greyson, Hawi had made sure to ignore the stares she was getting from the Greyson wolves. She knew it was not strange, giv she had be living like a zombie on their lands.

She may have be a visitor, but her silce had made them wonder if the world was on its way to the d, because Hawi Sicario was never the kind to be calm and quiet. It just didn't suit her.

"They look healthy and relaxed. You did well, Ruru," Hawi said as she looked a Greyson.

She could sse that the Greyson wolves were feeling free ev with her state like that and frankly, she was thankful for that.

It had never be her inttion to make them worried but th there were just some things that she had to do on her own, without having to rely on anyone. Because at the d of the day, she was used to being alone without depding on anyone.

"I try, thank you," Rukiya responded proudly.

Rukiya Greyson wasn't worried about Hawi harming her, but damn, anyone in her currt position could have started asking questions.

Either love did blind people, or Rukiya knew it was time to let her woman loose and let her do whatever she wanted without feeling like she was trapped in reason.

"Ruru," Hawi called out softly, wh they reached the training gs.

Before Rukiya could respond, Hawi punched her in the throat, chest, and abdom before tripping her to the g, with Rukiya nearly hitting her head on a stone, though Hawi was fast ough to cushion her, and be the one who got hit with the damn stone.

"I should've guessed this was about fucking Jeremiah killing your brother. You truly are the alpha of alphas, baby," Rukiya said with a smirk before she somersaulted, getting off Hawi.

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