The Response to my Drunken Proposal was Surprisingly Good

Chapter 40: The One More Precious Than A Sacred Relic Has Arrived! (1)

✦  Chapter 40 – The One More Precious Than A Sacred Relic Has Arrived! (1)  ✦


The Imperial Magic Tower was bustling with activity from early in the morning.

“The… The Angel of the Empire?”

“The Third Princess has visited the Magic Tower again!”

“You fools! Instead of being flustered, show some respect! How dare you speak so brazenly about the Princess!”

The reason for the uproar was simple.

Solana had once again made an unannounced visit to the Imperial Magic Tower.

“It’s alright. Please, carry on as usual. Just as you normally would.”

Ironically, the Third Princess herself was gently smiling, attempting to soothe the agitated mages. After all, she had a specific reason for visiting the Imperial Magic Tower.

The Magic Tower’s Inspector, Ezekiel, was naturally her target.


As it happened, Ezekiel had just appeared in the corridor. He had a scheduled visit to the Imperial Palace today.

“Ah, found you!”

The Third Princess’s eyes immediately lit up.

Upon seeing Ezekiel, Solana beamed and held up the basket she was carrying in one hand.

“You haven’t had breakfast yet, have you?”






Clattering — Clattering—

The carriage rattled as it made its way towards the Imperial Palace. 

It was designed for comfort rather than speed, with an interior that resembled a reception room. Inside, Ezekiel and Solana sat facing each other. This was an unplanned ride, and on the table between them was a spread of lunch boxes that Solana had made herself.

“I hope it’s to your liking,” Solana said.

“It’s delicious. You’ve always been good at cooking.”

Solana smiled at Ezekiel’s compliment, “Really? You’re not just saying that, are you? I’m so glad to hear it.”

“Of course not.”

As he ate, Ezekiel marveled at how drastically his life had changed. Here he was, sharing breakfast with an Imperial Princess on the way to the palace.

They continued eating in silence for a while.

Solana, who had been silently eating her food, suddenly stopped and blinked rapidly. “Why are you staring at me like that? Is there something on my face?”

“No, it’s nothing,” Ezekiel shook his head. “I just didn’t expect to be traveling with you to the Imperial Palace.”

“Ah, it wasn’t scheduled, but I had it prepared quickly,” Solana explained with a faint smile. “As soon as I heard the Second Princess was rushing to the palace, I prepared these lunchboxes. I couldn’t miss the chance to ride alone with you, Master.”

She placed a finger on her lips, considering her words. “But if we met in a place where there were many eyes, it would be a scandal…. So I had to be clever. Cultured people would call this a secret… secret meeting…”

“It’s not a secret meeting, it’s a rendezvous.”

“Ah, yes, rendezvous. Rendezvous. I’m still a bit sleepy this morning…” Solana covered her mouth with her hand and turned her gaze away, laughing. As usual, she was her usual self today.

Ezekiel reached into his pocket for a sunweed. He habitually brought it to his lips but hesitated upon seeing Solana.

However, Solana waved her hand dismissively. “It’s alright. I understand your circumstances.”

“…Excuse me, then but tell me if the smell bothers you.”

The sunweed made a small crackling sound in his mouth.

“So, why did Hedera rush to the palace?”

“I heard she has something urgent to prepare. Maybe it’s about the ascension ceremony? Well, even if it’s not the ascension ceremony, she’s always busy, isn’t she? The Second Princess.”

“I hope the Imperial Treasury is well-prepared too.”

“Hehe, I heard you won the wager?” Solana chuckled warmly and produced something. “Ta-da! I have something for you as well.”

Ezekiel received a single sheet of paper from her; though small, it was ornately decorated.


『You are to show your face once a month/』

『I will check on the progress of the five conditions.』

Like the sun needing no introduction, the sender’s identity was clear even without a signature. It was a letter from the Emperor.

Solana’s eyes sparkled with curiosity. “How is it? What does it say?”

“He wants to see me. Regularly.”

“Hmm, he likes fruit. That might be helpful,” Solana suggested.

Ezekiel almost blurted out, “That old man?” but he managed to swallow the words. Anyway, it was a rather surprising fact. “…I’ll keep that in mind,” he said instead.


As he exhaled a puff of sunweed smoke, Solana quietly held out her palm, upside down, towards the ceiling.

“Master, the same goes for me.”

“What do you mean?”

“You must show me your hands regularly. We used to do it often when we were young, remember? Playing doctor.”

Indeed, they had. Countless times, but the roles never changed. Ezekiel was always the patient, Solana the Saintess. It remained the same.

After a moment, Solana’s expression became complex as she examined his condition.


“I’m listening.”

“…Surprisingly, you’ve grown even stronger in such a short time.”

For an ordinary person, this would have been the best news, but for Ezekiel, it was a little different. It also meant that the cold that his body struggled to endure had intensified.

“Is that so? Then my days are numbered,” Ezekiel remarked dryly.

“No, that’s not true. I’ll find a way, no matter what. And His Majesty will change his mind too,” Solana said, flashing a bright smile. “Don’t worry about that. Let’s talk about something else. How’s your life as an Inspector? Are you satisfied?”

“Whether I’m satisfied or not, I have to do it. I brought this upon myself.”

“That won’t do! You should be satisfied!” Solana puffed out one cheek in protest. “About the letter you sent me… You remember every word, don’t you?”

“Of course.”

“What was the last character?”


The man chewing on sunweed paused briefly; he couldn’t remember for the life of him. It was something he wrote while drunk.

He couldn’t just not answer, so he came up with a plausible guess. He figured that if he were himself, he wouldn’t have written many sentences that ended with ‘─da’. Not sure, though.

“Da,” he replied.


Her radiant holy power, reminiscent of a sunflower, cooled slightly.

A moment of silence passed.

— We have arrived!

As it happened, the coachman informed them that they had reached their destination.

“We’ll… continue this conversation another time when we’re not rushed.”

“Alright. But then, I’ll ask you the entire contents of the last line. You can go if you want.”


From one character to one line. It was an outrageous demand.

“Of course it’s okay.”

With that, Ezekiel got out of the carriage.

Left alone in the carriage, Solana elegantly sipped her tea.


And only then did she relax and let out a long breath. No matter how many times she tried, she always ended up getting flustered or nervous in front of her teacher. This was always the case.

“…I see you do remember, Master,” Solana smiled faintly.

Ending with ‘da’, he had said.

It was correct. 

The last character of that letter did end with ‘da’.

The Third Princess began to slowly revisit the past.

—  Solana, I have nothing left to teach you.

— Holy power is a field you must awaken to on your own.

When she heard those words, it felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

From Solana’s point of view, who had always wanted to stay close to her teacher, could there be anything more despairing? She cried and begged, tried everything she could, but to no avail.

— Teacher, it’s the power you guided me to…!

— Your holy power is remarkable.

— You might even become the best.

The best.

When she heard that word, Solana thought to herself inwardly.

Isn’t “the best” a term reserved for you, Master?

From that day on, Solana harbored a single goal and plan, and she moved with desperate determination to achieve it.

— What remarkable holy power…!

— She might even become a saint.

Is this all it takes to be considered remarkable?

No, my master was far more extraordinary.

— Third Princess, this time in the Kratie region…!

— We need the Third Princess’s power!

Events that shook the continent.

None of it seemed remarkable. None of it compared to her master. At least, that’s how Solana felt.

— Look at her appearance! Truly the face of the Empire!

— An angel! She’s an angel! The Empire’s angel!

— Ah, the Saintess…!

This isn’t the fame I should receive.


This is the fame you should receive.

— Solana. I acknowledge your abilities.

— As Emperor, I grant you this much authority.

And so she moved tirelessly, and finally achieved it.

She needed authority first for her plan.

To ensure Ezekiel received the recognition he deserved.

To ensure Ezekiel obtained the happiness he deserved.

For Ezekiel to finally find his rightful place.

Yes, that was Solana’s plan all along.

‘Master, am I being too presumptuous?’

However, Solana wasn’t as devout as others believed. Since embarking on the path of Sainthood, she had never once prayed for the Sun God.

— Please, let my teacher find his rightful place.


Her prayers were solely for him. Everything was for him.

This world was far too unfair.

So, she would create a stage for Ezekiel.

That was the mission Solana held deep in her heart.

Recently, there had been a string of good news. He had already made waves at the Imperial Magic Tower, and now he had even won a performance competition against the knights.

Solana suddenly took out the letter from her bosom.

She read the last line, then read it again.

⌠Sometimes, I think…⌡

⌠I want to become the best, recognized by everyone, in a way that can’t be ignored.⌡

“Yes, Master.”

Solana nodded quietly.

“Soon, it will be so. In a way that can’t be ignored.”

Inside the carriage, a radiant smile bloomed.

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