The She-Devil And Her Alphas

Chapter 144 - One Hundred And Forty-four : The Accidents

Chapter 144 - One Hundred And Forty-four : The Accidents

Lawrence couldn't tell what happened, one moment he had unsealed his powers and was about to celebrate his victory but the next he knew, the boy took over and forced him out of his body which was impossible.

How did he do it? He had a firm grip on his consciousness unless...…...

" "What do you see? " he asked, his intense spooky greenish eyes boring into hers.

Lia's eyes sparkled with pride " My King "

Then he bent and claimed her lips. "

Ben awoke with a startle,his breath was heavy as he looked around. He just had the weirdest dream ever - no, disgusting dream ever.

What could he be thinking, kissing his goddess Lia? She would skin him alive if he pulls such a shenanigan not to talk of Asher.

Asher would rip his head out from his body, put it on a pike and hung it around the town gate for the people to watch and learn a lesson.

Ben shivered and wrapped his arm around himself, if he could remember Lia had two mates. But he didn't dare to think what Daniel would do, Asher was frightening enough.

Just then, a lady in white who looked a lot like a nurse approached him.

She smiled at him "You're awake? "

"Where am I? " Ben asked and groaned when a headache hit him out of nowhere.

"You're in a hospital " she answered him while checking his drip

"Why am I here? "

"You are in a hospital because you're clearly in need of medical care " the nurse answered subtly and faced his bed "How do you feel? "

Ben palmed his head " Mentality disoriented " and groaned out as he felt a wave of nausea hit him so hard he thought he would throw up on the bed.

Confusion narrowed the nurse's brows " We've pumped the hallucinogen out of your system, so you shouldn't be feeling that way "

" Hallucinogen? " Ben moaned out in pain, startling the nurse who hurried out to go get help.

He sat up and tucked his head in between his laps, memories upon memories were assaulting his head so hard he wished he was dead.

The last thing he remembered was going to Sabrina's place to get Lia's necklace altered, then he tried on that venetian mask when she left to settle some issues.

He remembered not being able to take it off until everything became blank.

Then where did these hallucinogen issues come from?

Unfortunately, these strange new memories filling his head were frightening, he didn't remember doing any of those.

Maybe the nurse was right, he must have really consumed some hallucinogen. But how, he didn't remember getting his hand on any drug?

He knew such drugs cause profound distortion in a person's perception of reality.

But Ben wanted to believe that, else how could he have seen things, hear sounds and feel sensations that seem to be real yet weren't.

Maybe a ghost possessed him or something or those vampires must have done something to him, especially Raphael, he didn't trust that guy one bit.

Anyway, everything sounded crazy so he had to leave this hospital first and figure out the rest later. He decided and ripped the drip out of his body.

But as Ben stood to leave,he spotted a figure lying on the bed beside him and shouted in surprise, "Trevor?! "

"Master, your servant is here to serve you "

The sudden memory made him dizzy and Ben staggered to the side, holding the iron headboard for support.

The feeling of dread settled in the base of his stomach as the memories became more explicit and overwhelming.

There was no way he could have done those, impossible ! But everything was confusing. He needed a valid explanation.

He had pulled the rest of the curtain demarcating the beds to the side when the door opened and someone walked in with a cry.

"Oh my God, Trevor? " Jenny cried as she approached the bed and engulfed her son in a hug.

"I'm so sorry " her sobs wracked her body "Forgive me for being such a careless mother " she cried and buried her face in Trevor's body.

"Mrs Jenny " Ben said and she glanced up at him with tears stained eyes.

" Ben? " She sniffed and wiped away the tears from her eyes with her hands "You're here too? " she asked and stood up.

"Yeah, looks that way, " he answered but kept his eyes on Trevor "What happened?. "

Her brow arched and she shook her head " You don't remember what happened? "

"I don't exactly remember. My memory is a mess " Ben came up with a believable excuse.

He couldn't exactly tell her he had no control over what happened yesterday nor the fact he transformed into a totally different person that did a lot of abominable acts, plus the fact he kissed her daughter - not once by the way.

Ben went red in the face just recalling the events that occurred yesterday between him and Lia.

He wondered if Lia would ever forgive him; Sabrina would murder him first before the forgiveness comes.

He could now vividly remember how he was possessed by that Lawrence guy.

When Lawrence took over his body, it felt like he was thrown into a dark prison with no form nor shape but he couldn't get out no matter how much he tried, he was locked out of his own body.

He helplessly watched everything Lawrence did and there were a few times he even interacted with him, mocking him for his weakness and failure to protect the people he loved.

But the last straw that broke the camel's back was when Lawrence tried to take over his body forever, he knew inwardly once he unsealed his powers he was a goner.

Lawrence was smart, greedy and took everything from him - his body, memories, thoughts - but forgot one thing, Ben was a smart-ass too.

Ben knew that moment of power was also the most vulnerable time to strike, so he did his best to conceal that particular plan.

And then, at that moment when Lawrence was delirious with power and blinded by his achievements, Ben struck and forcefully took back his consciousness; kicking him out without a second thought.

Minus the damages done, Ben was proud of his achievement albeit he would have to face the consequences of his action sooner than later.

"Could you tell me what happened, please Mrs Jenny " he pleaded with her when he sensed her hesitance.

Jenny sniffed, wiping the snot with her handkerchief " A student fooled around with a hallucinogen and lured others into his sick game which somehow produced some disturbing behaviors "

Ben frowned, that was the same story the nurse fed him earlier, but he could tell that was not the entire truth. Asher must have made that up to cover the incident - the guy was definitely good at making up stories and closing up loose ends.

If he could remember clearly, Lawrence had purposely hypnotized those kids as some sort of distraction to buy more time for his powers to increase.

Lawrence had utilised his memory and intelligence to the fullest, using it to somehow drop off the radar while keeping them busy till the sun went down.

"Thanks to their psychedelic effect " Ben realized he had been absent minded and thus refocused his attention back on her

"They stabbed their fellow classmates but thankfully, none of the students died nor were they in condition critical - my son was not among the perpetrators "

Ben understood the relief in her voice, there was no way the students would avoid punishment - they could avoid jail but community service was inevitable.

Guilt gnawed at his heart, this was all his fault. Those students wouldn't be in trouble ; they probably were confused and had no clue about how it came to be. If only he had obeyed Sabrina's command not to touch anything.

"What happened afterwards? " Ben asked when Jenny became silent.

"According to the report, others were forced to the hospital amid their hysteria, while they found you and my son in the cemetery. The both of you were unconscious on the floor, what in the world happened Ben? "

He swallowed and scratched the back of his head " I don't really know miss Jenny and I'm really sorry for everything. You must have gone crazy, searching for your son "

"That's the problem" She blinked away a tear. "I was on my bed sleeping with no care in the world while all this was happening.

" What's more frustrating is the fact that my sick daughter Lia was the one who went to search for her brother in my stead and got involved in an accident "

Ben's frown deepened " Lia was involved in an accident? "

She nodded and pressed the handkerchief against her face, weeping bitterly.

A trace of panic appeared on Ben's face " Where's she? "

"In the next ward " She pointed to the door without even looking, attention focused on Trevor.

Ben felt his blood run cold as memories of Lawrence forcing Lia to shift flooded his memory.

He remembered her agonizing screams, the popping and snapping sounds of her bone .

He winced, the memory was too vivid and too overwhelming.

"Hey, are you okay " Jenny asked out of concern when she saw the way his face scrunched up in pain.

"No- yes, I just need to seee… ." his speech slurred and he dropped to the ground, unconscious.

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