The She-Devil And Her Alphas

Chapter 148 - One Hundred And Forty-eight: Deep Dark Secret

Chapter 148 - One Hundred And Forty-eight: Deep Dark Secret

Warning: Steamy scene ahead.

"So you're a rich man, huh? " Lia asked Asher who busied himself, removing the skins of the apples for her

After her mom's dramatic crying scene, she had left to go visit Trevor in his own ward.

Trevor was first moved to the hospital before her, so they had separate wards.

But huge thanks to her lateness, she got to stay in a VIP room funded by Asher - she didn't have to share the room with other patients, how thrilling.

Her room was spacious and had a large and comfortable bed - almost as if it was made of feathers - with fluffy pillows.

The room was painted and designed in soothing color palettes. It had a breathtaking gilded ceiling, LED lighting, and large flat-screens, not to talk of the internet connection - it was superb.

Lia swore she didn't know such a hospital room existed in this town. In Fact, it looked as if she checked into a five-star luxury hotel.

He glanced up " Why? You don't like rich men? "

Her eyes became wide " Of Course not! " She shook her hand to express her denial " Which girl in this world doesn't like a rich man? "

Asher paused and contemplated in her statement "So you're trying to say you wouldn't like me if I wasn't rich? "

"Of Course not " She choked, then hit him on the chest when she realized he was confusing her on purpose " Stop twisting my words "

Asher chuckled, dropped the knife in the tray and picked up a fork, dug it into the flesh of one of the sliced apple, and brought it to her mouth " Say ahh "

Lia blushed and said "I'm not a baby Asher, I can feed myself capably "

His face scrunched up and he replied to her "I'm seven hundred years plus older than you, so in my eyes, you're not even a baby but a fetus - still being formed in the womb "

My brows furrowed together in confusion, what was that? a compliment or a snark?

"Now ahh " he still insisted and brought it further closer to her mouth and Lia had no choice than to open up.

She took the fruit into her mouth and chewed on it - what a sweet apple.? [A/N: Of course, why wouldn't it be sweet? Afterall Eve had us chased out of paradise because of an apple.]

"So how did you accumulate all of your wealth?" She asked, just in time to capture another piece of apple into her mouth.

"I've lived for centuries Lia, what more can I do if not accumulate wealth? "

"Wow " Lia stared at him in admiration and couldn't resist giving him a thumbs-up.

Asher smiled at her gesture and continued feeding her.

"But it's strange"

"What is strange?" He asked her curiously.

"Since you're so rich, why did you decide to become the principal of a Public school instead of a businessman? "

Asher pursed his lips thoughtfully before answering "I needed a stress free mundane job that would help me blend in with the society and pass my time undetected, besides I have proxies who takes care of my businesses "

"Wow " She drew closer and asked, her hands moving animatedly "How rich exactly are we talking here? Millionaire? Billionaire? Trillionaire?


Asher shook his head at her silliness "Why do you want to know? Do you want me to give you some? "

"No, I'm just curious "

"I don't know how rich I am Lia, but I'm definitely sure I have enough cash to buy a country if I want to "

Lia choked on her apple and entered a coughing fit.

"Hey easy " He passed her a glass of water from the water dispenser beside him and rubbed her back gently with his hand.

Lia finally recovered and Asher chided her playfully,

"How can you be so gullible? It is not possible to buy a country since countries are not owned by anyone, but I can own a part of its economy or islands "

Lia was stunned, she realized how stupid she had been and closed her eyes in shame.

Asher laughed at her action " Don't worry, I'll transfer some funds into your account since you love money so much " he teased.

"Oh, I'm so thankful I could die from happiness " She replied to him theatrically with a bit of irony in between her words.

"The banks in charge of your funds must be so full of happiness " She continued.

"I own the banks that are in charge of my funds "

Asher's comment this time left her speechless while her mouth remained agape.

"You know what? " She decided with a hint of irritation in her face " Forget I ever asked about your financial state.

A smile stretched Asher's lips to the side, was she intimidated by his wealth.

He fed her another apple and she looked up annoyed, "Why are you even feeding me this? "

He said to her with a straight look "Don't you know the saying 'an apple a day keeps the doctor away'? is in fact true?"

"I'm not a human for Christ sake "

Lia rolled her eyes and spoke with a filled mouth causing a little of the crushed apple juice to trail down her lower lips.

"Close your mouth while eating " He scolded her while his gaze drifted down to her lips.

He drew closer and used his thumb to wipe across her pink succulent lips which caused her body to tingle.

Lia swore her heart missed a beat at that unexpected gesture and got butterflies in her belly.

A blush stained her cheeks and she glanced up - which clearly was a mistake because their gaze connected.

Lia couldn't move, just kept staring into that spellbinding green eyes of his.

"How is the apple? " he suddenly asked, taking her by surprise.

"I-I don't understand" her heartbeat was in chaos. Why was the room suddenly hot, wasn't the AC on?

" How does it taste? " he rephrased his question.

"Urm...sweet probably? " She breathed when his face came so increasingly close that their breath would've been mingling together if he were human - right now, it was her breath hitting his face.

"You're not sure? " his brow raised "I guess I have to take a taste to find out " And that said, his mouth came down on hers, hard.

His tongue didn't waste time in gaining entry and Asher sucked her sweet nectar as if he wanted to engrave her taste into his memory.

"Asher" Lia spoke breathlessly after she pulled away " My mom could walk in on us any moment " She expressed her concern.

But Asher assured her "No she wouldn't "

Then Lia saw him move his hand, watching as the large sofa from across the room was invisibly pushed against the door effortlessly.

She stared at his action in disbelief, even if her mom did open the door, there was no way on earth she could push against that sofa alone.

"Problem solved, " Asher told her but before she could say a word, he captured her lips once again.

Lia could hardly comprehend what was going on, he was already on top of her and had pinned both of her hands against the bed.

He bent his head and whispered into my ears seductively "Since today is your birthday, what's the sexiest favor you want me to grant you right now "

Her eyes widened at his statement, sexy? Lia's throat dried up automatically, she just turned eighteen today and her mate was already ready to turn her into a bad girl.

Asher trailed kisses down her neck causing her to gasp out a reply "I don't know "

His eyes narrowed disbelievingly, so he used his teeth to graze that soft spot between her shoulder and her neck.

"What's that deep dark sexy scene you've always imagined secretly " he murmured against her skin causing her to shudder.

Lia arched her back, helpless against the sensations raging through her body.

"I don't know " she breathed, her brains couldn't think of one at the moment no matter how hard she tried.

Asher knew what he was doing and it was further confirmed by the wicked smile that appeared on his face

"I guess your brain needs a little reminder "

Then he boldly slipped his hand into her gown through the back opening,? ran his hand down the curves of her body sending tingles down her spine.

"My God " Lia moaned and dug her hands into the sheet, reeling from the pleasure her body was receiving.

She tried to rise but Asher pushed her back down on the bed.

" Going somewhere ?"

She shook her head negatively, her breaths were coming in-breath and her body was becoming ultra-sensitive to each touch.

"So do you know what you want now? "

"Yeah " Lia whimpered.

"Tell me what is it? " he asked, nibbling at her earlobe.

"Touch me "

Just those two ordinary words but it turned Asher on like crazy.

His smile broadened "Your wish is my command "

Then his hands already beneath her hospital gown unclasped her bra and pulled it off one shoulder, giving him access to one of the mounds on her chest.

Lia began to writhe on the bed just as Asher began to knead her bosom, teasing and stroking it just the way she wanted until she thought she would go crazy.

But at that moment when Lia thought of losing herself to her body sensation, a heavy pounding came on the door.

"My goddess Lia, open up!"

It was as if cold water was poured on Asher and he released a torrent of curses

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