The She-Devil And Her Alphas

Chapter 165 - One Hundred And Sixty-five : She Imprint On A Third One

Chapter 165 - One Hundred And Sixty-five : She Imprint On A Third One

"Why aren't you with your mate, I heard she's been discharged today," Sabrina asked him as she served him tea.

Placing the teacup on the short wooden stool beside his side of the sofa, she took a seat on the alternate sofa.

Eyes peeling open lazily, Asher sat with his leg crossed over the other and his head propped up on an elbow. He gazed down at the tea laying by his side, picked it up, and took a sip.

"I'm currently on the run " he confessed.

Sabrina who was stirring her tea chuckled, " Let me guess, one of her sides overlapped the other and you happened to be the scapegoat "

His eyelids snapped open, head-turning towards her, "How did you know? "

"I've always had a hypothesis" She answered concisely and took a sip,

"Your mate is not a natural hybrid, she was made and everything about her goes against the law of the universe "

"Natural or not, I don't give a damn"

"Want to hear another of my theories?"

" Why not, humor me "

There was a short silence as Sabrina finished consuming her tea while Asher watched her patiently.

"You and Daniel are not her only mate " Sabrina dropped the stunning news once she was done with her tea.

Asher froze, this time he dropped his cup of tea on its saucer, readjusted in his seat, and faced Sabrina with full attention.

"What are you talking about? "

She told him in a straightforward manner, "If she had two mates, what's the possibility she wouldn't imprint on a third one? "

"As if I would allow it? " he scoffed blatantly.

"Haven't you ever wondered why her scent is so damn irresistible to you bloodthirsty and night creatures? "

This time he didn't answer and let her continue spinning her thesis.

"Just as animals use scents to disclose their readiness to mate and to attract prey, among their many functions. I personally think Lia's scent is acting as some sort of sex pheromones to attract potential males from as far away as possible and when I say potential males- I mean Alphas..."

Asher stood to his feet, "That's impossible!" he roared in denial.

"Think about it, why is her scent so irresistible to the others when that's supposed to occur between the both of you alone, or she and Daniel since she has two? " Sabrina questioned him calmly.

Asher understood her point, Lia's scent was supposed to be alluring to him alone since he's her mate, not only him but also she and Daniel, since he's her mate too. To others, she should smell normally but that was not the case here.

It took a reasonable amount of self-control for vampires not to take her blood not to talk of werewolves; thankfully werewolves lived in packs and only a few lone wolves occupied Little Town else there would have been a mating frenzy with Lia around.

Suddenly his discussion with Daniel the night her wolf took overcame into his mind.

Daniel seems to have an inkling that their mate is an Alpha judging from the dominance and aggressiveness of her wolf plus the fact she's the first of their kind.

Could Sabrina's hypothesis be right? was that the reason she has two Alphas as a mate - at the moment? It's a known fact that most Alpha females tend to get mated to fellow Alpha males, the stronger sex who could match up to their strength and force their submission.

Asher licked his bottom lips while pacing up and down the room, his thoughts all over the place.

"Aah, there's another thing " Sabrina added.

Asher stopped in his tracks and glanced up at her with an irritated yet inquisitive gaze, "What now? "

"Right before I lost my powers, I did a secret test on your mate "

His brows lifted up, "And what did you find? "

"Her scent is like a drug, it's addictive"

Asher stood tongue-tied. The words were right at the tip of his tongue but he couldn't say it, his thoughts, mind, and will, were shattered into a million fragments.

"If you keep on taking in her scent, you might get hooked on it to the point that - "

"Daniel and I would refuse to let go, fighting each other to the death just to have her as a mate " He filled in the rest of her words correctly.

" Bingo! "

Asher was flabbergasted, mortified, angry, and petrified, a rollercoaster of intense emotion assaulted him at once. He ran his hand through his hair before flinging himself down in his seat, hands rubbing his jaw thoughtfully.

What did the Burning Eaglet hope to achieve from this? How does he and Daniel killing each other off contribute to their great plan? Something was missing here. Who knows, Sabrina might be wrong in some parts.

"Did you make the earrings before the incident? " he asked her, praying inwardly for a positive answer.

The only thing Asher could do now to stop him and Daniel from tearing each other apart in due time was to conceal her smell.

"Yeah, I did, " Sabrina answered but failed to capture the suspicious glint in Aster's eyes.

"Give me a sec, " She told him and walked into her room.

Asher's eyes narrowed together in deep contemplation, how did she make the necklace? During the questioning, Ben had told him she left to make a call which gave him the initiative to try on that mask.

She couldn't possibly alter that necklace in such a short time, right? Why did it feel like Sabrina was hiding something from him?

"Here "

His attention was grabbed when she tossed a small box towards him which he deftly caught with a hand.

Asher examined the box which looked no different than an engagement ring box. He opened it, exposing a white gold vintage style drop earrings made with diamonds.

" Nice work " He complimented her.

"Thank you " She responded back unfazed.

"Another thing," Asher said, drawing her attention back to him

" What is it? "

"When are you going to tell me about the boy? You must have figured out what he is already " came his blunt accusation.

"I truly admire your foresightedness. No wonder, the Nicoli pack is still standing tall despite the challenges it has seen. True, I know what Ben is already." She acquiesced.

" What creature is he? "

Sabrina laughed, " Not what creature he is " She corrected, " But what he is "

"What he is? "

She stood to her feet and strutted towards Asher with a smirk, " He's nothing but a human child born with a supernatural ability "

" What is he? "

"Et medium ultimum.The last medium "

Asher was taken aback when was a medium last heard of? Years? Centuries? Mediums were not exactly psychics, they were more like a bridge.

"At first, mediums were seen as an intermediary between the living and the dead. They had the ability to commune with the spirits of the dead and lost souls.

"But because they weren't full psychics and their ability was oftentimes connected to necromancy, we looked down on them.

"Everyone was ignorant to understand the full scope of their abilities until a witch discovered one powerful feature they themselves didn't know they had…" Sabrina faltered on purpose, confirming if Asher was still following her narration.

Their eyes met, "They could channel energies aka conduits. So the stealing of powers began and Mediums were hunted down like animals. No wonder Ben was able to see that mask notwithstanding the ward I placed on it; Necromancers and mediums are practically kissing cousins "

"Who else knows about this? " Asher, who wasn't amused by her dry humor, asked.

"The only visible being in this room at the moment "

"Keep it that way. Though hunting down mediums have been stopped but that can't guarantee his life would be safe " Asher informed her.

"You shouldn't worry about me but Ben himself, his ability is not exactly concealable "

"Oh, shit " Asher cursed out loud, shot up to his feet as if stung by a scorpion, and planned to leave when Sabrina called his name.

"Asher! " she flung something to him.

He turned around just in time to catch a shiny glass bottle with bubbling purple potion inside which made his brows raise questioningly.

"That would help expel any external force out of his body " She explained upon seeing his confused state.

With a grateful nod, Asher hurried out of her house. Of course, he knew what Sabrina was implying, mediums manifesting their abilities for the first time wasn't exactly a sight to behold.

Since a new medium normally has no idea of their ability nor their vulnerability, vengeful ghosts or souls could take advantage of their ignorance and control their bodies to achieve their purpose.

Since mediums were a bridge between the living and the dead, their duty was to listen and relay messages from spirits; the experienced medium knew how to ward off a spirit from possessing their body forcefully - only if they still existed, Ben was going to have it tough.

Asher didn't need to track down where the boy was since his mate was having a party, he would surely be there. He just hoped he was not too late.

Well, he would have to face his mate too. Today was truly his unlucky day.

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