The She-Devil And Her Alphas

Chapter 187 - One Hundred And Eighty-seven: Awakened

Chapter 187 - One Hundred And Eighty-seven: Awakened

Inside an empty room filled with fluorescent light, was a girl screaming her lungs out as visions upon visions flooded her head.

"How long is she going to remain like this?" Roman asked the overlord whose gaze rested on the dark-haired girl who had her hands to her ear and screaming continuously.

"As long as she masters and understands her vision," said Gazia, the council's overload for Little Town since they had their branches all over the world.

"Wouldn't it kill her" Roman inquired with a hint of panic, "She's been like that for months now"

"What doesn't kill her makes her stronger. If Cassie dies, then she isn't worthy to be the next seer"

Roman couldn't help but stare at the young girl once again with concern in his eyes. The space she was confined in was made with see-through glass, so they could monitor her activities closely.

So far, the only progress the girl has made was speaking in languages no one could understand - complete gibberish known to her alone as Gazia had called it.

Her spirit was still in control and until body and soul connected and became one, she would remain this way and eventually die - her body wouldn't be able to bear the stress.

"I'm curious though Roman, have you caught feelings for the girl in your care?"

"Of course not ' He lowered his head in fear,". I'm just concerned over her life " He answered her.

"Then let it remain that way, cause when the young seer awakens, she wouldn't need any form of distraction "Gazia informed him sternly.

Roman understood her hint, he shouldn't fall in love with the yet to be awakened seer so as not to distract her from her duties.

Who was he anyway? The overlord's errand boy and though some witches envied his position, he wished for his freedom.

"Keep me updated on her progress " The overlord instructed him, "I have a meeting to attend to " she sighed and left.

"Hey," Roman said to her though he knew she couldn't hear him, he loved keeping her company.

Leaning against the tempered glass walls, he watched her fight against her internal torments.

"It's another day today - a bright new day to be exact; the sun is hot today and the birds of course chipping as always "

His gaze softened, "How long till you see them? It's been two months already "

Her incomprehensible raving answered him.

Disappointed, his head dropped and he brought his knees up to his chest, what was he expecting?

"My heart! " He exclaimed from shock when he turned around, only to see the girl hitting the glass repeatedly but what stunned him was not her white eyes but the words coming from her mouth.

"When she rises, death and blood follow her trail," Cassie said six times in a row and slumped to the ground.

Roman froze, he could hear her words. Has she, by chance, awakened? The overlord has to hear this!

The young man hurried out of the room to inform his mistress of the good news.


"Earth we came and the earth we shall return to " Her dreary voice pierced through the graveyard

Sabrina watched as eleven open graves were sprinkled with a handful of sand.

It was still unbelievable; the death of Amala. Everything happened too quickly, it was still surreal to everyone who had come to witness the burial of the legendary witch and ten of her capable members.

No doubt, this was the doing of the Burning Eaglet, this catastrophic event opened everyone's eyes: The dark witches were back and stronger.

She and Amala had never been friends coupled with the fact she took away her powers - as everyone thought - but she had never wished her evil.

Once death was involved, there was nothing like bearing grudges; she was here to show her last respect.

"Let the fire light your path " The four standing bonfires surrounding each grave hissed and burned brighter.

The mass burial was being held by the surviving members of the falcon coven. Since both the leader and her assistant had been killed, one of them was elected by their members to conduct the burial.

"Let the wind direct you to the right path" she called as a gust of wind flew about, tossing everybody's hair for a while.

"Water to refill your thirst " The woman summoned a momentary drizzle with her magic.

This procedure was customary for witches once dead, for their soul to find peace and successfully cross over to the afterlife while their magic returns back to earth to be renewed- they came with nothing and shall leave with nothing.

The woman closed her eyes and muttered some incantations, her words a piece of incoherent music to the ears.

"Rest with the gods now " She finally said and stood from her kneeling position.

This scene was very familiar to Sabrina; the death of her family, coven members? In fact, she was now comfortable with death, everyone must surely die - even the immortal vampires would surely meet their end one day.

Able-bodied men, naked from the waist up and wearing pants began to fill the graves with sand drawing sobs

and devastated grieving from the crowd.

"No, this can't be true yet! My mother is not dead, give me back my mother!?"

One of Amala's daughters cried, almost throwing herself into the grave had the crowd not caught her on time.

Because they were murdered, they were all buried quickly to calm the grievance in their heart else they linger on earth in search of vengeance instead of finding peace.

Well, she had done her part.

Sabrina left the graveyard, away from the uncontrollable sobs and gloomy auras, she needed some positivity right now.

"Aren't you tired of tailing me already?" She asked after waking a safe distance away from the graveyard.

"You're too sharp for a witch, I wonder if you secretly have enhanced sensory organs? " Raphael emerged from his hiding place.

She scowled at home," Unlike you night creatures, our sixth sense works just fine "

"And I hope my request works just fine? "

"Is still under preparation, cut me some slack "

Raphael smiled, approached her, and gripped her jaw, tilting her face forward, "Don't play games with me Sabrina"

His gaze darkened just as his grip tightened," Trust me, you can't win "

She pulled away, "Why don't you come and have a look then "


Lia returned to her table and was surprised to see Ben and Dan together, what a weird combination. Ever since Sabrina lost her powers, Dan took out his anger on the poor boy.

"If you're here to torture him, then you should know that's not going to happen - not in my watch, " Lia told the vampire straightforwardly

"Who said anything about torturing him?" Dan asked her, his gaze moved to the usual tight-lipped Ben," Did I torture you? "

Ben shook his head but Lia knew he was lying, she had been with him for months now and could sense his mood, and right now, he reeked of anxiety.

But her attention was grabbed when Caroline entered the cafeteria with that new boy, what was his name again…. Eric, yes Eric.

Enemies were bound to meet on a narrow road, that fact was true cause the trouble maker approached their table.

"Here we go again" Lia mumbled under her breath exasperatedly. Some people were just born to annoy others.

"The murderer; freak; and the mysterious celebrity" She categorized them in one breath.

They ignored her.

"Hi, Lia" Eric smiled up at her.

"Hi, Eric " Lia replied for pleasantry's sake.

Caroline intertwined her hand with Eric's much to their surprise, but what shocked them more was when Dan spoke up.

"I'll be careful with that hand if I were you, someone used the toilet without washing "

Ben choked on his glass of water while Lia's mouth quirked helplessly. An uneasy look could be seen on Caroline's face while Eric's face widened in shock.

How did he know what he was thinking? Eric was a smart kid and with the information, he had gained lately, figured out he was dealing with a telepathic vampire. Alexa had not listed him, seems the both of them didn't communicate that much.

"Excuse me, but do you bear a grudge against me? Why would you lay such an accusation against me without proof?"

"Do I need a grudge to hate you? Besides, I know I'm right, you're just not man to admit it " Dan retorted without saving his face.

"Let's go " Caroline pulled him away but everyone could see she was cautious with that hand.

"That was… eww! " Lia commented, thanking her lucky God she had not shaken those hands.

"Stay away from that boy, " Dan said to her abruptly.

"Alright - wait, why? "

"Thankfully, I'm not the only one who gets paranoid with boys around you, " Remarked Ben who had been quiet all these times.

"I don't shiver, but goosebumps filled my arms when I tried to get into his mind. Don't just stay but flee away from him "

Lia frowned," Is he a supernatural? "

"I don't think so but take my advice; sometimes humans are more dangerous than the feared supernatural "

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