The Slacker Stepmother and the Non-Domineering CEO

Chapter 52: Accidentally, the netizens revealed the truth

Chapter 52

Though it was said that they had to organise their stuff, there was very little to rearrange. Their room had only a large bed and two tables tucked against the wall. With no cupboard to store clothing, they had to keep their clothes in the suitcases, managing only to lay out their toiletries on the table.

“Would you two prefer to sleep on the inside or outside?” Nian Suian asked Xiao Yan and Xiao Zheng.

“I'm fine either way.” Xiao Zheng was busy arranging her items as she replied.

“I don’t mind either. As long as I’m with my sister, I’m content,’’ Xiao Yan glanced at Xiao Zheng before telling Nian Suian.

“Alright, the two of you can sleep inside then. Peipei, you and I will sleep on the outer side.”

“Sure.” Qiao Peipei glanced at the bed, unfazed, for it didn’t matter where she slept.

The program group had kindly prepared uniform pillows and thin quilt for everyone. Over and done with organising their toiletries, they didn’t have much to do.

Qiao Peipei suggested to Nian Suian, “Let’s go check out my brother and his friends’ room.”

“Alright.” She was eager to check on Gu Zhijing anyway.

When they walked in, Gu Zhijing was the only one in the room, engrossed with his cellphone while lying on the bed.

“Where's my brother?”

Gu Zhijing looked up at the girls and got off the bed, “Yan said he was checking out the kitchen to see what could be made for lunch.”

Hearing this, Qiao Peipei quipped, “He never seems to be idle.”

“You shouldn’t be playing games on your phone all the time,” Nian Suian reminded Gu Zhijing, “You had promised your dad you’d finish your homework within two days. Since there are no tasks today, you can do it right after lunch.”

“Alright,” Gu Zhijing put his cell phone aside and obediently sat at the desk. He was the man of his words.

Seeing him follow the instructions, Nian Suian smiled approvingly, “Write your homework, and then you are free to play.”

After being assigned rooms, the live streaming was resumed. Not many viewers were watching this room, most of them were those drawn by Gu Zhijing and Qiao Yan's good looks.

〈Hahaha, I almost forgot, Zhijing is still a high school student, he has homework assignments to do〉

〈Oh my, such a handsome boy writing homework with the same expression as me〉

Nian Suian let Gu Zhijing stay in the room to finish his homework, while she and Qiao Peipei planned to check out the kitchen. By this time, it was getting late, and they were curious about lunch.

To their surprise, the kitchen was crowded and looked like lunch was already being prepared. Everyone appeared to be in harmony.

Qiao Yan couldn't cook, so he was taking care of the fire. Yue Qingchi was chopping the veggies, Fang Min was cooking, and Pei Zhi was washing vegetables and supporting everyone else.

Though Nian Suian and Qiao Peipei wanted to help, there wasn't much room for them in the kitchen. It also seemed like there was no area where they could interfere.

“Thank you all for your efforts today.”

“Not a problem at all, I love cooking,” Fang Min laughed heartily while flinging the spatula in the air, looking delighted. “Oh, I haven't used a stove like this since we moved into the city. I must tell you, the rice and dishes cooked on this stove are a lot more flavourful.”

Fang Min's spoken thoughts reminded many viewers of their own fond memories.

<I miss my grandma, as in my memory, her kitchen had this kind of stove, and her cooking was the best, too bad I can't taste it anymore.>

<I still get to taste this kind of pot-braised rice when I go back home for the New Year. I particularly love the crusty layer at the bottom of the pot, I always dig it out and eat it.>

<The dish that Yue Qingchi's mother stir-fried looks delicious, the guests are too lucky.>

<Looks like taking parents along is a must for attending reality shows, unlike that other reality show from next door where they don't even get to eat.>

Nian Suian and Qiao Peipei helped to carry two piles of bowls and chopsticks to the hall. After setting the tableware, they went back to bring the cooked dishes.

"We have a lot of people, can we all fit at this table?" As the name suggests, the Eight Immortals Table generally only seats eight people.

Nian Suian looked around, pulled a few square stools from the side, "If we squeeze a bit, we should be able to fit."

<This table really brings back memories of Lunar New Year at home, just like how we sit together for meals during the festival, and if there's not enough space, we squeeze and sit at the corner of the table.>

<I can't believe the crew actually didn't stir things up, everything seems quite harmonious right now.>

<It's only the first day, why the rush? Is there any of Wu's reality shows that don't maximize drama?>

Not only the audience, but the guests were also speculating. They were prepared for the crew to create situations where they must complete various tasks to earn meals or obtain ingredients. However, when they saw a fully stocked kitchen full of grains, oils, and even a refrigerator stocked with a fair amount of meat, they couldn't discern the crew's intentions.

The first meal at this place turned out to be quite grand. Given the number of people, a lot of dishes were prepared and, because everyone pitched in, they were cooked fairly quickly.

At mealtime, Ren Man didn't join everyone but picked some dishes herself and planned to eat in the bedroom, "Aunt Fang steamed egg custard for Zhuangzhuan (affectionate nickname for a child), I'll feed him in the room, we will eat alone in the room."

Gu Zhijing volunteered to sit at the corner of the table. Initially, Nian Suian planned to sit there, but Gu Zhijing stopped her, "Your arms are short, you won't be able to reach the dishes from the corner."

In the end, Nian Suian, Qiao Peipei, and Xiao Zheng squeezed onto one bench. It's a good thing all three of them are skinny; otherwise, they couldn't fit.

Yue Qingchi and Xiao Mo sat together, Pei Sheng and Qiao Yan sat together, Fang Min and Pei Zhi sat together, and Xiao Yan was pulled by Xiao Mo to sit next to him.

With no tasks to complete, everyone enjoyed a very harmonious and comfortable meal.

"Aunt Fang, your cooking is too delicious." Qiao Peipei gave a thumbs up after consuming two large bowls of rice.

As she was about to help herself to a third bowl, Nian Suian stopped her, "Can you really eat so much?"

Qiao Yan noticed and said to Nian Suian, "Don't worry, Suian. She has always been a big eater, she used to consume more milk than other kids when she was little."

Nian Suian was taken aback. She hadn't expected that Qiao Peipei, who appeared so petite, would have such a huge appetite.

Fang Min was also very pleased. At her son's home, they had a nanny to cook every day. Her son was busy with work, and even if she cooked, her son didn't have the time to eat. So, she was very glad about participating in this show with her son. At least they could spend some time together.

"I'm really shocked, Qiao Peipei can eat so much!"

"It's the first time I've seen a female star eat so much on a show."

"Going by what Qiao Peipei's brother implied, it seems like Peipei is a big eater."

"Is it just me who thinks this dish is mouthwatering? I don't even crave for my takeout anymore."

"To the person above, +1. I too could eat two bowls if this were the dish!"

"This reality show seems a bit dull. Apart from fans, I wonder who else would watch it. What's with the happy family setup in a reality show?"

"The tasks haven't started yet, right? Perhaps it'll change tomorrow."

"Yan Yan, do you want to rest or go out for a stroll after dinner?" Xiao Mo softly asked his sister.

"Brother, I want to rest in my room."

"Alright, let me know if you decide to go out later."

Many fans squealed in the live stream, commenting that Actor Xiao's tender words towards his sister were swoon-worthy.

"Xiao Mo is like this off-camera, I want to be this sister!"

"I'm so envious, I want to be Xiao Mo's sister."

"Don't be naive, being Xiao Zheng is really hard; having such a brother."

"The previous commenter, you are not Xiao Zheng, how would you know she's having a hard time."

"Anyone with eyes can see Xiao Mo's preferential treatment. Only Xiao Mo fans would deny the obvious."

"Is Xiao Zheng not his real sister? If that's the case, I can understand Xiao Mo's actions."

"Can you stop twisting facts? Xiao Zheng's face is a replica of Xiao Mo's, how can she not be his biological sister?"

"You're right, going by appearance, Xiao Yan doesn't look like his biological sister."

"Oh wow, someone has guessed the truth."

"Wait, don't run away. Do you know something we don't?!"

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