The Strongest Assassin Reincarnates in Another World

Chapter 195 195 - Skill Choice

Chapter 195 Chapter 195 - Skill Choice

Aiden reappeared in a room completely alone with a screen not far away from him.

There was nothing else inside that room except that small little tablet which was on a small pedestal.

Aiden didn't ask himself too many questions as he started to advance toward it as he could already guess what was on it.

On this little screen was where he would be making his choice about what skill he would select and what weapon he would want.

As he approached the small screen, he saw what seemed to be a logo of first place.

It was a little "#1" in the top left of the screen which probably meant that he had access to more things than the others who had gotten access to that little interactive screen.

Then, finally reaching it, he was able to analyze it for the very first time since appearing in this room.

There he saw what seemed to be filters to choose certain categories of skills.

[Skill Choice]

[Class Filters]

[No Restriction]

[Assassin-Class Restricted]

[Enchantress-Class Restricted]


Right beside all of those choices was a little box where Aiden could click on to select what filters he wanted.

Aiden didn't think for too long as he chose the filters [No Restriction] and [Assassin-Class Restricted].

He didn't have to look at the rest of them since they would have no impact since he wouldn't be even able to use them in the first place.

Then, after clicking on the filters that he wanted for his skill selection. Something else appeared.

[Confirm your choices?]

Aiden didn't even think for a single moment as he said "Yes."

Then, the little interactive screen made appear many different skills which all respected the filters that he had selected before that.

There were no skills that weren't for Assassins or unrestricted ones.

Every skill was usable for Aiden and that was exactly what he wanted.

Then, he started to analyze all the skills that were available to him, but he realized that would take a really long time.

There were just too many skills shown and it's not like wanted to see all the ones that weren't graded well.

Aiden didn't care about the skills that were Rated Green and below, they were just not interesting enough especially when Aiden could only have a maximum of five skills

He needed to find those who were at least Rated Blue or else it didn't really matter.

That's why Aiden started to touch the little interactive screen in search of a skill that he would like the most, and after searching for minutes and hours. He seemed to have found one that was interesting.

It was Blue Rated since Aiden couldn't find anything with a higher rank than that one.

However, it really was a good skill, even better than [Gentle Touch]. It was a skill that he would be able to use in his trials, and in his daily life.

A skill which he would be able to use every day without any problem at all.

[Face Changer]

[Rank: Blue]

[Restriction: Assassin-Related Skill]

[Description: With this skill, you will be able to hide your identity whenever you want. You will be able to modify your face as you wish.]

[Cost: 10 Mana]

[Duration: One Hour]

[Cooldown: One Day]

With this skill, Aiden would be able to change at the most crucial moments which could potentially help him in future trials and also in his daily when he would need to hide from the Nightshades.

Then, after making sure that this was the skill that he wanted, he simply looked a little down and saw that there were two propositions for him, a "Yes" and a "No".

[Obtain the skill?]



Aiden didn't waste too much time as he simply pressed the "Yes" button, then as soon as he did the Skill Book literally appeared out of nowhere in his hands.

Then, the usual beeping noise resounded in his mind instantly.


[Do you want to learn this skill?]

[Careful, you only have three skill slots left before being unable to learn more.]

Reading the warning from the system, Aiden hesitated for a little wondering whether or not it was a good idea to actually learn.

However, he quickly made up his mind and decided to learn it as he knew that he would be able to make good use of it in the future.

Maybe it didn't seem that good for others, but it would literally change Aiden's life considering his current situation with the Nightshades.

'Yes, I want to learn it.'

Then, the skill book disappeared from his hands and when he opened his system he could see his new skill written inside it, ready to be used.

However, Aiden had no need to use it instantly so, he didn't try it right away. He didn't even know if someone was watching him.

This was a weird place after all, who knew where Melinda and the rest of them were able to observe things?

That's why Aiden decided that this wasn't the time to be doing such things.

"Alright, now what?" asked Aiden out loud as the screen of the interactive screen was now completely dark with nothing on it.

And no matter how many times Aiden would try to hit it, there would be absolutely no answer from the small screen as if it became completely dead.

Then, the screen lighted up out of nowhere finally showing some content on it. However, this time it was different, it wasn't a selection of weapons.

There were multiple pictures of blacksmiths shown with a little description attached to each of them.

In the description, there were a lot of details about the talent and experience of the particular blacksmith.

As Aiden started to search for the best ones, he saw that some of the pictures were gray with a small message written on their picture.

[Already Chosen.]

However, when Aiden tried pressing on their pictures, an unexpected message appeared.

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