The Strongest Assassin Reincarnates in Another World

Chapter 226 226 - Completing the First Challenge

Chapter 226 Chapter 226 - Completing the First Challenge




"Congrats young man!" shouted the old man as he slowly but surely got closer to Aiden.

Then as the old man was getting closer it seemed that his mind was somewhere else entirely as he gave Aiden quite a weird look.

Sure, he had congratulated him, but it was still weird.

What changed?

The Reaper hadn't been able to do it for multiple and multiple days, and after some words from that old man, everything had been fixed.

It was weird, really weird, however, no matter how much the old man thought about it, he had no idea how that was even possible in the first place.

Hearing the congrats from the old man, Aiden was somewhat happy since it felt good to have succeeded in creating an aura, especially after all this time.

"Thank you," responded Aiden, without showing much emotion, keeping them inside him.

"It's no problem, it's no problem, but what changed between the attempts before and now?" asked the old man as he simply couldn't get rid of that question, it was implemented into his mind.

Aiden hearing this decided that he would simply be lying to him since he didn't want to reveal that he failed because he was trying to mix two energies together.

Still, thinking about that subject, Aiden had no choice but to imagine a situation where he had been able to mix those two energies together.

He couldn't imagine what the result would be if he mixed both Qi and Mana together, what would happen?

Would he get a similar result?

Aiden didn't know if he would, but he had no doubt that the aura that he would be creating by combining those two energies would be much stronger.

"Nothing, nothing changed. I just had an idea and it seemed that I was right," replied Aiden, lying without much difficulty.

"Hm, an idea, huh?" muttered the old man, unsure about how much truth that answer held.

It seemed like the answer that the Reaper had just given wasn't completely a lie and not completely the truth, it was a mix of the two.

Then, as the old man said that he returned back to his sitting position, this time, with his eyes open, waiting for the Reaper to slash that rock wide open.

Because Aiden still hadn't completed the first challenge, he had only succeeded in making an aura. Now, all that was left was to slash that rock in two with a single strike.

Simple, right?

'Alright, you fucking rock come here,' thought Aiden as he got closer and closer to that rock, preparing himself.

Then, a blue light started being emitted by the dagger, it seemed that this was the result of the mana which was being used when creating the aura.

If Aiden were to use Qi with the Mana, the colour would probably be different, still, there was no way to prove this as Qi was extremely rare.

Having the aura on the blade of the dagger, Aiden smiled underneath his mask as he knew that this rock would be cut as if it were literal butter.

He, then, started moving his dagger downwards without an ounce of strength, letting the aura do all of the work.

The rock slowly started getting cut without any resistance it seemed that the aura, Aiden had created was working perfectly without any problems, not that there should be problems.

After a few seconds, Aiden had now cut the entire boulder in two with a single strike.

He had finally done it after days of endless training.

Right after cutting it in two, Aiden barely glanced at it as he immediately turned to face the old man.

"So, where's the next challenge old man?" said Aiden.

Hearing the Reaper call him old, hurt him a little as he couldn't help but correct him.

"Old man? Use my name instead of insulting me like this, Dan," replied the old man, not even answering Aiden's question.

Aiden was a little frustrated with that, but he was happy to finally learn the name of that sleepy person who was surely extremely strong.

There was no way that he was weak after all, he could only be strong there was no doubt in Aiden's mind about that part.

Seeing the glare that Aiden was giving him, Dan realized that he needed to answer his question and guide him to where Isolde was currently.

"Right! The second challenge, follow me," said Dan, as he slowly stood up and started going toward the exit of the training course.

Aiden was already quite impatient in knowing where he would go, but he had no other choice than to follow Dan, the old man.

He didn't know if the second challenge was close or far away, but he knew one thing. He was on schedule.

Sure, it had taken him a long time to finally create an aura for his weapon, but it really wasn't that bad since it had only taken him two days and he basically had the whole month left.

It was quite clear that Aiden wasn't in a rush to complete the next challenges, but he would still do so since he wanted to reach Melinda, to learn her technique.

That was the reason why he had joined this training in the first place after all.

After a few minutes of walking around aimlessly only following Dan, it seemed that they were reaching the next destination since Aiden could already hear a voice which closely resembled Isolde's, but that wasn't the only voice that could be heard at the moment as there was another feminine voice.

"What are you doing? Where are you even looking at?" said the unknown feminine voice.

'I wonder what sort of challenge it would be this time,' thought Aiden as he couldn't help but imagine challenges in his head with what he had just heard.

Was it something related to someone's vision, like spotting stuff?

Aiden couldn't confirm any of his ideas before actually getting there, so he dismissed those useless thoughts as he observed the environment of the second challenge and he had to say that it was a weird one.

It seemed that they were in some sort of forest which was right in the backward of the Emberbane Estate, well... it was in their backward because of how big it is.

But, in reality, it really wasn't that close if we're being honest.

The other thing was that inside the forest everything was extremely dark as Aiden was currently having some difficulties seeing Dan's figure which wasn't too far away from him at the moment.

And the weirdest part about all this was that Aiden should have extremely good vision in the dark because of his past training.

'Maybe my vision skills weren't transferred to this world?' thought Aiden as he literally had no other ideas of what it could be.

He had trained like a madman in his past life to be able to see everything, so it really was weird that it could only see a couple of steps in front of him.

Then, as he kept following Dan, the voice of that unknown person kept getting louder and louder, it seemed that they were now quite close to Isolde's spot.

"Are you blind?" continued shouting the feminine voice.

After hearing that, Aiden was now pretty much convinced that this trial was related to vision, and like seeing in the dark, stuff like that.

Why else would she be talking so much about being blind or not being able to see something, that was the only option and to be honest, Aiden didn't mind it since it would once again help him in the future if he needed to infiltrate somewhere really dark.

Either way, all skills are useful even the most absurd ones.

Then, as Aiden kept walking behind Dan, the old man completely stopped walking forward, turning toward Aiden getting his face close to one of Aiden's ears.

"Be careful of that crazy person, you'll see that she's the type to shout... a lot," whispered Dan, seemingly speaking from experience.

'Well, I already noticed that,' thought Aiden, as he had heard her screaming from the entrance of that dark forest.

"You'll see that I'm much better, well a lot more relaxing at least," said the old man as it seemed that he didn't have the greatest relationship with whoever was the owner of that voice.

Seeing that Aiden wasn't answering, Dan once again turned around and he kept walking in the direction of that feminine voice. Although, a bit slower than before it seemed that he didn't want to see the owner of that voice.

Then, as the shouts of that person were getting even louder than before, they suddenly stopped.

'Did something happen?' thought Aiden as it was the first time that there was absolutely no noise inside the forest.


Aiden jumped back as he hadn't expected someone's face to appear right beside his.

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