The Strongest Assassin Reincarnates in Another World

Chapter 38 Monsters Attacking

As Aiden was taking guard on the tent that they had set up, he started questioning why he needed to do so.

'Are there monsters in this forest, if so why didn't she tell me?' thought Aiden.

As Aiden was thinking about whether or not, there were monsters or not in this forest, he started hearing growlings nearby.

But thinking that it was only normal animals, Aiden quickly dismissed them and went back to waiting.

'Should I go to sleep, I'm sure there won't be any problem either way,' thought Aiden as his eyes were starting to close by themself.

Fatigue overwhelmed him and he felt asleep right outside of the tent with monsters nearby who were ready to pounce on him at any moment.

Was he going to wake him in time, or would he get woken up as he is being eaten by a monster?

A few moments after Aiden had fallen asleep, a little green monster was entering the camp they had just made.

It was a goblin, he felt that the presence who was guarding this place had suddenly disappeared and he decided to use this opportunity to attack them and steal some of their items.

The goblin was armed with a little sword that corresponded to his small green body. He approached discretely Aiden who was on the ground, face first, he really did fall asleep.

As it was getting closer and closer to Aiden, he started moving his dagger closer to the neck of Aiden.

Aiden who was a trained assassin had obviously woken up long ago, feeling the presence creeping up on him.

After all, this was part of his basic training as an assassin always be ready for any sort of attack even if you don't expect it.

Aiden had let the small creature enter the camp to see what it would do first and he felt that it was coming toward him, he already knew what it would try to do.

Aiden gripped his dagger while still faking his sleep, when the goblin got close enough Aiden slashed behind a speed which was extremely fast and depicatated the goblin in a single strike.

[You have killed a goblin.]

[You have gained 40 XP.]

After killing the goblin, it seemed that some sort of signal was sent because a lot more of the growling from earlier was starting to be heard and it was getting closer from all around them. 

Noticing Aiden decided to wake up Mia to let her know that they were being attacked.

"Mia! We're being attacked, wake up!" shouted Aiden as hard as he could still trying to make sure that she would be waking up.

After all, he didn't want her to die in her sleep by a monster which had slipped from his hands.

Mia hearing a shout opened her eyes not understanding what was happening. 

She didn't understand what Aiden had just shouted, she inly had woken because of the noise created by it.

As she opened the tent, she saw a horrible scene, goblins, animals, and different types of monsters were all on the ground dead but that wasn't all as she turned her head toward the left, she could see Aiden who was still fighting against at least five monsters at the same time.

'Doesn't he look hot right now?' thought Mia, as she started blushing because of what she had just thought of.

It's just that how fierce his face looked that completely seduced Mia, but it wasn't the time to think about this.

She quickly changed her mind and went straight out the tent wanting to help Aiden who, in reality, wasn't having much difficulty fighting those monsters because if he got hurt than he could regenerate and his weapon was excellent, only needing a single hit per monster.

It truly was different from the first trial where his weapon were so dull that he needed multiple strikes to kill zombies.

It felt great to Aiden to have that feeling once again of being a Reaper, decapitating his enemy in a single strike. He had missed it even if he didn't want to admit it.

He was immersed into killing those beasts that he didn't even notice Mia who was approaching him.

He didn't notice her presence since she didn't have the objective of hurting Aiden.

Any monster in the facility who wanted to hurt Aiden would be felt by his incredible senses.

Shortly after entering that trance of his, he had killed every monster who were around him with Mia who had no been able to do anything because of how fast Aiden was at killing those monsters. 

It truly was impressive, that it once again made her think of how beautiful looking he was right now, with small amount of monster blood on his face.

'He looks like a Reaper, ready to kill anyone who approaches him,' thought Mia, having absolutely no idea of how close her statement was close to the reality.

Suddenly, Aiden looked besides him and finally noticed that Mia had been watching him all this time.

"So, how was it, was I able to protect you?, ahaha" said Aiden as he started laughing which dropped the tension in the air between the two of them.

"Ye-yeah, it was fine, you were great," said Mia, having difficulty speaking as she turned around and went back into the tent.

"Wait! Isn't my turn to sleep?" said Aiden who was now really sleepy after defeating all those monsters.

"Oh and don't worry about being attacked by monsters, I'm quite sensitive to noise while sleeping," said Aiden.

"Sure, you can sleep but let me reorganize the inside of the tent, first. I didn't plan for us two to sleep at the same time," said Mia as she started going into the tent making sure that there was some sort of wall in between the two of them so that they wouldn't touch each other at all, scared that something might happen.

After she was done, she called Aiden into the tent and they both slept well. This time, not being distracted by any monster.

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