The Strongest Dragon in the Era of Beast Taming

Chapter 484 - 478: Giant Dragon Challenges to Battle

Chapter 484: Chapter 478: Giant Dragon Challenges to Battle

The Star Moon Dragon fell silent!

It indeed yearned for the outside world but was also afraid of the vast world beyond the dungeon.

Perhaps no one knew that from the moment it was born, the world appeared different in the Star Moon Dragon’s eyes!

Being particularly sensitive to Time Arcane Force, it could perceive the dangers present everywhere in the future world.

Although the scenes it saw were hard to judge as true or false, and were fragmented, both the Mysterious Deity hidden in the void’s fault and the soon- to-collapse Yggdrasil were enough to cause great damage to the Blue Star’s vital energy, or even bring about the extinction of most races.

Therefore, the Star Moon Dragon decided to stay in this small world refusing to sign Beast Taming Contracts with mediocre trainers and grow safely with the help of a Great Grandmaster Pharmacist’s resources to seek a glimmer of hope in the future.

“Meh!” ( -~) (No need, it’s good to stay here!)

The Star Moon Dragon habitually shook its head in refusal.

It then casually handed David Jones a Primordial End, intending to see the fragmented future of this human being.

Huh, it’s actually an existence I can’t see through!”

The Star Moon Dragon paused momentarily and looked at David Jones seriously for the first time.

Compared to those Legendary Beastmasters whose futures were predictable, the trainer with a fuzzy future was worth taking seriously.

Seeing the Star Moon Dragon refuse, Lilith Hoyle looked curiously at David

Jones only to find no sign of surprise on his face.

“Hmm, not bad, he can keep his composure!”

If it were easy to conclude a Beast Taming Contract with smooth persuasion, the dragon would not have fallen into David’s hands.

“Would you mind if I help you with a massage?”

As soon as David Jones finished speaking, he reached out with his right hand without waiting for the dragon’s response, planning to create a fait accompli. “Meh?”( ? <> ? )?(Massage?)

The Star Moon Dragon looked at David Jones in confusion, feeling a bit out of sync with David’s train of thought.

What was a massage? Didn’t trainers need to prove their strength through battles to tame pet beasts these days?

Why wasn’t this guy playing by the rules!

The Star Moon Dragon extended its right claw, trying to block David’s restless arm.

However, at the moment its claw came into contact with David’s palm, the pleasure from the depths of its soul caused the Star Moon Dragon to shudder involuntarily.

“Meh?”(0vo)(What’s going on?)

As if a switch within its body had been turned on, the Star Moon Dragon’s claw, which it had intended to push David away, suddenly tightened, gripping David’s palm without letting go.

Feeling the warmth in his hand, David Jones smiled and transformed all his imposing Arcane Force into Dragon-Wielding.

“I’m meeting you for the first time, and I can already control you directly. It seems my good disciple has hidden a lot of secrets!” Lilith Hoyle’s eyes flashed with surprise, and her confidence in David Jones’ successful contract increased. “Meh!”(* )(More, please!)

At this point, the Star Moon Dragon was too preoccupied to care about David’ s offensive move, with its entire attention immersed in the unknown energy that brought it comfort and pleasure within its body.

Under the influence of this pure energy, it subconsciously released the Primordial End skill at David once again.

Unlike all the previous dark scenes, this time, it not only saw David’s figure but also saw itself beside David in the future.

“How is it possible that I actually followed this man!”

The Star Moon Dragon’s mouth gaped open, and the entire dragon snapped back to reality.

It was a pretty steady dragon. It would not leave the comfort of the dungeon for a long time without a good reason. This trainer must have given it an irresistible offer!

With that thought in mind, the Star Moon Dragon had an idea.

Its unattainable pursuit was simple: to have the right to control its own life and to fly freely in the vast universe.

To achieve this, however, there was no way to do it without sufficient strength!

“Let me see your future!” With the connection of Dragon-Wielding energy within its body, the Star Moon Dragon’s eyes turned to a certain scene of the future.

It was a city on the brink of destruction.

The Earth broke apart, and there was a massive crack in the sky. Thousands of people knelt on the ground in despair, weeping.

Seeing this, the Star Moon Dragon paused for a moment and looked at the rift in the picture.

Dense and mysterious beasts were constantly pouring out of the dark rift. At the forefront of the Mysterious Beast group, there was an enormous shadow with an aura like a Mysterious Deity rampaging and crushing everything around it.

Facing this terrifying figure, the Star Moon Dragon saw itself holding its ground without losing its momentum.

“So, I can be that strong too!”

That was the thought that suddenly surged in the Star Moon Dragon’s mind.

Meanwhile, David, watching the Star Moon Dragon immersed in the Dragon- Wielding enhancement, smiled inwardly.

As expected, no Dragon Pet can resist the temptation of the Dragon-


Soon enough, five minutes passed, and seeing the young dragon’s clear eyes before him, David Jones invited it again.

“After signing the Beast Taming Contract with me, you ‘ll not only get daily massages like this, but I’ll also help you become stronger!

“What do you think?”

The Star Moon Dragon pondered for a moment, its brownish-golden eyes gazing seriously at David Jones.

“Only a strong one that can defeat me is worthy of my approval. Let’s have a battle!

“If you win, I’ll sign the contract with you. If you lose, all bets are off. What do you think?”

As there were many inaccuracies in the future observed using the Primordial End, it would not surrender unilaterally because of a possibly erroneous future.

“No problem.” A smile appeared on David Jones’ face.

He managed to shatter a Class V Overlord True Dragon; defeating an upper-level Class IV King Dragon Pet would be a sure thing!

This stubborn one is finally willing to compromise!” Lilith, watching from the side, couldn’t help but nod her head.

Then she waved her hand, and the surrounding scenery changed rapidly like a whirlwind. A spacious, fully-equipped battle platform suddenly appeared.

“This is the place where I usually train pet beasts. It should be fine for a battle ” Lilith said.

“Do you need to prepare in advance?” David asked.

“Meh! “(No need!)

The Star Moon Dragon spread its wings and directly appeared on the battle platform, hooking its claw at David Jones.

“It seems to be eager!” Lilith smiled.


As David’s thoughts moved, Rainbow, who had been watching from a distance, instantly appeared beside him. Its bright golden dragon eyes carefully scrutinized its future teammate on the stage.

“Yi!”( )(Are you sure it’s this one? It’s so ugly!)

Rainbow’s face showed a hint of disgust.

“Don’t talk nonsense!” David glared at Rainbow annoyed.

Perhaps it was because of the different aesthetic standards between the dragon race and humans. The domineering Star Moon Dragon, which looked incredibly powerful in his eyes, appeared quite ordinary to Rainbow.

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