The Strongest Dragon in the Era of Beast Taming

Chapter 487 - 481: Red Earth Elixir

Chapter 487: Chapter 481: Red Earth Elixir


The Star Moon Dragon silently muttered a few words, its emotions a complex mix.

Upon seeing this, a smile inevitably appeared on David Jones’ face.

The name had come to him in a flash of inspiration. “Loona” was an ancient surname from a past life, also containing the meaning of a sheep’s noise which happened to match the roar of the Star Moon Dragon.

“Let me introduce you. These are your companions Rainbow, Daphne, and the Gluttonous Beast. All of you are dragon-type pet beasts, so it is likely you’ll have lots to chat about.”

David introduced Loona to each of his three pets by name.

“Mi!” (.-m-)/ (Hello!)

Daphne raised her claw, greeting them in a friendly manner.

“Roar!” ■-?(‘□ ‘)(I’ve collected information on all the high-end restaurants in the Flowery Kingdom online. Let’s eat together when we have time!)

As far as the Gluttonous Beast was concerned, eating was an easy way to improve relationships. This wasn’t because it was greedy and planned on tasting the top-rated restaurants from across the country.

“Yii!”(o<» ’)/(Hello, take care of me in the future.)

Rainbow stared at Loona, then moved her gaze away arrogantly. Other than her combat methods making the dragon nauseous, she did not actually dislike her new companion.

Seeing the friendly and harmonious interaction of the three pets before him, Loona was stunned and felt a warmth deep within her heart.

She had originally thought that it would take a considerable amount of time to get along with a new team. Now it seemed, she had overthought.


Loona swung her dragon paw, and a beautiful stream of starlight fell towards the positions of David and the three pets.

Daphne and the Gluttonous Beast didn’t dodge, allowing the soft starlight to quietly absorb into their bodies under their curious eyes. They, in turn, felt a somewhat ethereal sensation, even their physical strength had increased imperceptibly.

Rainbow, who had fought with Loona before, was initially inclined to dodge the starlight infusion. But upon seeing Loona’s smiling face, she hesitated for a moment and ultimately chose to stand firm.

Trainers believed that companions were meant for trust and reliance, not treachery!

“The extent to which the starlight enhances the body is very obvious. If I constantly undergo the starlight infusion, I might be able to cultivate the Tigrex Dossier to the third stage in half a year and possess the power to confront a fifth-tier King.”

At this moment, David, having quickly digested the starlight in his body, increasingly brightened his eyes when looking at Loona.

Indeed, he had made the right choice!

Among the three dragon species, the Star Moon Dragon’s species skill could enhance his growth rate.

With the continuous enhancement of his Arcane Star and physical strength, his Dragon-Wielding talent could further metamorphose.

“Alright, we are almost out of time, we should get going!”

Realizing the time, Lilith Hoyle activated her imagination and instantly the surrounding environment transformed into a refined and technologically advanced office space, yet tidy and well-organized.

Seeing his teacher’s skill in spatial transition, David looked on with a trace of envy in his eyes.

His demands were not high. If there were a chance, he would also like to use a high-tier Star Ring to stabilize a Fifth-order (Apprentice) Dungeon.

Regrettably, there were limited uncharted dungeons in the Flowery Kingdom! Every time a Blessed Dungeon descended into the territories of the Flowery Kingdom, the local Trainer Guild would take it over to develop and occupy it. Only after thoroughly exploring the dungeon would the Trainer Guild consider selling it to the public, with the aim of enticing strong trainers to settle there, strengthen the city’s power and deal with the threats posed by mysterious beasts and exotic beasts.

For David to find an unowned dungeon and set a fixed anchor point with the Star Ring, he could only venture into the dangerous Savage Wasteland, full of crises and opportunities, beyond the Flowery Kingdom.

Seeing David Jones’s envious glance, Lilith Hoyle laughed and suggested,

“The Star Moon Auction Event is full of treasures. Occasionally a Dungeon goes up for sale; if you want to add a fixed Dungeon to your Star Ring, consider buying at the auction.”


At that moment, a violent current rushed in from the window, whipping up their teacher’s silver hair.

“That’s enough, Grau. Don’t knock over my Cicada Silver Flower!”

At the sound of Lilith Hoyle’s voice, the mighty dragon outside the window slowed down its movement.

[Beast Name]: Grau the Mysterious Dragon

[Species Level]: Epic Overlord (Bloodline Awakening ongoing)

[Strength Level]: Top-tier Class VII (halfway to Legend)

Upon seeing this information about Grau using his Spirit Eye, David Jones’s pupils contracted sharply.

He hadn’t seen Grau for only four months, yet he was already close to breaking through to Legend.

“Hey, long time no see, David Jones!” Grau waved and laughed.

“We have plenty of time to catch up later.”

Lilith Hoyle interrupted Grau’s words and then jumped onto its broad back, and David Jones followed.

Soon, a heavily-guarded Portal Square gradually came into David’s view.

To his surprise, the Beast Legion who guarded the square just looked at Grau once, then opened the door and respectfully saluted.

Seeing David’s surprise, Lilith spoke up: “Grau is a strategic weapon partner of the military and has a high status. Riding the city’s portal is not only free, but also has no waiting. First in, first out.”

“Strategic weapon partner?” David looked at Grau.

Owning an Alchemy skill was one thing, but could his brother also be a Blacksmith Grandmaster?

“In a sense, the poisonous pills he makes can be called Weapons of Mass Destruction on the battlefield. Their power is amazing. They’re strictly controlled by the Beast Legion of Rosewood City and are forbidden to flow out.

If you want something for self-defense, Grau’s poisonous pills are a good choice. The only thing you need to keep in mind is not to accidentally poison yourself,” Lilith explained.

Upon hearing this, David became interested and smacked Grau’s Dragon Scales. “How much for your toxic pills, brother?”

“I’ll give you two Red Earth Elixirs to keep you safe. They’re free. Just let me know when you’ve used them up!” Grau rumbled.

“Red Earth Elixir? Isn’t that too much!” Lilith rose an eyebrow.

Loona seemed to have underestimated Grau’s feelings for David. Grau dared to give David even a great weapon like Red Earth Elixir, which the Trainer Guild explicitly forbid.

(Red Earth Elixir]: It’s a Class VIIS tier poison pill. A terrifying poison pill made by Grau the Mysterious Dragon using the pure toxic blood in its body. A specific spiritual imprint is needed to unlock the blast, and its power is extremely strong.

Even a Seventh-tier Overlord Beast at the center of a Red Earth Elixir’s explosion might risk falling and dying, it has the power to flatten an entire city instantly!

Simply put, a poison pill of the level of Red Earth Elixir is way over the top for David.

This isn’t as simple as a kid walking down the street with a Gatling gun. It’s like a kid wandering around the street with a nuclear bomb launcher. There’s always a risk of killing himself.

“It’s fine, David has a Black Dragon Badge and Lolo for protection. Plus my specially made Detoxification Elixir, there will be no danger!” Grau explained.

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