The Strongest Dragon in the Era of Beast Taming

Chapter 53 - 53: Steep Cliff Cave (Please continue reading!)

Chapter 53: Chapter 53: Steep Cliff Cave (Please continue reading!)

Translator: 549690339

The Ice Herb had a blend of white and light blue colors, with a faint mist flowing around its white root.

The light blue branches and leaves were covered in a thin layer of white frost, and the entire herb had a refreshing and subtle fragrance.

Although this herb was only a Class III resource, it was the main evolution material for mainstream ice-type pets available in the market, and it was even one of the main pet resources for the evolution of Coldjade Snake into Coldjade Python.

The value of the herb itself was comparable to that of a Class III elixir.

David Jones was pleasantly surprised by this unexpected gain.

He glanced at Rainbow who was beside him. She was staring at the Ice Herb intently, her big watery eyes filled with eagerness.

“If you keep staring at it, you’ll drool!” David Jones teased with a smile.

“Yah!” (‘ /‘*)/ (No I won’t!)

Rainbow subconsciously looked at the corner of her mouth and when she realized that she had been tricked by her trainer, she turned her face away disdainfully.

“I’ll hold onto this herb for you until you advance to Class I.”

As he spoke, David Jones took a jade box from his Star Ring, poured in some nutrient solution, soaked the root part of the Ice Herb, then sealed the box under Rainbow’s reluctant gaze.

This way, he could maximize the freshness of the elixir while minimizing the loss of medicinal properties.

As for the remaining herbs, he simply packed them all together and placed them in his Star Ring.

“Yiya!”?? (I knew it!)

Rainbow looked at the Ice Herb with a pang of regret, then helplessly shook her head, realizing it was the usual bait-and-switch tactic.

She was a snake that could surf the internet, and she felt a bit like the human babies in the videos who had their New Year’s money taken away by their parents when her trainer did this.

“Fine, as long as David Jones doesn’t reduce the number of daily strengthening sessions, I don’t mind taking a bite of the cake,” Rainbow thought silently.

David Jones couldn’t help but smile, then gently tapped Rainbow’s head with his finger, “What are you thinking about?”

He figured it out that Rainbow liked to slander him in front of his face, knowing full well that they could communicate their thoughts freely through the contract.

Why couldn’t she just say what she wanted? It seemed that Rainbow would never change this bad habit!

After collecting the herbs from the tree hollow,

David Jones looked down at the motionless, surprisingly courageous forest owls below.

After some thought, he took out some Spirit Fish and lower grade ice-type Arcane Crystals from his Star Ring and put them in the hollow.

Compared to the harvest he took away, this little expense was nothing.

David Jones simply didn’t want the beast duo that brought him such great surprise to die in the cold due to lack of food.

“Let’s go, it’s time to move on.”


Rainbow quickly responded, then expertly coiled her slender body around David Jones while her eyes vigilantly scanned the surroundings.

In order to save time, David Jones chose to leap down from the tree and continued heading straight north.

The snow in the sky gradually thinned, and he kept an eye on the snow-covered ground, wondering if there were any missed pet resources under the snow.

David Jones felt it was a pity, as the pristine snow concealed all traces on the ground, causing him to miss countless herbs or ores along the way.

An hour later, the snowfall stopped.

“Don’t let your guard down; after the snow, there will probably be quite a few beasts coming out to hunt for food!”

“Yiya!” ‘ )/ (Understood!)

The faint light blue glow in Rainbow’s eyes, which had disappeared before, slowly reappeared.

Previously, in order to maintain her good mental state, she only used confusion to scan and investigate her surroundings when in a dense forest or in a dangerous terrain.

In the shadow of a snow-covered rock, there was a cluster of Purple Herbs with a slightly frosty surface swaying gently in the breeze.

At this time, David Jones was carefully digging around the Purple Herbs with a shovel, and then collected the five Purple Herbs in front of him, along with the mud, into his Star Ring.

Fortunately, when passing by, he happened to glance in this direction, otherwise, he would have almost missed these herbs hidden under the rocks.

“Yayiya!” (v^v#) (Can’t fit anymore!)

With an angry face, Rainbow looked at David Jones, if he kept putting things in the Star Ring like this, her home would soon be too crowded for her to live in!

“Okay, okay, that’s it.”

David Jones chuckled dryly, he had thrown every valuable thing he encountered on the way into the Star Ring, so it was no wonder that Rainbow was losing her temper.

Suddenly, a large snowflake hit David Jones’s face, and he instinctively looked up to see the sky beginning to fall with feather-like snowflakes again.

“It’s only five o’clock in the afternoon. Is it getting dark so soon?”

David Jones looked down at the screen of his phone. Even though there was no signal in the Dungeon, he could still use it to check the time.

“Let’s find a nearby cave suitable for spending the night first.”

David Jones looked around, today’s weather was indeed terrible, and the snowflakes blowing in the cold wind would take away some of his body heat.

He didn’t want to travel at night, especially in heavy snow.

“Yiya!” (o’v ‘ o) (There’s a cave over there!)

Rainbow’s joyful voice sounded in David Jones’s mind.

“Well, let’s check if that cave is suitable for spending the night first.” David Jones said with a gleam in his eyes as he heard the news.

His strong psychic power instantly lifted his body, and both he and his Pet hurriedly flew towards a nearby mountain peak.

The cave Rainbow found was situated in a secluded spot on a cliff. David Jones looked at the steep rock wall in front of him, and suddenly felt something was not right.

This cave was not formed naturally but was dug out by either a Beast or a human.

There were traces of Beasts’ sharp claws digging the area around the cave.

However, the traces left behind looked very vague, suggesting they were rather old.

The entrance of the cave was slightly narrow, and the width of the passage could accommodate two people. It seemed to be a good place to spend the night.

“Are there any Beasts in the cave?”

As David Jones and Rainbow landed at the entrance, he carefully asked while looking into the dark cave.

Unlike the agile and fierce Rainbow, the physique of a Trainer in the early stages was quite weak.

If he was attacked in such a narrow space, it would be extremely dangerous for him.

Rainbow closed her eyes and sensed for a moment, then extended her serpent core to gather information, and finally shook her head confidently.

“Yayi!” (o’w ‘ ) (No Beasts!)

“How come such a cave has no owner?” David Jones was puzzled.

“Be careful, you go ahead.”

As he thought of the dark environment not affecting Rainbow at all, he curiously looked into the cave.

Rainbow did not hesitate and went in directly, while David Jones took out a flashlight from his Star Ring and followed closely behind..

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