The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 142: A Line That Should Not be Crossed

Chapter 142: A Line That Should Not be Crossed

About a week after the White Seagull Alliance was formed.

On the early morning of that day.

I arrived in front of Fathers room.

Your Highness. His Majesty is still sleeping.

The knight guarding his room told me that I cant see him because he is sleeping but that doesnt matter to me right now.

This is an urgent matter. Let me through.

I can not do that, Your Highness.

Its mostly Fathers fault that I am in trouble. Even if I wake him up a little earlier than usual there wont be any punishment.

Saying so, I shook off the knights and opened the door.

Then, my father rose up from his bed.

My deepest apology, Your Majesty.

Its alright, Stand down. What do you need, Arnold.

Saying so, Father commanded the knights to back down.

He then looked at me and sighed.

Do you sometimes forget that I am the Emperor?

Please forgive my rudeness. This is an urgent matter.

You are strangely polite today huh?

As I bowed my head down obediently, Father made a confused expression.

After all, I would normally talk back to him already.

Well, that kind of attitude is not a problem but now it is better to be polite. It will serve me in case of an emergency after all.

I can not be rude when I disturbed your rest, Your Majesty.

Is that right. So? What do you need?

I came to ask you for permission to visit the imperial capital, Your Majesty.

A visit? Cant you just go out like you usually do?

I want to receive your permission this time, Your Majesty.

Realizing the meaning behind my words, Father sighed and threw a ring on the side of his bed at me.

A golden eagle was carved on it. It is one of the Emperors personal items and the fact that you have it means that you have the acknowledgment of the Emperor.

Just do whatever you like with it.

Thank you very much, Your Majesty.

[Your Majesty] are strangely well behaved today you know?

After all, my behavior will be much worse after this..

Saying so, I bowed and left Fathers room.

On my way back, Sebas appears behind my back.

Any surveillance?

None, sir.

Such a bunch of fools.

If they are so cautious they would never have picked a fight with the imperial family, sir.

I guess so. Now then.I am going to thoroughly crush them.

As you wish, sir

What it means to pick a fight against the imperial family.

I will thoroughly teach those fools that lesson.

Al-sama, where are we going today?

A lot of places. I will be going around the capital to inspect it today. Leo is not here so I am doing it in his place you see.

I explained to Finne inside the carriage.

The official reason for my outing today is to inspect the city in Leos place. That information should already have arrived at the white seagull alliance. After all, I have been spreading that information over the past few days.

They will probably try to harass me today. After all, they cant get close to Finne with me around and that was the purpose of their little organization in the first place.

Do not allow anyone who they dont approve of to approach Finne. That is an extremist idea but it is theirs nonetheless.

They never put Finnes thoughts and feelings into consideration.

Fools. If they are going to push such an idiotic idea at her then I will respond in kind.

We arrived huh.

Saying so, I confirm that the carriage has stopped and stepped out.

Our first destination is a luxury inn with a good reputation. Looking at the famous inn in front of us, I enter the place together with Finne. From the inside, the shopkeeper came out to greet us with a faint smile.

Oh my, if it isnt Your Highness. How can we help you today?

We are conducting a little inspection you see. So, hows business?

We are doing moderately well, Your Highness.

I see. Can I see the inside as well?

As if waiting for me to say that, the shopkeeper bowed without stepping aside to open the path for us.

Well, that reaction was expected.

My deepest apologies. Our accommodation has been recently switched to women only..even if its Your Highness, allowing a male inside is..

You are saying that I cant go in?

No, that is not the caseif it is someone with a reputation on the level of His Highness Leonard then we would be able to allow it, no, I have no intention to make light of your reputation Your Highness.

With a frivolous smile, the shopkeeper continues barring my entry.

He has been going on and on about it but in the end, what he says is that he cant allow me inside because it will damage the reputation of his establishment.

When did you switch into a women-only inn?

It was just recently, Your Highness. Ahh, such bad timing. How about this? Your Highness can wait here while we can show Finne-sama inside so that she can do the inspection for you?

The shopkeeper offers such a proposal.

They are probably planning to keep harassing me like this until I feel bad to stay by Finnes side huh.

Seriously.they are hopelessly shallow.

Shopkeeper.let me confirm are sure that your inn is only for women right?

Yes, of course.

I see. Then can you see this?

Saying so, I show him my ring.

There is no one in the capital that doesnt know the meaning of the golden eagle carved on this ring. Golden Eagle is the symbol of the Empire and only the Emperor is allowed to use it.

Th, that is!?

My inspection here is already approved by the Emperor. Denying me means defying His Majestys order butyou are fine with that right?

I, I have no such intention!?

But you said that you cant allow me inside right?

Th, that is not the case, Your Highness! I have no intention to disrespect you!

I put my hand on the shoulder of the shopkeeper who is desperately trying to explain himself.

And then mutter in a small voice so that nobody else could hear it.

Did you think that I dont know that you have been promoting that female-only nonsense just three days ago?

Hiii! Y, Your Highness

There shouldnt be any male customers inside a female-only inn, right? Shopkeep.

I stare at the shopkeeper.

His body begins to tremble and sweat profusely.

Anyone who has planned to harass me will probably want to see it happen in the first-class seat. For example, a room inside this inn.

Search inside. If you find any male customers, bring them to me regardless of their status. I suspect that they might be trying to harm Finne.

Yes, sir!

The knights who were accompanying me as escorts began to search the inn.

The shopkeeper has already turned silent.

I left that shopkeeper alone and entered inside.

Once inside, I found a female clerk looking at the knights and me with a frightened expression.

After waiting for a while, a man was dragged in front of me by the knights.

My my if it isnt Earl Farner. What might you be doing here today?

Your Highness, what is the meaning of this? No matter how great an authority you have, this is simply tyranny you know?

Earl Farner is a big guy with blond hair. He is in his mid-twenties and is one of the nobles that often complain about me.

Being restrained by the knights, Earl Farner knitted his eyebrows.

It seems he still doesnt understand the situation yet.

Tyranny? Be careful with your words, Earl. I am searching this inn under a justifiable cause.

Saying so, I show the Earl my ring. Then, the expression on his face completely changed.

His expression changed from one of the men that knows that he has a way out into one of despair.

Now, Earl Farner. Let me ask you this. What were you doing in a female-only inn?

Th, that is.

It is a place that even turned away a prince like me. there is no way that you can enter this place through a proper means, isnt that right?

Y, Your Highness..there must be some kind of misunderstanding..

The shopkeeper barred me from entering this place and tried to get Finne to enter this place aloneisnt that because you were trying to do something to her?

Th, thats not it!

Earl Farner denies my accusation and tries to struggle out of the Knights restraint but he was made to kneel down instead.

That being the case, I continue speaking to Earl Farner.

Then why are you here?, it was to harass you, Your Highness.

He probably couldnt bear being suspected of trying to harm Finne.

Thats why the earl decided to just honestly come clean. However, that is a bad move.

Hou? In other words, I can take it that an earl was trying to obstruct His Imperial Majestys business huh?

Th, thats wrong!

What is?

I, I didnt know that Your Highness was here on His Majestys behalf.

I smile derisively at Earl Farner.

The earl hangs his head down but I grabbed his hair and pulled his head up to face me.


People have been ridiculing me because I havent fulfilled the duty of the imperial family. But this time, even without His Majestys approval, I am still fulfilling my duty as a member of the imperial family in this visit. Trying to obstruct my business is already enough as a crime, Earl.

N, No way!

You are free to make light of me as much as you want as an individual but this is what happens when you make light of the imperial family. What will happen after this, I think you can imagine.

Saying so, I let go of Earl Farners hair.

Being released, Earl Farner began to plead with a strained voice.

My, my deepest apology.please forgive my rudeness

Forgive? The time for that has already passed. You have already crossed the line that you shouldnt have crossed!

Saying so, I planted a fist at Earl Farners cheek.

Earl Farner who got struck by a strong blow is bleeding from his mouth. Still, I give my order regardless.

Detain Earl Farner and put him into jail.

Yes, sir!

Hearing their reply, I immediately turned back. If I mess around here and spend more time here longer than this the others might notice what happened here.

Sebas will incapacitate any nearby surveillance so if I dont cause much noise those that are far away shouldnt notice anything out of the ordinary.

As I thought about such a thing and tried to leave the inn, my foot got caught by the kneeling shopkeeper.

Y, Your Highness! Please forgive me! I was doing it because of debt!

The owner rubs his head on the floor.

However, I pay no heed to his apology.

So you are saying that you were forced to do it with money right?

Yes! My deepest apology!

So, that debt. Did you return it?

Yes! Already! I immediately returned it!

I can easily tell that this idiot is lying.

I put my hand on the shoulder of the shopkeeper and lowered myself down.


All your debt has already been transferred to me. So in other words, your debt is now mine to collect. You used the money to found this inn, didnt you? If you are saying that you have already returned it, you catch my meaning right?


First, you barred me from entering the inn. Second, you refused an inspection from His Majesty. Third, you didnt even welcome your debtor. This is already rude enough but what I cant forgive you for is the last point. You lied.

Ah, a, Ah..Pl, Please forgive me..

Arrest all the people in the store. Not only the shopkeeper, get the employees and those who were involved here as well.

Your Highness.if you do something like that

Utz, who was quietly watching me, gave me advice.

Certainly, there is no point in arresting the shopkeeper here.

It will only increase the problem at hand but that is fine.

There is no point for me to be mindful about my reputation anymore right? Or are you saying that these guys are not guilty?

That is not the case butthese are just small crimes, Your Highness.

Whether big or small, a crime is a crime. Seize them all. Oh, shopkeeper, this is a matter of course but I will be crushing your inn. You were out of luck when you mistake the difference in power between a noble and the imperial family. Even children can understand that much you know.

The shopkeeper can no longer speak.

Leaving such a shopkeeper, I headed outside.

Finne was waiting for me there, looking like she is about to cry.


Bear with it for a while.


Finne said so and bows.

Then we ride in the carriage together to our next destination.

In order to arrest more of these insolent people.

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