The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 145:

Chapter 145:

Shoutout to new Patron Thomas Kosko, Thank you for joining ?

Now, lets continue on to the political side of things.


The day after Al went on a rampage.

The castle fell into chaos.

Not only due to a large number of arrests yesterday, but the castle is also now jam-packed with the prisoners relatives and friends.

The Minister of Justice and his subordinates had to rush around and receive them all.

Then they collect all their pleas and bring it to the Emperor. However, since the Emperor himself told Al to do whatever he wanted with the ring, he is in no position to say anything about this matter.

In this chaotic castle, Alois was chatting with the nobles he recently made acquaintances with.

Still, is it really true? I cant imagine that Dull Prince acting like that at all?

I doubt it too. This is totally not like the Dull Prince at all.

Only young nobles are around Alois. They are people who did not join the white seagull alliance and were simply observing the situation from the side this time.

To such people, Alois tells them his impression of Al.

The moment I met him in person, I think that it is not that surprising you know.

What do you mean? Earl Simmel.

Exactly what I said. The other day, I met His Highness Arnold in person but I dont have the impression that he is as dull as the rumor says at all. Rather, I should say that he has some kind of an undescribed power.honestly, he scared me a bit.

That is an impression from someone who repelled ten thousand men of the imperial army?

So in other words, His Highness Arnold might be the real deal huh? If that is the case then the stance of my house may have to change as well.

The people around nodded at the words of the young nobles.

However, hearing that, Alois tilts his head.

What do you mean by that?

His Highness Leonard has great talent and skillsbut he is too kind. This is not just my personal impression. A lot of nobles think that he might not be able to make the tough decision when the time comes.

A tough decision.I think that he can properly make his decision though

He might be able to make a normal decision but a tough one?I dont think that he is someone that is capable of making a ruthless decision. That is his shortcoming. However, if what you said about His Highness Arnold is true then such worry will disappear. His Highness Arnold can help His Highness Leonard with that after all.

Then, the young nobles started to discuss the future of the succession war.

Now that Zandra has dropped out, there are only three candidates left for the throne. Eric still has the lead but he is surrounded by people who have followed him for a long time. That being the case, it is hard for newcomers to break into his inner circle.

Then the next best choice for them would be Leonard.

Who should they support? Now that the candidates have been narrowed down, the nobles are trying to carefully come up with the answer for that question.

Thinking that Al might have been aiming for such an effect on these nobles, Alois was impressed by his strategy.

While he was thinking so, he was suddenly called from behind.

Earl Simmel.


Being called by name, Alois turned around and found a tall old man standing there. Judging from his appearance, he seems to be in his late 50s to early 60s. His expression looked slightly uncomfortable.

Although he is a total stranger, Alois bowed to him because he thought that he might be a high-ranking noble based on his clothes and atmosphere.

Nice to meet you. I am Alois von Simmel.

Nice to meet you as well. I am sorry for calling out to you all of a sudden, I am Edmund von Weitling.

Marquis Weitling?

Former. I have already relinquished that title to my son. Many are calling Elder Weitling nowadays.

I see. Then how may I help you today, Elder Weitling?

The young nobles who were chatting near Alois noticed the presence of Edmund and stood with their backs straight.

This man is a powerful noble who once served as the current emperors confidant. If his health didnt deteriorate, he would still be holding an important position within the Empire.

For young nobles, this mans status is above the clouds.

However, he had already retired and did not appear on the front stage for a long time. Why did he decide to come out now?

Thinking that it might be a matter related to his son, Alois was proven that he was correct.

I want to confirm a little something with you. Is it true that you felt scared when you met His Highness Arnold?

Yes. he was totally different from what I heard in the rumors.

I seeit was like he was a different person right?

Yes. exactly.

Edmund then nodded several times and smiled at him like he was his own grandson and walked off.

The young nobles who can finally relax let out a sigh but Alois was still worried.

It seems that Edmund has noticed something.

He might have noticed something that Alois himself missed.

Thinking about it further, maybe he has noticed some kind of plan that he didnt notice.

If its Grau, he might be able to understand something. Embracing that thought, Alois started pondering about the things he missed.

It has been a long time, Your Majesty.

Yeah, it indeed has. Edmund.

Emperor Johannes shows a nostalgic smile.

It has been several years since he retired due to his health and this is the first time Edmund visited the castle after that.

However, there is not much time for him to be all nostalgic.

After all, it was clear that he visited the castle because he has urgent business to discuss with him.

Please accept my apology. My son has caused much turmoil in the capital. It was all because I am lacking as his father.

There is no need to apologize. If the sin of a son is the sin of the father then I must apologize to you too.

.His Highness Arnold wasnt in the wrong. I have come here in a hurry but I understand that my son was being disrespectful toward the imperial family, Your Majesty.

Hm.I am aware. Thats why I cant say anything about it.

Edmund made a bitter smile at the Emperors words and shook his head.

I am not here to force you to do anything, Your Majesty. I understand your position well. Please rest assured, I will do all I can to solve this situation.


With a short apology, Johannes let out a sigh.

He then changes the topic with a bitter smile.

When they were young, I never thought that there would be a day where our sons would fight each other like this you know.

I completely agree, Your Majesty. I thought that he was a polite boy but it seems that I was too naive.

Arnold is special. I am surprised by this too. He wasnt the type to escalate the problem like this. Thats why I handed him that ring.

Johannes sighed again and said that it was his miscalculation.

Seeing such Johannes, Edmund asks him a question.

From Your Majestys perspective.was His Highness Arnold seemed different from usual this time?

Yeah, hes different. Hasty and bullish. Those are the words that are always far away from him. He always looked so aloof and never showed his anger. Was it simply because blood was rushing to his head, or perhaps there is a different reason, even I dont know.

Johannes leans back on the throne and lets out a big sigh as if he is troubled.

The succession was on hold but this time it is a conflict between the imperial family and the nobles instead.

To be honest, I am not that free you know.

My apology..Your Majesty. Will you hear my thoughts on this?

What is it?

I also know His Highness Arnold. Earlier, I heard in the castle that the nobles find His Highness Arnold scary. I have doubts about that. That person never acted out no matter how many times he was ridiculed or made light of. Could such a person really instill fear in others?

What do you want to say? Its your old habit you know? Just cut to the chase.

Yes. I think that the words hasty and bullish might be more aligned with His Highness Leonard more than His Highness Arnold, Your Majesty.

Johannes squinted his eyes at Edmunds words.

It is easy to dismiss him.

However, his words reminded him of the conversation he had with Arnold who visited his room yesterday morning.

Arnold normally calls me [Father]. Especially so when there is no one around. But.

It seems you have some ideas about this, Your Majesty?

Even if you say that they switched places, his impersonation would be too perfect. Do you think that he is capable of such a thing?

I do not know. However, rather than His Highness Arnold has changed, it is more plausible that His Highness Leonard is pretending to be His Highness Arnold right now. In the first place, would His Highness Leonard leave the capital and left His Highness Arnold to deal with the problem alone?

Thats true..then what would you do?

It was Johannes who was still skeptical but if that were the case, this conflict would not just be simply one between a prince who has always been ridiculed and the nobles but one of a candidate for the throne and the nobles.

If it is prolonged, a serious crack might form between the lord and the subjects.

I would seek to make the reconciliation happen as soon as possible, Your Majesty. No matter what hand I have to use.

I guess that is the only choice huh.

Your Majesty..if His Highness Leonard truly pretended to be His Highness Arnold, my son and of course, myself, might not be forgiven. Thats why..please think of this as our last conversation.

Dont say stupid things. No matter how much I trust my son to handle the situation, I wont let him go that far. My subjects lives belong to me. I wont let my son do as he pleases with it.

Thank you very much. However, if I am His Highness Leonard, I would never show any mercy. If blood must be shed then please only spilled mine and my sons. Please take care of my two daughters, Your Majesty. Please protect them.

I wont allow the matter to escalate that far but I acknowledged your wish.

You have my gratitude, Your Majesty.

Edmund said so and deeply bowed to the Emperor.

He then quickly raises up.

Please allow me to excuse myself here. I must search for a means to make the reconciliation happen.

Yeah, take care of your health.


Saying so, Edmund leaves the place and heads out of the castle.

He has already contacted the parents of the nobles who have joined the white seagull alliance.

He planned to meet with them to determine their next course of action.

Cough, Cough..

It has been a long time since he walks around so much like and dry coughs escape him.

Still, Edmund doesnt stop walking.

He had built the current Empire up together with Johannes and Franz.

He will not allow his own son to destroy it.

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