The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 153: My Strategist (Leo)

Chapter 153: My Strategist (Leo)

Second part of the release

My Strategist (Leo)

That is all, sir.

Sebas politely concluded the explanation.

Inside the room are Vin, me, Elna, and Leo.

Elna and Leo had a dark expression on their faces but Vin was calmly jotting down the details from Sebass explanation.

After compiling all the notes he made, Vin nods once.

No good at all.

Well, since its Vin I was expecting this to happen so I asked him a question without being surprised.

Can you tell which part of it was no good for my future reference?

Your first move was the worst. Choosing to challenge the nobles who want to eliminate you head-on was a bad move.

Then what should I do instead.

Anyone can dismiss my actions. Only when a person can give suggestions is when that person is able to stand on the lowest line as a strategist.

Of course, Vin has easily surpassed that line already.

If its me, I would leave the Blau Mowes side as I was told.

That will make Finne a target for of those nobles though?

They can try to approach her. There will be fools who dont understand the difference between their status and the imperial familys, they will only be rude to the Blau Mowe and they will start fighting among themselves as well. If you can solve the uproar they will cause and prove your worth to the others, the nobles will have no choice but to shut up.

Vin, all I hear is that you planned to use Finne as a decoy though?

Elnas eyes sharpened at Vin.

Taking on her sharp gaze, Vin answers her.

You are not wrong. That was my intention.

You are the worst..Finne is not a tool you know?

So it is okay for Al to bear the full brunt of their action? Let me tell you this, the reason why the matter escalated to this extent was that Al is a member of the imperial family you know? If you use the Blau Mowe as a decoy from the start and wait for those nobles to destroy themselves, the chaos will be kept to a minimum.

Waiting for them to make a mistake is quite passive of you huh. What would happen if they try to approach Finne without being rude? You will lose the opportunity to eliminate them and Al will have to leave Finnes side you know? Finnes position will only be shaken that way.

Its fine if Leo is by her side instead. That is enough of a proof that she is in Leos faction. You can turn away the persistent nobles and you could just have Leo announce an engagement with her as well.

Elna squints her eyes at Vins plan.

His plan was a strategist-like course of action that doesnt consider the feelings of others. It would be the best plan if we only consider efficiency.

Unlike when we started out, our faction now has grown into a moderate size one. Finns popularity has little merit for us to acquire more collaborators.

If we announce her engagement, we will surely be disliked by the young nobles but Finnes true believer will still be on our side.

..I have been thinking about this for a long time but, Vin, you really are not popular arent you?

What good will being popular with women bring me? If you eliminate all unnecessary things and only consider making the most efficient choice, you would arrive at the same plan. If its would understand, right? That is what you have always been doing, Al. Why did you not do it this time?

Right..I cant say that I didnt think about it. But I immediately dismissed the idea.

Your reason being?

.. if the nobles of the white seagull alliance approached Finne all at once, she would surely be scared. Certainly, there is no guarantee that it would happen but the possibility still exists. If we jeopardize Finnes well-being, Duke Kleinert will not stay still. After all, he had entrusted her to us. Thats why I did not use that plan.

If we ignore Finnes well-being, Duke Kleinert will not be silent. He will probably try to take Finne back with him even by force.

If that happens, it will be a big blow to our faction.

Well, that is just half of the reason though.

What is the other half?

Why do I have to listen to the request of some nobles that dont even guarantee that they will join our side? Their offered price for me to let go of my [current daily life] was too cheap. Thats why I chose to oppose them.

I am sure that I would regret it.

I wouldnt be able to forgive myself if I leave Finne alone as a decoy for the men that will surely flock to her.

There is no place for feelings in the succession war. You need a complete cool-headedness.

However, there are some points that I am not willing to compromise.

Vin..I and Leo are different from the other candidates. We are certainly determined to win this succession war. But..we do not see the value of a throne that we have to throw away something that we can afford to protect to acquire.

Thats right. Since we are fighting to protect what is important to us, it would be our failure if we have to  throw that away.

Well..I do think that it was my failure that I had to make sacrifices. Their foolishness went beyond my expectations. I never thought that he would actually challenge me to a duel in front of Father. I thought that if he would challenge me to a duel, he would do it after the agreement is over. That was why I was being provocative toward him. If he challenges me after the agreement is completed, I could do whatever I want with him after all. It backfired because of my mistake.

Vin sullenly listens to me and Leo while resting his cheek on his hand.

Its a habit he often does while thinking. Ever since he was a kid, Vin leaves the impression that he is a scary guy because of this bad habit and scary eyes.

Well, he is definitely a scary guy but he is also an intelligent man.

What a wishy-washy bunch.

Vin who was silent for a while finally muttered so.

Hearing that, Elna stands up and points at Vin as though she cant endure it anymore.

You have only been complaining for a while now! Just who do you think you are!?

A strategist I guess.

You havent agreed to be one yet right!?

I just decided to.

Haa? You complained about everything and now you are saying that you agree to become our strategist? Just how convenient a person you can be?

Elna glares at Vin while saying that with a cold voice.

How scary. A weak-minded person would be fainting already.

However, her opponent this time is Vin. That kind of threat wont work with him.

His Highness Erics faction is powerful and His Highness Eric himself is also capable. Going up against him, these two naive princes dont stand a chance. They might be if I help them though.

So self importantlyyou said it yourself first right! That you will decide after you see what Al can do! If you have so much complaint about what Al did, you shouldnt be agreeing to this now right!?

Just listen to the end. You small breast Hero. Dont just feed your chest the nutrition, feed some to your brain too. you want to die huh?

Elna smiled thinly and tried to pull out her sword. Maybe she really is angry huh.

While calming her down, Leo asks Vin a question.

Alright alright.Vin. I am curious too. How did Nii-san pass your test?

..his final plan. The situation was completely out of Als hand when Her Majesty came out. However, even with the support from his mother, he still managed to regain the initiative and found a good compromise. That is something that I cant do. Even the Prime Minister was at a loss too after all.

That is something you lack?

Thats right. When the opponent surpasses my expectations, I am no good at improvising and regaining control. In this case, the opponent was stupider than I imagined. Because of that idiot, Her Majesty the Empress had to get involved as well. I can know just by hearing the details that the situation back then was a complete mess. It was Als skill that created a situation where all sides could be convinced. After all, if both sides continue to conflict, the victim would not only be limited to the nobles there.

Vins analysis is accurate.

If the Empress was persistent, at worst, Father might forcefully execute those nobles.

There was a possibility that the damage from that would spread like fire.

Of course, it might spread to us as well.

When I accepted the duel, I told him that I would accept the responsibility as Leo but if I did nothing back then, I might have that responsibility forcefully placed on me.

In that sense, it could be said that my proposal back then was masterfully done. It feels weird saying so myself though.

I see. Nii-san is quick-witted after all.

That certainly was a wise choice. But Al, you should stop impersonating Leo from now on.

I know. It should be better if I dont do it anymore.

Because you might get found out?

That is one reason but if they switch places too much, suspicion will be born. Suspicion can diminish trust and loyalty. Still, when you did it, you intentionally planted the impression that you are incompetent while Leo is a prince that can do anything right?

It is easier to move when people look down on you, you see.

Well, I dont mind if you want to continue that stance. But there is no need to push yourself down while raising Leos reputation anymore. I will do that job in your place.

Saying so, Vin stands up.

He looks at me and Leo then speaks to us in a small voice.

This wont be cheap.

Of course. I know that well.

Is that socan you promise me that you will become like Prince Wilhelm someday? Working under that person has been my wish.

I am lacking but I swear that I will make an effort.

Hearing that, Vin quietly kneels.


I, Vinfried Torres, swear that I will serve His Highness Leonard. From now one, as your strategist I will bet my everything. I shall support your royal path with my wisdom.

Un, I will be counting on you, my strategist, Vin.

Thus, Leo obtained his long-awaited strategist.

TLN: Vinfried Torres, King of Sick Burn

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