The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 166: Paving the way

Chapter 166: Paving the way

Without stopping, Leos group headed to the village located some distance away from Rostock.

The reason that they couldnt afford to take even a single break was that they had no idea when the Spirit Turtle would start to move again.


Ugh! We are too late!

What appeared before Leo are villagers that were desperately fleeing out of the forest.

They are being chased by monsters that are shaped like a wolf.

The desperate villagers didnt even have any luggage with them. They were probably attacked by the monsters that got excited by the movement of the Spirit Turtle with no time to prepare themselves.

Looking at what is happening before him, Leo sees a little girl being pulled by her mother as they ran away from the monsters.

The girl was desperately running but she couldnt keep up with her mother, her feet got tangled up and she fell down.

!? Ma, Mama!!

Stand up! Hurry!

The mother urged her child and tried to help her stand back up but during that time the wolf monsters have already caught up to them.

The mother hugged the girl and put herself between her child and the wolf monster.

Still, as if her action doesnt matter at all, the wolf monster rushed in to attack them.


I wont let you!!

Leo threw his sword from a distance away and it stuck in between the wolf monsters.

Accelerating, Leo rushes at them without slowing down.

The wolf monsters switched their target to the weaponless Leo but when they saw his eyes, their bodies got stiff from fear.

Without missing that chance, Leo pulls out the sword that was stuck on the ground and cuts down the wolf monsters around him.

However, in front of Leo who rushed ahead by himself is a large number of monsters.

Seeing that, Leo fearlessly commands his men while pointing his sword forward.

-Destroy them!

After his voice echoed through the battlefield, the knights charged at the monsters following his command.

Because they are the elite selected from the imperial knight order, the monsters chasing the villagers were dispersed in an instant.

After Leo dispatched the last monster with his sword, the area is secured.

Th, thank you! Sir Knight!

The mother who was hugging her child earlier bowed to Leo.

Seeing that, Leo shows her a soft smile.

Its nothing, are you injured?

Y, Yes! I am fine!

I see. Are you the last one who made it out? Are there any other villagers?

This is everyone from our village m lord. But there are many villages east of here. I dont know what happened to them..

I see.everyone, prepare to head out.

Leo gives a command but a knight of Rostock raises his voice.

Wont entering the forest be dangerous, Your Highness?

I know the danger but if there are people still stuck inside then I will not abandon them.

Howeverif something were to happen to Your Highness

Y, Your Highness!?

Hearing the knight, the mother realized that the person she was talking to was not a knight but was royalty.

While the mother apologizes for her rudeness, the child asks Leo a question.

Onii-chan, are you a great person?

H, Hey! What are you saying!? M, my deepest apology, Your Highness!

Its alright. Im not a great person. It just happens that my father is a great person you see. Whether I am the same or notWhat I do from now on will decide that.

Saying so, Leo slowly turns his horse at the forest and unsheathes his sword.

Many monsters appeared from the forest due to the smell of blood.

First we will have to clear out the monsters here. Knights of Rostock, you will be in charge of escorting these people to a safe place.

Are you planning to personally act as rear guard, Your Highness!?

Not a rear guard. I will be the vanguard. We will be paving the way so that Silvers group can fight with peace of mind. They cant fight to their fullest if there are civilians in the area after all. To create an environment that they can fight at their best..we need to get the people out of the area first.

Leo then slowly began to advance his horse.

With the exception of the knights of Rostock, the other knights slowly follow Leo as he makes his way to the horde of monsters.


Protect the civilians! Advance!!

With Leo leading the charge, the knights started engaging the monsters.

Engaging the monsters, Leos group spreads out so that the monster cant pursue the evacuating villagers.

Normally, an effective way of fighting the monsters would be to group up against them but this battle relies heavily on individual ability instead.

However, Leo did not give any special instructions.

He is confident in the ability of each and every one of the elite men he brought along.

Seriously! This prince is such a slavedriver!

If you have time to open your mouth then please put more effort into swinging your spear.

You sure are diligent huh.

While having such a conversation, Sieg and Lynfia are getting rid of the monsters with a momentum that doesnt lose even to the imperial knights.

The two who are originally adventurers have an easier time dealing with monsters rather than fighting humans.

Even with his weakened state, Sieg was originally an S-rank adventurer. No matter how many small fries gather before him, they wont even serve as his opponent.

Cmon! Try approaching me and your life is forfeit alright?

His words contrast with his adorable appearance. Sieg kills the approaching monsters with a ferocious smile.

On the other hand, Lynfia changes the shape of her magic sword into a spear and effectively hunts the weakened monsters.

The two who were pushing back the monsters heard an abnormal noise from the sky and looked up.

Tsk! A bird-type huh!

It seems to be the Red Ravens. They are A-rank monsters.

And we have three on our hands huh.

A group of large crow approaching them from the sky.

The noise they heard was the sound of their wings fluttering.

The two adventurers were familiar with how troublesome these bird-type monsters that suddenly appeared before them are.

This is an opponent that you would normally need long-range support like an archer and mage to take it down.

Some of the imperial knights may be able to use magic but it would be impossible to strategically group up in this situation.

It seems that we have no choice but to take them down when they approach.

No, we dont have enough leeway for that.

Then what should we do?

Sieg shows a fearless smile at Lynfias question and starts running toward her.

I will jump up! Be the base for me!


No way!?

Refusing the proposal, Lynfia holds her spear at the base and prepares to launch Sieg with it.

For a moment, Sieg thought that he could get a chance to hug Lynfia when she launched him up but when he saw the coldness from Lynfias eyes he chose to obediently use the spear as a launcher.

Use my spear as the base. If you fail I will make a hot pot out of you alright.

So harsh!? But jokes on you, I recently think that being looked at so coldly like that is nice too, you know!

Please just go already.

Lynfia swings her spear as hard as she can as Sieg rides on it.

Like a bullet, Sieg soars into the sky.


Hi folks, Im a flying bear.

Cutting off the head of the first Red Raven he targeted, he steps on its torso.

From there, he jumps to his next target and takes down the ravens one by one.

A Red Raven tries to evade him but Sieg cuts off its wings in an instant to prevent it from escaping.

ORAHH! You are the last one left!!

Saying so, Sieg aims at the last raven. He ran on the ravens body and jumped up to even greater height.

Passing the last Red Raven, Sieg descends down and thrust his spear at it with great momentum.


Siegs spear deeply penetrated through the Ravens body.

The Red Raven screams in anguish and spins in the air but Sieg keeps himself from being shaken off and pulls out his spear and then proceeds to cut off its neck.

Fuu, with this Lynfia-chan wouldnt give me an earful later huh.

While wiping off his sweat, Sieg makes a satisfying smile as he rides on the falling Red Raven.

However, as he kept descending, he noticed something serious.

Wait? How do I land?

Shortly after, the body of the Red Raven crashed into the ground accompanied by Siegs loud scream.

Seeing that unfold, Lynfia speaks to a nearby knight.

I will take care of this place so please check on him. If hes alive then please collect him but if hes dead then nothing of value would be lost so please dont worry.

The knight bitterly smiles at Lynfias words and head to the location where Sieg crashed.

Then after the knight found Sieg half crying from the fear of falling, he shrugged and retrieved him.

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