The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 169: Testing the waters

Chapter 169: Testing the waters

[[I am an agent of the divine I act on behalf of heaven and earthThe time of judgment has comeTremble Sinner-Delight InnocentMy word is the word of GodMy blow is the blow of GodIn my hand is the flame that can torch the world Oh Flame of Heaven reduce the Sinner to AshesEXECUTION PROMINENCE]]

A giant magic circle emerges and shoots out a blinding flash of flame toward the Spirit Turtle.

It is a greeting blow.

It was a spell that once annihilated the Mother Slime along with a mountain but lets see how it will work against this Spirit Turtle.

The Spirit Turtle doesnt even try to avoid my magic. Well, Id be surprised if a giant monster could move fast enough to avoid such an attack.

OOH!? Isnt that a direct hit!?


Its not working at all huh.

The turtle emerges from the smoke. I thought that there would be some damage but aside from the mountain on top of its shell that was blown away, there is not even a scratch on its main body. Rather, it probably feels thankful that I got rid of the extra weight on its back.

It seems I wont be able to deal with it unless I repeatedly barrage it with multiple high power magic huh.

For the time being, I want to see what it can do, Elder Egor.


In response to my words, Egor rushed at the Spirit Turtle in an instant and started running up its leg.

His aim is probably its neck and its face beyond it. As expected, those areas would be less protected than others huh.

However, the Spirit Turtle wasnt easy going enough to allow that.

Its opponent this time is Egor who once gave it much trouble in the past. Its reaction toward him would be accordingly fierce.


While running at high speed, Egor jumps away to evade something that flew in at him from the side.

It was a scale.

The scale attached to the Spirit Turtles shell is flying toward him. And it is not just one. Hundreds or even thousands of its scales are autonomously launching attacks on him.

They are scales that withstood my magic. Something like that flying at you at high speed would be sharper than any normal high-grade sword.

Finding that interesting, Egor directs his attack at the scales.


Egor parries the scales that attack him one after another without breaking a sweat.

He completely blocked the Spirit Turtles attack. Swordsmen all over the continent would applaud his feat but unfortunately, the only ones here are a mage and a princess that dont care much about the way of the sword and a Hero who has the same level of ability as him. Moreover, his opponent is the Spirit Turtle. With such a level of swordsmanship, its attack would never reach him.


Egor quietly mutters.

In front of him, a scale that was twice as big as before was charging at him.

He probably couldnt cut that down.

Judging so, I transferred to Egors side and took him back to where I was before.

Celestial Princess-dono.

I know!!

Orihime erects an omnidirectional barrier against the scales that come to attack us from all sides.

The scales that pursued after Egor slowly returned back to the Spirit Turtle without being able to break Orihimes barrier, putting an end to our first exchange.

So? Any plan?

It seems that its defense is perfect. Do you think you can slip through that?

Only fifty-fifty. With that number, some might manage to make me stop midway.

If we stop, we will be attacked from all directions huh. Defending against it would be possible but we will lose our chance to attack.

How useless, swordsmen. Im amazed to hear those words from the Sword Saint and a Hero you know?

Orihime unnecessarily provokes both Egor and Elna.

Egor laughs as he comments on how harsh she is while wrinkles form between Elnas eyebrows. Her expression would be one that a normal woman would never show to others.

You are quite cheeky even though you can do nothing but defend huh.


The two violently glare at each other.

Seriously, fighting each other in front of the Spirit Turtle, what a carefree bunch.

Even so, our opponent is not something that we can overcome individually. If you do not understand that much then I have no choice but to transfer you out of here though?

I know that.

Elna poutily turns her face away.

Orihime also looks dissatisfied but she doesnt refute my words.

If I cant use them well, it will become a battle of attrition. It would be troubling if they started to fight with each other now.

If we individually cant break its defense then what do you suggest we do, Silver?

Breaking through its defense using a long-range attack is not possible. Our goal should be attacking its weak points.

Its face huh.

I see. It has scales protecting its neck. What we should aim at are targets like its eyes or mouth huh.

I will support the Female Hero. Celestial Princess-dono, please support Elder Egor. we will attack its face in groups of two. The main attacker will be our respective swordsman.

Everyone nodded as I gave them a simple strategy.

I will not go into detail here. In the first place, I dont even know what kind of hidden ability the turtle still has available. There is no choice but to deal with it with their individual ability. Rather, I am confident that they can do it.

Move as you like. I will do the follow-up.

I will do that without you telling me to. If you are late to react, I will leave you behind alright?

Thats my line. If your offense is too poor then I wont support you.

What did you say!? Just do it! Its your job to follow up for me right!?

Be relieved! Sword Saint! I will protect you!

Im thankful. I wonder how long it has been since I am being protected by someone.

Umu! Go at it with a bang! But if I do forget to set up the barrier, do forgive me!

I wonder why I am so anxious at these supporters..

The same goes for the swordsmen right.

While I was thinking so, Elna tiredly sighed and extended her right hand up to the sky.

Hear my voice and descend! The brilliant sword of the stars! Now, the Hero has need of you!!

White light falls from heaven.

Elna grabbed it and with white sparkles turns it into a shining silver sword.

The sword that the hero used to cut down the Demon King five hundred years ago, Aurora. It is said to have been forged from a meteorite, the sword can cut all things in creation and does not allow any existence of evil.

The strongest sword one could imagine.

Egor certainly has more experience than Elna but she also possesses the raw power that can easily brush that difference off.

There is no question that Elna with her holy sword possesses the highest offensive power on the continent.

Still, even with such power, Elna has no advantage against the Spirit Turtles defense in a direct fight.

The holy sword is the strongest weapon in the continent but it doesnt mean that Elna can use all of its power. She probably couldnt use it at the same level as the First Hero. In the past, Elna said it herself.

Just because I can summon it, it doesnt mean that I can master it.

The holy sword huh. Its been quite a while since I last saw it. You are quite something to be able to summon it at such a young age.

I am honored by your praise, Elder Egor.

Wait, wait. Why is your attitude completely different toward me?

As someone who uses a sword, I do respect a master like him. Its only natural right?

Are you saying that I am inferior to that old man with no sense of direction!?

It doesnt matter if he has no sense of direction. The Sword Saint is the Sword Saint. Hes different from a Celestial Princess that can only use barriers.


WAHAHA!! How cheerful you are, young ladies!

I beg you, focus..

I wonder why I cant feel any tension in this situation at all..

Well, its better than being grim I guess.

And no matter how carefree they appear to be, these people are some of the strongest individuals in this continent.

They should know well how to sort out their feelings.

While I was thinking so, Elna and Egor start walking slowly toward the turtle. The atmosphere from them is now completely different.

The sharp atmosphere around them felt like a blade.

Perhaps she is getting inspired by it, Orihime also enters a state of readiness. Her appearance seems like a beast approaching its prey.

Feeling relieved at their appearance, I open a transfer gate in front of Elna.

I pray for your luck.

I dont need it. Even if you dont, there is someone who would do that for me without me asking. I will not lose to anyone-I am a sword after all.

Elna said so as she jumped through the transfer gate.

She appeared right above the Spirit Turtle. Seeing that, Egor rushes straight at the turtle.

Sky and land, a simultaneous attack has been launched by the two best swordsmen in the continent.

On the side of their opponent, the Spirit Turtle loudly howls and intercepts them with its scales.

After parrying many of the scales, Egor makes a big leap up and stands still in the air.

No, rather than standing, he just landed. Orihime made a scaffolding for him using her barrier. However, Egor is now being surrounded by scales.

Even so, the scales never move.

Dont think that barriers can only be used to protect alone.

Orihime seems to have blocked each of the Spirit Turtles attacks by confining each scale in a small barrier.

Thus, she created a gap in its absolute defense.

Without missing that opportunity, Egor moves in to attack.

Meanwhile, in the sky, Elna is defending herself against the scales as she descends. However, there are many of them.

The scales immediately gather around Elna.

At that time, I transferred myself next to her.

I will take it from here.

Ara, thats quite considerate of you.

After such an exchange, I opened a new transfer gate for her.

Elna passes through it and escapes the scales encirclement.

Meanwhile, I generate a myriad of wind bullets around me and intercept the incoming scales.

With this, the turtle will not be able to ignore me and recall its scales.

And while its defense is thin, it will be attacked by both Egor and Elna.

Now, how will you deal with that?

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