The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 180: Trau-niisan

Chapter 180: Trau-niisan

Thats what happened.

Heading to Trau-niisans place, I explain what happened to him.

I was expecting him to get upset and immediately head to Fathers place but Trau-niisan is very calm.

Even though I brought up the Dominion, He didnt look at me and normally headed to his table.

Umu, I cant come up with a good idea for my work at all.

Trau-niisan..did you listen to what I said?

I did. But I do not understand the reason you bring this to me.

.Arent you angry?

Puzzled, I asked him that question.

After all, I can not feel any shred of anger from Trau-niisan at all.

And he actually nodded.

The time for anger has already passed. Lets put it like that.

You are saying that you will not obsess on the past?

I do obsess on the past.

Now Im confused.

Trau-niisan really is a strange person. I cant understand what he is thinking at all.

While I was thinking that way, Trau-niisan turned toward me.

Arnold. Do you think that the Dominion was responsible for my brothers, Wilhems death?

.I think that they played a part in it.

I have the same opinion. However, they probably were only used. The aides who served at my brothers side at the time he headed to the north were limited in number. The battle took place when his defense was the weakest and my brother died from a strayed arrow..But do you truly think that Wilhelm was someone who could be killed by some stray arrow? The possibility is that his condition was bad at the time and couldnt react to itor someone drugged him.

He may act like a fool but he is not an idiot.

That is my evaluation of Trau-niisan but I have never felt that as strongly as today.

His straightforward gaze feels even more amazing than usual.

After all, this person is the actual younger brother of Prince Wilhelm. He must have witnessed a lot of things as he looked on the back of his brother since he was a child.

An assassination? But no evidence was found even though Father did all that investigation you know?

They wouldnt use anything that can be found. You need to guarantee success when you try to assassinate the Crown Prince. They probably know how our investigation will be conducted in advance as well.

..are you suggesting that the person who murdered the Crown Prince was someone who knew him, and how the Empire works?

There is no doubt that there is someone like that among them. However, that is not my job to find out.

Saying so, Trau-niisan looks out the window.

From there, he can see the vibrant castle town.

The Imperial Family is here to support and prosper the Empire. Our eldest brother has lived with such an ideal. If the Empire prospered, as a result, one could say that the death of our Eldest brother was not in vain.

are you fine with that?

as a younger brother, it was painful to lose him. I have never doubt that he would become a great emperor. Butas a father who lost his son, I think the one who has it harder than us would be Father. If Father is willing to accept the people from the Dominion then it would be our duty as his children to accept his decision.

.I understand. The task of being their entertainer, I will

I will do it.

When I tried to say that, Trau-niisan stopped me with his hand.


I will do it myself. That would be for the best.

Are you serious!?

I am serious. If they truly want to befriend us then it would be rude to brush them off. If we dont give them a proper welcome then we will not be able to overcome the past. Having me who was born from the same mother as the Crown Prince would show our sincerity. Plus, I would rather not push something unpleasant to my little brother.

I have never thought of it like that.and wont it be hard for the other side as well?

I know that. But if they really want to improve the relationship between our countries then should be able to overcome that much pressure.

Trau-niisan said so and raised his body, which is the largest of all of us the Imperial family, from his chair.

When I was a kid, I thought that he was like a big bear. Well, that impression wouldnt be wrong.

This person is a bear.

After all, there is still a strong light behind his eyes.

If their intention to improve the relationship between our nations is a lie then..I will personally make them pay for it.

Trau-niisan. will might be broken if they sent over a cute girl though..

So you wont break character huh.

I tiredly open the door while being amazed by how Trau-niisan could care less about that comment.

If Trau-niisan is going to take on the role of the entertainer for the dignitary from the Dominion then he must report it to Father.

To Father, if Trau-niisan is willing to take on that task, he will surely leave it to him.

After all, even like this, this person has no weakness except for beautiful girls.


When we left the room and started to walk down the corridor together, Trau-niisan suddenly called out to me.

When I looked at him, the expression on his face was a serious one.

What is it?

Tell Leonard to be careful. This ceremony will not end without any incident.

What do you mean?

The dignitaries that will be visiting the Empire during the ceremony will be the ones that favor the Empire. If other nations are planning to do something then this will be the chance they would aim for.

Are they going to attack us? The Empire?

I cant say that the possibility doesnt exist. Maybe it was because she was cautious of that, Ms.Lizelotte refused Fathers request to come back and stay to guard the border. She has been guarding the frontline all this time, she must have felt something there.

I will let Leo know.

even so, she can only be vigilant of the external threats. Well, I guess I cant do anything about that.

After muttering those profound words, Trau-niisan hastens his pace.

While trying to match his pace, I asked him the question that has always been on my mind.

Trau-niisan.have you never thought about aiming for the throne?

.Wilhelm was an ideal Crown Prince. Thats why I was always doing what I pleased. In the endI couldnt do anything to help him. No matter how much I regret what happened, there is a limit to my regret. No matter how regrettable it was. Thats why I once thought about taking over from him..for a moment that is.

Only a moment.?

It immediately disappeared from my mind. I will never be able to become an emperor that can surpass Wilhelm. Ever since his death, the succession war has begun. The next emperor who is the winner of that succession war must be someone that can surpass Wilhelm. And I can not do that.

As we almost arrived at the throne room, he stopped.

Thats why,

He said so as he took a deep breath while looking at me, no, the person behind me.

I have high hopes for Arnold and Leonard. You two will surely become the emperor that can surpass Wilhelm. Unlike the other three.

Can I take that as your declaration that you would be on Leonards side? Traugott.

Looking back, Eric was standing there.

Trau-niisan and Erics eyes locked.

It will be up to how you take it, Eric.

Are you saying that I cant surpass Wilhelm?

The past you might be able to do that but now it is different. Eric who was working hard to support Wilhelm back then would act in a way that will not escalate the succession war. Like the other two, you have changed as well, Eric.

If I move, the succession war will only get more chaotic. That will weaken the Empire. Why dont you understand that?

Im telling you, you have changed. You should have enough power to act without undermining the Empire and striving to keep our family from shedding blood. If you are saying that you want to surpass Wilhem then that is the thing you must do. Still, you didnt do it even though it was within your power.

That is unrealistic. My way is better to minimize the damage.

I am not saying that you should act solely on an ideal. I am only saying that I will not accept someone who does not try to pursue it. After all, there is no tomorrow for someone who doesnt wish for a better future.

Saying so, Trau-niisan turned back. At the same time, Eric also does the same.

While showing me his broad back, he says this to me.

Arnoldyou can not beat Eric alone. You need to do it together with Leonard. Do not force everything on to your brother. Dont repeat my mistake.

..Yes. I will keep that in mind.

Well then, lets go.

Eh? Wai-!

Trau-niisan said so and suddenly started running at the door.

I tried to stop him but before I could do that, he vigorously opened the door to the throne room.

Father! I, Traugott will take care of the dignitary from the Dominion!

Noisy! Dont barge in during a meeting!!


While wondering why he is always like this, I lowered my head and ran after Trau-niisan who fled the throne room half crying.

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