The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 195: The Saint who gave up

Chapter 195: The Saint who gave up

My reign has reached the 25th year. There surely are hard times for you. I can not say that it was all good. I know, there are many points that I must reflect on. However, we are still here. It is all because of you people who supported and followed me! Today is the day for everyone! Thank you for supporting your Emperor! Celebrate, rejoice, and look forward to the future of the Empire that has survived and prospered to this day! Make today a special day with me!!

The opening ceremony of Emperor Johanness 25th coronation anniversary began with his speech.

Leticia and Leo who looked at him from their seats switched their gaze to the people.

Long live the Emperor!!

Long live the Empire!

Empire forever!!

Seeing the peoples wild enthusiasm, Leticia shows a soft smile.

This is a good country isnt it.

Yes. His, my father made it so. Im always hoping to be like him someday.

If its Prince Leonard then you will surely be able to do it.

Saying so, Leticia smiles widely at Leo.

It wasnt flattery. She truly believes that Leo would be able to do it.

.I hope that is the case.

Are you not confident?

Well..I havent done anything that would make me confident I could do it after all.

Fufu, if you say that then a lot of people would be in a bind you know.

I am not trying to be humbleI really did nothing so far. People call me a hero but I am not someone as great as a hero. I have only been desperately trying to fulfill my duty as one of the imperial family. I have only been helped by others.

I do think that it is the caliber of a king that makes others want to help him though?

That might be the case. Luckily, everyone around me is excellent. But if that is truly the most important thing thenthere is a person who is better suited than me.

Saying so, Leo turned his eyes to Al who was watching the Emperor making his speech in a different place.

With him were Orihime, Wendy, Christa, and Finne.

There, Al is talking to every one of them in a friendly manner.

To him who cant even satisfy Leticias wish, Leo thinks that it is something that he couldnt do.

I do think that Prince Arnold is a wonderful person. He surely is a person that has the talent to earn the support of others. I too..sometimes think about how fun it would be if I have him as a little brother.

L, Little brother is it?

Yes, little brother. I am older after all.

After she emphasized that she is the older one, she turned a soft smile on Leo.

Receiving that smile, Leos face started to blush.

Prince Leonard is worrying if you are really suitable to become an emperor right. You are wondering if you should aim for the throne, that Prince Arnold might be more suitable than you.


Then let me assure you. I think that Prince Leonard is definitely better suited to become an emperor. Prince Arnold truly cares for those around him, however, I am sure that he couldnt care less about others. After all, even now his sight is set on the people around him rather than the people down there. On the other hand, Prince Leonard can think of the citizens of your country as your family. You have always been thinking about what you can do for your people, isnt it clear which one of you is more suited to become an emperor?

Is it really so.. 

Yes. you are indeed better suited than him. Prince Leonard, you are someone befitting of the throne. A king is the symbol of the country. A person who makes the decision and leads. Then it is appropriate to think that someone who always thinks about the betterment of your country is indeed befitting of the throne. Even though Prince Arnold has the caliber of a king, he lacks the will to do it. It is because you are here. As long as you are here, Prince Arnold will never aim for the throne. After all, he is the person who recognizes you the most.

Is that still not enough? 

Leticia asks as she looks at him.

As a response, Leo shook his head.

He was desperately trying when the faction was still weak. If he didnt do it, only death will be waiting for him after all.

However, as the faction grew stronger, his ambition for the throne began to waver. He began to hesitate. He was wondering to himself if he should be the one to do it.

He had enough leeway to think about such a thing. However, that hesitation was dispelled.

He now realized that it is useless to start hesitating now.

I am fine now. Thank you very much.

Is that so. Im glad.

As Leo felt that Al is more suitable than him, Al also felt that Leo is more suitable.

Then if she says that he is more suitable, his answer is already decided.

Being an emperor doesnt mean that he has to stop being Als brother. They can trust and support each other as they have always done.

Such a future was made visible through Leticias words.

He felt that the fog clouding his mind was cleared up. The hesitation that he had for a long time disappeared.

While looking at Al, Leo said his thanks again.

Al doesnt look at Leo.

That surely because he trusts him. It was Als silent message.

Leo is not an idiot.

He has noticed all along.

He knew that Leticia was hiding something but he didnt know what to do.

He thought that Al might notice the same thing and come to consult with him but Al never said anything.

There is no way that he didnt notice. They are twins after all.

If so, there is only one answer.

He is leaving this to me huh


Its nothing..I just arrived at the answer. Leticia.

Without attaching the -san, he simply dropped the honorific entirely.

Leticias eyes opened wide in surprise when Leo suddenly changed his way to address her but Leo continued to speak.

Like how you hear me out, I want you to tell me your worry. If you truly trust me then-wont you share it with me? Your worry.

Leo said that to Leticia as he looked directly into her eyes.

Perhaps she wasnt expecting such a straightforwardness from him, Leticia turned silent.

I have noticed it all along. That you were carrying something with you. But I was afraid to ask. Thats why I was waiting for Nii-san to bring it up. But he didnt say anything. Im sure that he trusts me with this. Thats why I want to ask you. Can you share your worry with me?

Prince Leonard.

Without any hesitation, Leo straightly asks her.

Leticia was surprised at his straightforwardness at first but now she started to analyze the differences between the twins.

Al will not ask her directly like this. He will try to find out about it using a roundabout method. Leo on the other hand asked such a question directly.

Which one does she prefer? Leticia doesnt have to think for a second to decide on the latter.

Leticia is weak against goodwill.

In that regard, Leo is more suitable to persuade Leticia.

Leticia shows a troubled smile and lets out a small sigh.

That is because she wants to talk about it now. After all, there is something in Leo that made her want to talk to him.

If she tells him, he will get involved. She knows that was definitely not a good thing. However, what spilled from Leticias mouth was something that contradicted her thoughts.

..His Majesty the King has already grown old. At the moment, much of political affairs are being taken care of by His Highness the First Prince. and.His Highness has joined hands with the Anti-Empire faction. Maybe that is why he started to see me as a nuisance. Eventually, I think that I will be assassinated. After all, the Kingdom no longer needs me.

Assassination.? You, who have always supported the Kingdom!?

Of course, there are those who support me but.when I picked up the holy staff, I decided to devote my everything to the Kingdom. The King is someone who leads the nation. If he wants me to die.then I will accept it.

No..such a thing is..

The Kingdom has changed. When I stood on the battlefield, the Kingdom was terribly weak. But now it is different. The Kingdom is regaining its power as one of the three superpowers of the continent. The people also regain their self-confidence, they believe that the Kingdom is the strongest in the continent. However, in reality, we are considered the weakest and are treated as such. That has become a common complaint of the people. Feeling that discontent from the atmosphere of the Kingdom, the First Prince who had never experienced being the strongest or the weakest started to move. He probably thinks that he could save lives by changing my mind and started a united front against the Empire butI dont think that conflict can lead the Kingdom into the future. The Empire is a strong country. I think that it is better for the Kingdom and the Empire to work and develop together rather than fighting.

Thats right! Leticia, you are not in the wrong! I can help you!

Leo says.

The popularity of Saint Leticia is on the continental scale. There should be many who support her. If the Empire backs her up, the First Prince should change his mind.

Leo thought so but Leticia shows him a sad smile.

If the Empire got involved, it would surely lead to a war between the Kingdom and the Empire. At worst, the Kingdom will be split in two by civil war. That is not something I can allow to happen.

Then you will just wait to be killed.?

I will not trouble the Empire. They will surely try to assassinate me during my stay here to use it as a justification to start a war. However, assassinating me during the ceremony would be difficult. They will surely aim for my life on my way back to the Kingdom. But I only take the people I can trust along with me. They should only be able to assassinate me after I enter back into the Kingdoms territory. So..this will be the last time. Thats why I asked for you two to be my entertainer. I think that my last moment should be a happy one after all..

The Imperial Knight of the Empire can be said to be the strongest force on the continent.

With them as her escort, breaking through is unrealistic.

However, she can not stay inside the Empire forever.

This is my worry. And it is my own problem. It is not something that Prince Leonard should worry please dont look so sad anymore.

.when the King will die too?

that is how a country is. My staff is certainly powerful. It is the power of this staff that makes the people confident in the power of the Kingdom. If I die, they should be able to calm down. That would make it easier for the First Prince to change his policy. War is a sad thing. I dont want to die if I dont have to. If I die within the Kingdoms territory, war will be easier to avoid.that will be my last service to the Kingdom.

There was no hesitation on Leticias face.

The holy staff was sealed deep inside the Kingdom.

Ever since she went there to unlock the seal to save her country, she no longer wished for a decent way to die.

This is my last selfishness. Please let me enjoy the rest of my time. Prince Leonard.

Saying so, Leticia smiles.

How can he change Leticias mind?

That is something Leo doesnt know. Leticia has given up on living. What should he say to persuade such a person?

In the end, without exchanging any more words, the opening of the ceremony ended and the imperial capital transformed back into a festival.

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