The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 203: Chapter 203

Chapter 203: Chapter 203

If someone were to rob you awaythen I will take you back. No matter who it is, I will never hand you over to anyone.

Leticia was completely overwhelmed by the forceful words that she never expected would come out of Leos mouth.

To that too straightforward of a proposal, Leticia casts her face down.

It was within Leticias expectation for Leo to propose to her in order to save her life. Leo is a gentle person. It wouldnt be weird for him to try to protect her by bringing her into the Imperial family. She understands that much.

However, she never expected him to propose to her because of love.

Feeling embarrassed like never before, Leticia could only look down.

Realizing that what she is feeling is shyness, Leticias face dyed red.

Above all-she was so embarrassed that she was so happy that she almost immediately gave her reply. That was too careless and superficial of her.

Leo will never say that she causes trouble for him but if she were to accept his proposal, she is sure that she will cause a lot of problems for him.

I must not accept it. I cant.

With that determination, Leticia raised her face.

However, her eyes met with Leo who looked at her so seriously. At that moment, Leticia instantly turned her face down again.

She couldnt look at him directly. Her face is getting redder and redder as if she has a fever.

Gradually, she started to feel suffocated. If she let this keep going, she will definitely collapse.

When she thought that way, Leo opened his mouth.

You do not have to give the reply immediately. There are two days of the festival left. Could you give me your answer before you leave the imperial capital?

.Y, Yes.

Leticia was startled by the weakness in her voice that she never thought that it would come out of her.

What should she do if she has to stay here longer than planned? If she is going to refuse anyway then she should just do it right now.

Shes glad that her inner voice is still there to scold her, however, she is also asking herself what to do at the same time.

After all, this is her first time. Thats why Leticia is a little panicked.

It was not the first time someone proposed to her.

Several men have already proposed to Leticia ever since the time she roamed the battlefield with her holy staff.

The soldiers who were attracted to her appearance on the battlefield with her holy staff. The nobles who wanted to gain recognition by marrying the Saint. Her comrades that were there with her since the beginning.

Everyone praised Leticia for being beautiful. All of them said that was the way she ought to be and that they wanted to be by her side.

However, Leo was the only one who asked her to be on his side. The only one who was different was Leo.

Theres a part of her that asks [So, what?]. After all, changing some words around is easy.

However, there is a part of her that couldnt refuse him.

Leo didnt need her to be with him as the Saint.

The title of the Saint is a stumbling block for him. Even so, Leo still proposed to her. Thats why she was so happy.

You must have been confused since I brought it up so suddenly buteverything I said was sincere. I am prepared to accept it no matter what your answer is. Dont worry.

Yes..thank you very much.

Then I will walk you back to your room.

Leo then casually offered her his hand.

Leticia raised her hand up but she was a little hesitant.

She felt that the act of holding hands that she has done so casually has become something extremely embarrassing.

Seeing Leticia who slowly raised her hand up and stiffened, Leo gently took her hand.


Its dark after all. Please be careful.

Y, YesPrince Leonard.

She could only reply to him with a voice that seems to be able to disappear from embarrassment.

It was the first time that she got so worked up by the words of others.

While pulling on Leticias hand, Leo suddenly raised his voice.



Can you call me Leo? There arent many people who would call me that way.


I want you to call me that.

His smile seems coercive.

Thinking so, Leticia nodded as she turned her eyes away.

That was all that happened but Leo smiled with satisfaction and continued escorting Leticia.

Then, the room of Leticia finally came into view. In front of her room, a blonde hair female knight is standing guard.

Welcome back. Leticia-sama.

Catherine.Im sorry for coming back so late.

Its nothing, please do not mind it.

The female knight named Catherine then bowed her head.

Leticia then introduces Catherine to Leo.

L, Leo.uh, I think you have met her several times already but this is Catherine. She is the commander of my personal guard.

I will be in your care, Catherine.

Yes, Your Highness.

After having such a short conversation, Leo let go of Leticia.

He then speaks to her with a refreshing smile.

Good night. Leticia. I will be picking you up tomorrow.

Y, Yes

After that, Leticia continued to gaze at Leos back until he left her sight.

At Leticias side, Catherine makes a bitter smile.

Have you given him your reply?

Wh, what are you talking about?

He proposed didnt he?

H, How did you know!?

I can tell just by looking at you. Judging from your response, you still havent given him your reply yet, correct?

..he told me that he can wait.

It is up to Leticia-sama to decide but.if this can keep you safe then I dont think that it would be a bad thing. However.


You may turn all the women in the Empire into your enemies though.

Uuuhe is wasted on me.

Do you think so? I think that you two suit each other very much though.

Saying so, Catherine opens the door for Leticia with a smile.

Then, when Leticia entered the room, Orihimes barrier was activated.

Good night. Leticia-sama.

Yes. Good night. Catherine.

Thus Leticia fell asleep.


The time all the people in the castle are asleep.

Leticia could hear a knocking sound in her room.

Leticia woke up and asked for the identity of the person at her door while rubbing her eyes.

Who is it?

Its me.

Le, Leo!?

To think that he would visit her at such a time.

Leticias face dyed red thinking about what this visit could mean.

However, that idea quickly evaporated.

I have something to tell you. Can you open the door for me?

His tone was serious.

It was easy to guess that something happened.

Leticia gets up from her bed and goes to the door while calming her delusion down.

She then opened the door.

Thank you very much. I am sorry to intrude on you so late at night.

Its okay.did something happen?


Leo said so as he swept his eyes to the surroundings and entered the room, locking the door behind him.

Thinking that it must be the matter about her assassination attempt, Leticia cast her eyes down.

Is it an assassin..

Yes. I am relieved that you are safe. There seems to be no one else in this room, correct?

Yes, it is only you and me.

Is that so.

Leo took out a small jewel from his pocket.

He then broke it, letting out purple smoke.

Wh, what are you doing!?

Please rest assured. You will only fall asleep.


Leticia immediately covered her mouth and nose but she had already breathed some in.

Suddenly, drowsiness strikes Leticia.

Her sight distorted, her feet lost their balance. Leticia weakly stumbles toward her bed.

Her holy staff is there.

However, Leo pulls the hand of Leticia and drag her back to the smoke.

As expected of the Saint. It was modified so that it only works on human women but normally anyone would immediately fall asleep. Your mental strength is certainly great.

You arenot..Leo..?

Well, who cares about that. You are already unrelated to all of this. You will die here after all.


Leticia cursed her carelessness.

To think that he would disguise himself as Leo. Moreover, it was just after his proposal. If she could properly look him in the face, she would be able to immediately notice. The discomfort from seeing an illusion can not be felt unless you give a close observation.

Feeling the heavy drowsiness weighing down on her more than she ever felt, Leticia bites her lips.

Her lips began to bleed from the strong bite, causing Leticia to feel pain. Using that pain to endure the drowsiness, Leticia crawls toward the holy staff.

However, a moment later, her body stopped moving.

Le, o..

With that final word, Leticia fell asleep.

Then the person who disguised himself as Leo muttered while looking down on Leticia.

You are not at fault. If you want to blame someone then blame the Kingdom.

Saying so, he pulled out the sword he hung at his waist.

The Next Morning.

Leo was heading to Leticias room.

There is a festival today. What fun should he have with her today? Where should they go?

Leo who was thinking about such things almost started skipping.

However, when he saw the number of imperial knights in front of Leticias room, his legs stopped.


Calling out her name, Leo immediately started running.

The imperial knights tried to stop him but he broke through them and reached the door to her room.

Elna was there.


Step aside, Elna.

I wont say anything bad..just go back to your room for now.


Furious, Leo tries to enter the room.

However, Elna stopped him.

Then, a quiet voice reaches the two of them.

Let him in. He has the right to see this.



Hearing Als words, Elna relaxed the hand she used to stop Leo for a moment.

Using that moment, Leo stepped into the room.

Inside are the Emperor, the Prime Minister, Eric, and Gordon.

All of them are looking at the wall.


On the wall-Leticias body was pinned to the wall with a sword.

There is a lot of blood spread throughout the room, no matter who anyone looks at the scene, she is already dead. That was the situation.

When he saw it, something broke inside Leo.


Leos sorrowful cry echoed throughout the room and the castle.

Holding his head, Leo keeps screaming.

This cant be. He kept telling himself that this is only a bad dream.

Turning to such Leo, Gordon opened his mouth.

Going mad from seeing a corpse huh. You should already be used to it right? This kind of corpse.

Hearing that, Leos head instantly turned white.

He raised his face and there was Gordon and Eric in his sight.

Letos hand slowly reaches for his sword.




Leo tried to attack Eric and Gordon but he was knocked out by Elna.

Al who gave the order let out a sigh and gave her the next instruction.

Lock him inside his room.


Elna had a sad expression for a moment. She looked straight at Al and gave him a nod before she carried Leo out of the room.

Al then shifts his gaze to Leticias body.

While he was observing the body, a report was sent to the Emperor.

The sword used to commit the murder belong to the commander of her personal guard and her whereabouts are currently unknown, Your Majesty.

What about the gatekeepers?

We are gathering all the guards of last night to get their testimonies but so far, they didnt spot anyone leaving the castle last night.

Then lock down the castle. Once the festival begins, they can take advantage of all the ruckus to escape. Find them.

In response to the command from the Emperor, the Prime Minister bowed and excused himself.

While listening to the report, Als eyes never left Leticias body.

The Death of the Saint











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