The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 215: Chapter 215

Chapter 215: Chapter 215

Around the time when the sky began to light up.

The enemy army arrived at the castle.

Alone, Leo climbed up the castle wall that seemed like it was about to collapse. In response, Babette also stepped forward.

Good job on running away so far. Hero Prince. Lets do some self-introduction. I am Babette. The Matriarch of the Dark Elves.

Eighth Prince Leonard Lakes Adler. Should I say nice to meet you here?

Its not our first meeting. I replaced that escort captain for a few days you see. I have been watching you know. You and the Saint playing house.

I you were the one who kidnapped Leticia.

The root of all evil. The moment he discovered it, Leos eyes were filled with killing intent.

However, Babette doesnt budge.

It was so easy you know. Thanks to your face that I borrowed that is.


Do you remember? There was an Elf who shook hands with you right? That was also me. Your face seems to be convenient so I thought that I should collect it but it was even more useful than I expected. I guess I will have to thank you for that. How about I let you go if you leave the Saint here.

Leo was having a hard time suppressing his swelling anger.

His was not normal anger but something close to a pitch-black hatred. He doesnt know how to control it.

Even so, he didnt show it on the surface.

After all, Leticia is watching him. He wouldnt want to show her such an unsightly figure. That one reason is the thing that pulled Leo back. Otherwise, he would have rushed down and slash Babette already.

.why did you aim for Leticia?

It was a request from the Kingdom. They want us to experiment on her inside the Empire you see. They did a lot of preparations too you know? Placing pressure on the Elf Village, acquiring the Elves traveling route, finding a collaborator in the Empire, they even surprised me with how far they are willing to go you know.

That is Grimoires reason. I am asking you.

My personal reason? Its oblivious, right? I want the return of the Demon King. Thats why I joined up with Grimoire. I cant summon a Demon King class demon without a good vessel you see. I understood first hand how uncontrollable a Demon King would be in a direct summon. Thats why I need a vessel.

What would you gain from bringing the Demon King Back? Are you trying to wrap the continent in war again?

You people might not know this but in the old days, it was us, the Elves, who ruled over the continent. Humans are simply usurpers. Thats why we Dark Elves cooperated with the Demon King. we were pissed at the Humans who treat this land like it is their own. It was convenient you know. We get more power and we can destroy your pathetic race in the process. Well, the Demon King was far more dangerous than we imagined so it was a relief when he was put down though. If he was left alone, he might end up destroying everything after all.

Babette said so as she reminisced.

500 years ago. The Demon King appeared and the entire continent was put in crisis.

Back then, all living beings of the continent cooperated and confronted the Demon King. The Hero certainly was the one who defeated the Demon King but he did not defeat the Demon King and his subordinates all by himself.

The army of the Demon King, who had many Demons under his control, was powerful. There is no doubt that it was the strongest army in at least the last 500 years. Their defeat could be said to be a miracle.

A veteran who survived that battle 500 years ago like Babette would be more experienced than the word experienced could describe.

If he fights her he will definitely lose. That was a gap that Leo felt between their strength. He doesnt know whether he has any chance of defeating her or not.

He can not say that she is on the same level as Silver or Elna but there is no doubt that she is much stronger than him. A normal elf is already more powerful than a normal human in the first place but the person standing in front of him is the Matriarch of the Dark Elves who were empowered by the Demon King. It is only natural.

Even so.

Returning the Elves glory, revenge against the Humans. What nonsense. The ruler of the continent always changes. It is only natural that the Elves would someday lose to Humans. It is simply because Humans as a race are more diverse. You have tried to change that by cooperating with the Demon King but you still failed, why can you still not understand that?

Such arrogance. As expected of the sinful Adler clan. Your clan of thieves wont satisfy unless you can plunder everything that exists in the world. Humans only have a superior reproductive ability than the Elves. Dont you dare talk big about the race that cant even protect themselves without relying on some occasional freaks of nature!

If there are the weak among us then there are some that are strong. That is Humans diversity. We used that diversity as a weapon and evolved. Thats why we managed to prosper on this continent. Because we Humans are immature, we are full of possibilities. On the other hand, the Elves were already completed. They are indeed a noble race but you could say that they have already reached their limit. The proof is that the majority of the Elves do not seek to unify the continent. They do not seek hegemony. Babette. Your dream is one that will never come true.

Hmph, thanks for sharing that. But unfortunately, I couldnt care less about the Elves regaining the continent right now. I just want to destroy the Humans because they pissed me off. Especially your dear imperial family. I want to just slaughter you right this moment you know.

Is that so.what a coincidence. I want to kill you too.

Saying so, the twos eyes locked.

Then, Babette suddenly appeared on the wall where Leo was standing without any sound.

I want to just blow you away with magic but that might collapse the castle you see. It would trouble me a lot if the Saint got buried in rubble after all. That leaves only hand to hand combat. You chose this place because of that right? I hate that damn cunningness of you Adlers

I am cunning? It seems like you still dont know the real Adler huh. I am not someone that great you know?

Is that right. Well, I can agree that you are no big deal at all. In my long life, I have seen many so-called heroes. Certainly, you are quite good. However, you are not on my level. If you think that you stand a chance against me in close combat then I will crush you!

Saying so, Babette pulled out a sword from her waist.

In response, Leo also unsheathed his sword.

Then, the battle of the two began.

Leo was focusing on facing Babette like never before in any battle.

It was his first time that he has concentrated to this extent.

However, Leo was pushed back.


Whats wrong! Hero Prince!


Leo managed to stop a heavy blow but he couldnt stop the momentum and was blown backward.

When Leo managed to catch his breath, Babettes kick was already approaching Leos chest.

Taking Babettes kick directly, Leo was blown away along with the castle wall.


You are certainly strong but you cant beat me. Why dont you just give up and hand over the Saint?

I will nevergive her up

Saying so, Leo stood up while bleeding all over.

Seeing from Leos eyes that he still hasnt given up yet, Babette clicked her tongue.

You Adlers are damn annoying! I have seen your kind expanding this Empire over the past 500 years! Clan of sinners that took everything from me! Thats the Adlers! Know the feeling of the one being plundered for once!

The Plunder of Adlers.has a meaning

You hypocrite! What meaning plundering could hold! Yours is the greediest clan of the Humans who robbed this continent from us Elves! Your Clan of Golden Eagles that took away everything from us are the worst of your miserable humankind!

Saying so, Babette approaches the tattered Leo and tries to stab his chest.

Leo wards off the sword trajectory with his sword. Still, Babettes sword managed to scratch Leos shoulder.


You cant just lie down and accept your death huh! That is also a characteristic of your kind isnt it!

Saying so, Babette swings her sword down from above.

Leo receives it but that was all his tattered body could do.

The blade gradually approaches Leos neck.

As your last word, why dont you tell me the so-called meaning of the Adlers plundering then!

Without answering that question, Leo focuses himself.

This is a life and death crisis.

Still, Leo did not lose his calm. He cant allow himself to lose focus.

Slowly inhaling, Leo pushed back, Babettes sword with all his strength.


A payback!

Saying so, Leo kicks at Babette.

However, Babette only blew away lightly. It was incomparable to the damage Leo received.

Impudent.thats the ugliness of you Adlers.

Yeah, thats right.we Adlers are ugly..but we still choose to plunder..

When Leo was young.

He was resenting that his house was called the clan of plunderers. It was the Crown Prince Wilhelm that remonstrated him.

Wilhelm said to him as he placed his hand on the young Leos head.

[[There are two kinds of people in this world. Those who are robbed and those who rob. We are the ones who rob. Thats why they called us the plunderers.]]

Leo was even more resentful at what he said but Wilhelm only smiled as he patted Leos head.

[[Thats right. That anger is the origin of us, the Adlers. Even if you manage to stop a tragedy after it happened, tears will still be shed. The only way to stop that was to take them all away and put them all under our protection. That is the Adlers creed. It is not a good thing. It is nothing to be praised. Even so, we continue to plunder while having only one oath inside our heart.]]

Leo slowly put his left hand on his chest.

Those words still remain in his heart.

Even so, he was not fully convinced of it until now. However, right now, he understands well its meaning.

The Adlers plunder is an oath.we will not hand over anything we have within our graspthe Plundering of Adler is an oath to protect everything! This country is the product of that oath! There is no place for you in this Empire! Until our blood runs dry and our Oath disappearsthe Adlers are the guardian of everything that we have plundered!

Leo slowly took up his stance.

It was to unleash an attack with all he has.

Babette, who felt the danger from his eyes, braces herself.

However, albeit small, she took a step back.

What.? I took a step back..? I was scared of that brat!?

Unable to believe her instinct, Babette turned her eyes toward Leo again.

Then, a shining circle of light started floating around Leo.

Babette immediately understands the identity of that circle of light.

No way!? She can use the staff in that state!?

Heed my voice! Staff of the Sacred Star. O Staff that rules over the sacred heaven, give color to this sad and colorless earth! The bestowed color is [Gold]!!

The power of the holy staff is to add color.

The effect varies depending on the color selected by the user.

Among them, [Gold] is a special color.

It represents [Possibility] which allows the target to unleash their potential.

It has almost no effect on those with no potential but Leticia chooses that color.

Using the staff requires both physical and mental strength. Leticia is currently exhausted so she can not use it for long. She could manage if all it took was physical strength but she doesnt have enough mental strength required for it.

Thats why she had no choice but to choose the color with the most impact.

A color that could give Leo enough strength to defeat a strong foe like Babette. A normal enhancement would not be able to do that.

Thats why Leticia bet on Leos potential.

And it was a success.

Just Who..are you?

The Eighth Prince of the Empire.Leonard.

Like hell, something ridiculous like this can be allowed to exist.with that kind of poweryou are still unsatisfied? Are you planning to be on par with those monsters!?

The Adlers also plundered various kinds of bloodafter all, we cant continue to plunder if we are not strong enough, without strength we can not protect anything..this bloodline is the proof of Adlers determination!

Saying so, Leo approached Babette at the speed she couldnt react to and slash at her with a flowing motion.

Babette was cut diagonally from chest to the torso. As blood spilled from her mouth, Leo kicks her off the wall of the castle.

He then turned his left hand toward Babette who was still in mid-air.

A golden circle of light emerged from the sky and light began to leak from it.

It was the magic that is most incompatible with Babette who was strengthened by the Demon King.



Abandoned the chant, Leo activated the highest level of holy magic with only the magic name alone.

Then, the golden light of purification swallows and burns Babette.

Soon the golden light faded, and what remained was Babette whose body was half burned. Thanks to the barrier she managed to erect, she escaped instant death.

However, she is at deaths door.

At that time, Leticia lost her consciousness again as she couldnt stand the power of the staff.

Naturally, Leo returns to his normal state as well.


.to think that I would be defeated by two brats playing house..but that victory will not come for free.

Saying so, Babette raised her remaining hand up.

With that as a signal, the troops that had been on standby started to move.

Numerous lights started to glow from their side until it covered the entire army.

Every single one of them is the light from magic.

They might be able to capture her now butafter I died, that doesnt matter to me anymorea blow from more than a thousand magic.I will have you disappear with me! Now die! Adler brat!!

Saying so, Babette swung her arm down with a grin on her face.

Leo immediately holds his sword up and the Griffon Knights try to get Leticia on Noirs back.

However, they will not be able to make it.

Innumerable magics fly toward the castle.

It has more than enough power to destroy the whole castle.

However, all the oncoming magic was knocked down before it could reach the castle.

White cloak fluttered in front of Leo.

Wh, at..?

-you can shoot thousands or tens of thousands more but know that it is but a foolish dream to think that you can shoot down the Golden Eagle with only that much power. We are here after all.


That name is already outdated. Right now the Brave house of Amsberg is the shield and the sword of the Empire. We are the guardian of the Empire and its Imperial Family.

Again..!? I will never forgive you! How many times do you want to stand in our way!?

As many times as it takes.

Saying so, Elna appears in front of Babette and raises her sword high.

Her death is already just a matter of time.

Still, Elna put a lot of strength into her sword. damn monster.

Call me whatever you want. I also have something to say to you as well. Because of you, my prince had to hit his younger brotherthat is punishable by death. Die and atone for your sin.

Saying so, Elna swung down her sword and Babettes existent was eradicated.

Then, Elna slowly returns her sight to the wall.

It seems that you are safe. Leo. Im glad. did you.?

You already know the answer right? Al managed to convince his Majesty the Emperor. Thats why I could make it in time.

Elna smiled after she said so.

Then, following Elna, the Third Imperial Knight Corp and Sebas also arrived at the castle.

The Oath of Adler

TLN: Well, the shonen manga part should be over wither this. we will be back to Al in a few chapters.

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