The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 219: The Seventh Consort, Gianna

Chapter 219: The Seventh Consort, Gianna

The Seventh Consort, Gianna is the youngest of all the Emperors consorts.

She is currently 28 years old. She got married to Father 11 years ago when she was 17.

Father did welcome a wife the same as age as Eric but it was not because Father sought her out himself.

The marriage between the two was a political one.

Gianna was originally the daughter of a Duke of the Sokal empire.

11 years ago. Sokal empire, who was angry with the Empire over the matter with the Dwarves, offered the daughter of a Duke, a distant relative to their royal family, to Father.

That Dukes daughter is Gianna. She was sent in the pretext of a peace offering and to form a friendly relationship between the two countries.

With her being a distant relative to their royal family, it is certainly pleasant to the ears but it also means that she can be cut off at any time. As evidence, the Sokal empire has tried to cross our border even after Giannas marriage was concluded.

Although Father did not do it, Giannas position was one that it would not be strange if she got executed as a show of political power.

A sacrifice for a temporary truce. That is Gianna.

She was sacrificed by her homeland to be the Seventh Consort of a man who has a son the same age as her.

However, being wary of deteriorating the relationship between the Empire and the Sokal empire, Father accepted the marriage and cherished Gianna as much as he could.

My youngest brother, the Tenth Prince, Rupert is the proof.

Rupert, who is only ten years old, was an unnecessary child for Father.

Considering the age of his oldest son, Rupert will still be a child when the time calls for the succession war to commence.

He is different from Christa who is the daughter of his most beloved consort.

Still, my father had a child with Gianna. Someone abandoned by the Sokal empire, and an unneeded consort of the Empire. He thought that she would be too pitiful to be treated like that.

However, this also led to creating a new worry for Gianna.

Gianna has no ally inside the Empire. As long as the fact that she hailed from the Sokal empire still stands, she will forever be under suspicion. The same goes for her son, Rupert.

Rupert himself is an existence that posts the possibility of the Sokal empire interfering with the Empires working.

Naturally, Gianna is aware of the suspicion placed upon her and her son so she made sure that she doesnt do anything extra until now. Of course, they are not in any way involved in the succession war.

That Gianna is now relying on my mother to ask for my help.

That move would not be looked upon kindly by the other candidates for the throne.

Gianna-sama. Do you know what it means to be asking for my help?

Of course, Your Highness.

can I assume that you decided to join Leos faction?


Gianna is not stupid.

Just because I am the one that she asked for help from, it doesnt mean that she is trying to rely on me.

Leaving her son to the like of the Dull Prince is the same as sending him to his grave.

Thats why Giannas request can not be taken at face value.

She is trying to rely on Leo through me.

Gordons movements are suspicious so it is reasonable to get under other factions protection. However, since you originally came from the Empire, isnt Eric a more viable option for you?

Eric is the Minister of Foreign Affair and has close ties with the Sokal empire.

For Gianna who came from the Sokal empire, Eric should be a more reliable choice.

I have thought about it at firstbut I am scared.the people from my empire, especially those who belong to the royal family are all black-hearted. His Highness Eric who can negotiate with them without batting an eye, he is terrifying for me.

Isnt it because he is just that excellent?

It might be exactly as you say. HoweverHis Highness Eric looks as if he doesnt feel anything even when he negotiates with them. It was as if he had no emotions at all. No matter how talented that person isI can not leave my son with him.

I see.

I can understand her reason.

It does make sense. If she cant trust Eric as a mother, she only has one other faction to rely on.

Currently, Leos faction is approaching Erics in power. It is no wonder that she chooses to rely on him.

The sooner the better.

This simply means that the future where Leo becomes an emperor is getting more realistic.


I am sorry, even if you want to rely on us, we currently cant afford to protect you. I would recommend you to bring this matter to Eric-aniue instead.

No way! At least Rupert alone!

Protecting Christa alone is all I can do. Are you aware? Almost all of our factions strength is currently outside the capital. Elna is currently away from the capital, as long as she doesnt put in a word, the Brave house can not be moved. There is little I can do. Please give up.

Gianna who lost her words looked at my mother.

I also take my eyes away from her and look at Mother.

Al. Dont you want to help your little brother?

I want to help him if I can but right now I have neither Sebas nor Leo to rely on. With our fighting force extremely limited, if I add more people that I have to protect, the people that I absolutely must protect will also be at risk.

Adding a person is no big deal right?

It is. Rupert is not just any child. Hes a prince. If I want to protect him, I would need a certain amount of strength. If I can think of someone who can lend me that strength I would consider it though.

..We have no ally..

I am aware. I and Leo were like that at first. If you are someone who offered us your help when we were still at a disadvantage then I would consider it but would it not be too selfish to ask for our help now that we gained power.

A person who sided with us when we were weak can be trusted and I will obviously feel gratitude to such a person.

However, even if someone told us that they would become our ally when we already gained power, I can not trust such a person and I dont feel any gratitude toward them either. Not to mention that Gianna has no allies. The only thing she has is enemies.

She will only bring more burden to us.

Al. Protect her. If its Leo, he will never abandon the weak.

Unfortunately, I am not Leo. I prefer reality rather than an ideal. You can not force this on me, Mother.

If Gordon moves, he will surely set out to occupy the castle and activate the Celestial Sphere.

The Celestial Sphere can be activated by setting multiple Keystone Jewels on the pedestals. Once it is activated, it can only be taken down from the inside. Thats why I remain inside its area of effect.

The forces that were called to the castle are there to protect those pedestals. They cant afford to escort anyone else.

If the Celestial Sphere was activated, it would be impossible for Leo and the other to get in. Thats why the most important thing is to take down the Celestial Sphere.

As long as I have to clear that absolute condition, I can not afford to make this choice.

Ara, is that so. Then I will protect them myself.

Mother.please do not force me like that. I can not do the impossible. We simply dont have enough

If its the forces you need then you can just borrow it.

Who would be willing to lend me their force?

Your elder brother.

Saying so, my mother looked at the entrance of the room.

With a bad feeling, I slowly look back.

Standing there was Trau-niisan whose face is still blue from blood loss.

I heard the story! I shall lend you my strength!

.why is Trau-niisan here?

In case you refused, I called him as insurance.

a normal person wouldnt call on someone who was asleep because he just lost a lot of blood right

Its an emergency. And I did not force him or anything. He offered to come here after he heard the situation you know?

I will ask first then, what did my mother tell you, Trau-niisan?

I will only move for little girls! Miss Mitsuba told me that she wants me to protect Miss Christa so I staggeringly walked here you know!!

Ara, so strange. It seems like we suddenly have a surplus now havent we?

I pulled my face at my mothers words.

So he pulled Trau-niisan in by feeding him Christa?

Certainly, that way he can also protect Rupert while protecting Christa.

However, there is one problem here.

Trau-niisanhow do you plan to protect them in that kind of condition?

Arnold, dont look down on your elder brother alright. I have already summoned strong helpers for us you know!

Strong helpers?

My brothers aides.

Come again?

The helpers that he summoned have far surpassed my expectations.

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