The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 231: Filial Piety

Chapter 231: Filial Piety

Empires eastern border.

There was a huge building that was erected like a wall.

It is the cornerstone of the eastern border defense.

The Fortress of Eisenwald.

It is the Imperial Armys base for eastern border defense as well as its frontline.

My my, I wonder when I last arrived at my intended destination this fast.

If you run here while ignoring your surroundings like that it is no wonder you get lost you know.

An old dwarf and an elf girl.

Originally the two of them should have no business being together.

That was a completely out of place combination.

It was Egor and Sonia.

At the request of Silver, Egor immediately headed to the eastern border together with Sonia. On their journey, Sonia now understands why Egor always got lost.

Egor travels at a different speed than normal people. Even with Sonia in his arms, he used instantaneous movement to run and simply ran past the points where he was supposed to turn.

If Sonia didnt tell him to stop and see where they were going, Egor would have arrived at the northern border instead.

I guess I will have to be careful next time huh.

That is the habit that you couldnt fix for hundreds of years right? I think you cant ever fix it you know, your lost child tendency.

Sonia astoundedly muttered so.

This is the Lost Sword Saint. Its already kind of his trademark.

Theres no other solution besides having someone who can reign him in or stop him at his side.

This time they are doing the former but Sonia doesnt want to experience that again.

Being held by Egor and moving at his speed was too much for her.

When she noticed that they were crossing a mountain, the dizziness from the speed made her feel sick.

However, thanks to that, they managed to arrive at the eastern border early.

So how do you plan to turn back the Dwarf King?

We cant turn them back. If I am here, Sokal will never attack. Moreover, it would be difficult to convince the stubborn dwarves. Thats why he must be thinking of a way to prevent the battle from starting in the first place, That Silver.

If its only that then I dont think Silver would need Ojii-sans help though.

Sonia mutters so as she walks inside the fortress.

They have already given Egors name and the permission to meet the Dwarf King has already been granted.

The soldier who guided them here already returned to his mission after he told them the direction and sent them down this hallway.

If he had to hurry back to his post like that then perhaps they currently dont have enough manpower right now? Sonia thought.

The eastern border can be said to be the most important border of the Empire.

Thats why it is rumored that the Eastern Border Defense Force stationed here is the strongest of the Imperial Army.

This place is being managed by Marshal Lizelotte Lakes Adler. The first princess and the strongest general of the Imperial Family. The Sokal empire never took any military action ever since she took over the task of defending the eastern border. Thats how feared she is. Even without Ojii-san here, as long as she is, I dont think Sokal will ever attack though.

Thats what I told him too but Silver brought up his favor you see. I cant stay refuse him right?

Maybe Silver has wasted his favor on this.

Sonia muttered so and clears her throat in front of the room.

Inside this room, the Dwarf King and an Imperial Marshal are waiting for them.

In order not to be rude, she needs to mind her appearances. However, Egor simply opens the door and enters the room.

Sorry for intruding

Wha!? Ojii-san!?

He was so casual as though he was just visiting a friends room. He didnt even knock on the door.

Surprised, Sonia immediately bowed and apologized.

M, my deepest apology! This Ojii-san has already gone senile!

WaHaHa!! That little elf girl just said that Egor has gone senile you know! This is too funny!!

Said a bearded dwarf as he vigorously laughed.

He started drinking alcohol from the mug in his hand like water and like a dwarf would, he spilled a lot of the content on his beard as he happily commented on how funny he thought her earlier words were.

Ahh, so thats the Dwarf King. Sonia thought.

Its a scene she has often witnessed ever since she began living with the dwarves but this is the most vigorous dwarf she has ever seen. As expected of the Dwarf King. she began to suspect that the Dwarves elected their king by seeing how much alcohol one can drink.

Its a pleasure meeting you, Your Majesty. My name is Sonia Laspade. I am currently working as Elder Egors attendant.

I know. As long as it is within my realm, I always get all kinds of reports you know. The old geezers were reluctant to let in an elf but I told them that we should welcome you with open arms! It is merrier to have more young ones right!!

The dwarf pours more alcohol for himself and continues to drink it with a smile.

The pace at which he is drinking made her worried if he will drain all the alcohol stored in this fortress.

Your Majesty, please take this.

Hmm? What is it?

Your beard is wet, Your Majesty. In front of a woman, Your Majesty should be careful about your appearance. It is completely fine in front of a man though.

OHH! I see, I see! Sorry about that! Duke!

Saying so the Dwarf King wiped the liquor on his beard and arranged his messy clothes. He then introduced himself to Sonia with a dignified voice.

Come to think of it I still havent given you my name yet huh. Sorry. My name is Macar, King of the Dwarves. You dont have to mind your words around me, I have known that old man since I was a kid after all.

No no, since you have become a king, I have to be more courteous right. By the way, hows that alcohol, is it good? Can I have some too?

What being more courteous.

She involuntarily retorted in her mind and held her head.

While she was doing that, the man sitting next to Macar called out to Sonia.

Our esteemed dwarven guests dont mind about such details. Thats a good point of the dwarves. Theyre generous and always lively. I like them because they have no ulterior motives, what about you?

I am of the same opinion, Duke.

Sonia immediately replied and bowed.

On top of being able to talk on friendly terms with the Dwarf King, the king also called him a duke.

Combined with the previous information she received earlier, Sonia suspected that this person is Duke Reinfeld.

He looks like a dwarf in terms of body shape himself but perhaps he was raised as an imperial noble, the atmosphere he is giving out is nothing but elegance and composure.

His impression is that of a successful merchant.

And that impression is not wrong.

Duke of Reinfeld is a noble that has a territory located in the southeastern region of the Empire but his influence extends over the whole eastern region.

The current Duke Reinfeld has a commercial talent and a wide range of abilities. He has connections with various nobles and is a highly evaluated individual both as a Duke and as a person.

Ah, it seems I also forgot to introduce myself. I am Jurgen von Reinfeld. I am one of the dukes of the Empire but you dont have to mind yourself around me. Being an attendant to Elder Egor is much more amazing after all.

N, no, that is..

WaHaHa!! It is as the Duke says! No one has been able to work with this old man for hundreds of years! Its a big deal you know!

Macar said so as he drank his alcohol while loudly shouting How fun. At his side, Egor also started joining him before she knows it.

Seeing the two, Jurgen smiles.

This is different from what she heard.

Thought Sonia as she posted a question to Jurgen.

Duke, my apologies but if I am not mistaken..wasnt the Dwarf King decided to invade the Sokal empire?

Yes. you are correct.

Jurgen casually acknowledged Sonias words.

He then gently looked at the desk in the back of the room.

Originally, it was the place where the master of this fortress, the Marshal sits.

However, that seat is empty.

Everything was all according to that persons plan. The Dwarf King is here to strengthen our border defense. [I want you to take care of the eastern border for me], that person asked me so and arranged this.

Taking care of the eastern border? Dont tell me, the Marshal is currently absent!?

Yes. That person is now moving in a different location. If possible, I want to go with her.but since she told me that she could only entrust this place to me, I had to accept her request as a man.

WaHaHa!! You really are an idiot! Duke! If this information gets leaked, Sokal might just start invading us you know! You will definitely die if thats the case! Even if you are lucky enough to survive, you will still be punished! How stupid!

Isnt Your Majesty also in a similar position?

What are you saying! We dwarves owe the Empire! Moreover, I have been taken care of by that princess many times already! And that princess told me to take care of you, you know! If I dont accept her request then it would dishonor the name of the Dwarf King!

Saying so, Macar keeps drinking more and more alcohol.

All the while saying that he never has this much fun before.

I love idiots like you! Seriously the Imperial Family of this country really is all idiots! I cant have enough! The father is one, the daughter is one! Now she entrusted the border defense to the Duke that is famous for being a great merchant! The Duke is also an idiot! You agreed to do it even though you have nothing to gain right!

I am only here physically. When it comes to battle, I will leave it to Your Majesty and the soldiers of this fortress. I am only here to take responsibility after all.

So thats why Silver wanted Ojii-san here..if thats the case then is the Marshal currently at the Imperial Capital?

If nothing happens, the father and daughter should be able to meet after a long time. And if something happens, not to mention the enemy, even her allies wouldnt notice her presence. No matter what, it will be a surprise for His Majesty the Emperor.

Saying so, Jurgen started to grin.

The moment Gordon raises his sword.

A clear voice echoed in the Imperial Capital.


At the same time, countless arrows attacked Gordon and his group who surrounded the arena.

As the Emperor watched the scene, the Prime Minister apologized again.

Please forgive me. There was only one person in the army that I could trust.

Dont tell me

Johannes opened his eyes wide and looked at the group that attacked Gordon and his men.

Every one of them was wearing a hood to cover their face but what could be seen underneath those hoods was the armys uniform.

Dashingly leading the hooded soldiers is a woman donning a blue cloak.

In the Empire, only the three marshals can don a blue cloak over their military uniform.

And the Empire has only one female marshal.

Her long golden hair was blown by the wind. Seeing her figure, Gordon immediately shouted.


Is it so surprising for an Imperial Marshal to rush to His Majestys side to protect him? Or was it that surprising that I came here to protect Father?

When she said that with a light smile, all of her subordinates took their hoods off all at once.

Standing there are the elites of the Eastern Border Defense Force.

Know your ignorance, Gordon. I am more of a good daughter than you think.


Thats my line! All men, draw your swords!! By the order of your Marshal, Slaughter the rebels!!!!!

Thus the Imperial Army collided with one another in the Imperial Capital.

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