The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 238: The Old Generation

Chapter 238: The Old Generation

Its been a long time. Your Highness Traugott.

Marx and Manuel, at your service, Your Highness.

When the door opened, two men knelt before Trau-niisan and gave their greetings.

Both have bright blonde hair and eyes of the same color.

The elder brother, Marx von Raiffeisen is a fearless good-looking man.

The younger brother, Manuel von Raiffeisen has a gentle appearance, and perhaps due to his baby-face, he looks much younger than his elder brother.

As Wings of the Crown Prince, if they had the chance to continue to support him, they would become quite influential people in the Empire.

Even the Emperor himself thinks that it is a waste that they would only serve the Crown Prince.

The only person who could move them would probably be Trau-niisan alone.

Good work, you two. Im grateful that you were willing to listen to my unreasonable request.

What are you saying, Your Highness. You are the younger brother of our lord, the late Crown Prince.

We shall rush to your aid whenever you are in crisis.

I appreciate your loyalty to my brother. I apologize for using your loyalty to him. I swear, I shall never use my brothers name like this again.

Their loyalty is toward the deceased Crown Prince. Trau-niisan never mistook that.

Thats why he thanked them for their loyalty and vowed not to use it anymore.

That would be the best way to grasp peoples hearts.

It would be considered a great move if he deliberately pulled that off but Im sure that his words did not come from that kind of calculated move but his true intention instead.

He is truly sorry for using their loyalty toward our eldest brother.

It must be because Trau-niisan is like this that they came to his aid.

We and our subordinates have already taken control of this floor. Lets move out, Your Highness.

I understand. Arnold, I will leave the children in your care okay?


Trau-niisan said so and left the room.

After that, the Raiffeisen brothers follow him. When we left the room, the people who seemed to be their subordinates were watching the surroundings outside.

There are about ten of them but these people are all the former subordinates of the late Crown Prince. I can see strength oozing out from how they handle themselves.

Even though they have been away from the battle for quite some time, every single one of them should be strong enough to handle an A-rank adventurer by themself.

The Raiffeisen brothers who lead them should be even stronger. The elder brother, Marx was once considered as a talented man who could go toe to toe with Lize-aneue while even the younger brother, Manuel has the ability on par with an AA-rank adventurer.

Their battle senses should be dulled and they shouldnt be as powerful as in their heydays but it is helpful to have this much strength on our side right now.


Please do not mind the honorific, Your Highness Arnold.

Then, Manuel. Did you disguise yourselves as soldiers and infiltrated the castle?

The Raiffeisen brothers and their men are all wearing military uniforms.

The black military uniform of the Imperial Army.

I did consider such a plan myself but judging from their appearance, it seems to be quite effective.

Thats correct, Your Highness. The soldiers were gathered by His Highness Gordon but only the higher-ups know each other. The lower rank soldiers cant distinguish themselves. However, it seems that they have decided on a secret code that they can use to identify their ally.

What is the code?

Apparently, it is [For Her Highness Zandra]. I heard it when they were checking each other and it indeed worked so I assume that to be their code.

Zandra? Is it because they are cooperating?

I cant say for sure. However, despite the fact that His Highness Gordon is outside the castle, the Celestial Sphere was activated. There must be others in the Imperial Family who cooperated with him. Among all the Imperial Family here, Her Highness Zandra is the most likely. Besides, the two have long been in conflict. Within a rebellion started by His Highness Gordon, it would be unexpected for an outsider to mention the name of Her Highness Zandra to them. That was probably why they chose it.

I nodded at Manuels explanation.

So it is almost certain that Zandra is cooperating with Gordon huh.

But the soldiers dont know that so they use her name as a secret code.

As a code, I cant say that it is that good but if the code is too difficult, it can still cause confusion among their ranks.

I guess thats their limit.

Many soldiers under the enemys command are confused. Most of them were skeptical while obeying the orders of their superiors. The order given to them was also vague. They were told to take control of the castle and capture everyone inside. It seems that only a few of them were actually given detailed orders.

So they do not have complete control over their men huh.

I have no intention to give Gordon an excuse but it is indeed a daunting task to completely control all the soldiers. The generals that are participating in this rebellion are extremists. They simply want a war so that they can use it to obtain military achievements. Their only desire is to advance their career and bring honor to their names. They are supporting Gordon because they have something to gain, even if its not Gordon, taking control over those people would be a difficult thing to do.

Trau-niisan explains.

Hearing him, Rita nodded. I thought that she managed to learn something using this opportunity but judging from her expression, it seems that she doesnt really understand anything huh.

Still, it was indeed a difficult topic.

It is easy to manipulate those who seek to benefit themselves but once they grouped up, that would be difficult.


You can bait one of them with what they want but if you group them up, their interests will conflict.

If you favor a certain person, others will be dissatisfied and distance themselves from you.

That being said,

Gordon should know that well. Hes the type that would leave things like that alone. For Gordon, who never trusted others and only relied on his own strength, anyone who refused to follow him is unneeded. He probably thinks that there are many replacements he can choose from.

Thats correct. I thought of him better in the past but recently, he has grown worse. He doesnt trust anyone because of his arrogance. Nothing good will come from relying on other countries to start a rebellion. Gordon may think that he can suppress it with force but once a rebellion occurs, chaos will spread inside the country. Moreover, now we have to deal with outside threats as well. Theres nothing good coming from it at all.

Even so, Gordon still did it. He even joined hands with Zandra. He must have done it out of desperation.

And it was me and Leo who drove him into the corner.

Even if it is only a small part, we do share the responsibility for this rebellion.

Couldnt we handle it better? I couldnt help but think about such a thing but theres no point regretting anything now.

The fire has already started. Putting it out should be the highest priority.

When I was thinking so, Marx who was walking in front of us signaled us to stop.

Come out. I know that you are there.

Marx said as he looked at the corner.

A person appeared from the corner.

The man has his stomach wrapped up in a bloody bandage. His expression is ghastly pale.

He is also donning a white cloak.

Standing there is the Captain of the Eighth Imperial Knight Corp, Oliver von Rolbach.

Isnt that a face I havent seen in a long time.

Captain Oliver!? What happened!? That wound!?

Oliver is in the same generation as the Raiffeisen brothers.

He had been serving Father as a captain in the Imperial Knight Order since the two were still serving the Crown Prince.

Naturally, they are familiar with each other.

Haa, Haa..the Tenth Corp Captain..Raphael betrayed us..

Impossible..Raphael should adore His Majesty like his own father

I thought so toobut it seems thats not the case.please relay that to the Knight Commander.I cant move anymore

Saying so, Oliver leaned against the wall and slid down to the floor.

Blood spills on the wall and Oliver himself also vomit a small amount of blood from his mouth.

His wound is quite deep.

He probably came here while fighting off his pursuers.

Its clear that his life cant be saved anymore.

.Captain Oliver. For the loyalty you showed to the Empire, I thank you.

Please stop thatYour Highness Traugott..being thankful to a fool like meI couldnt protect anything.the only thing I have left is shame

Oliver smiles deprecatingly.

For Oliver, who has served Father for a long time, this is the biggest blunder of his life.

And there is no chance for him to correct it.

Everyone had lost their words.

However, only Rita alone was different.

There is no shame in it at all! Rita thinks that you are amazing! You came here without giving up after all!!

Saying so, Rita held Olivers hand.

Perhaps he found his hand much colder than she thought, she flinched a little but she never let go. think that I would be comforted by a child.

Rita is not a child! Rita is a knight candidate! One day Rita will become an Imperial Knight and protect Cu-chan! I will become a knight who never gives up like you!!

Just how much those words have saved Oliver.

Hearing her words, he smiled and stood up with all his power.

If a child is going so far for me..then I cant allow myself to show any more of my embarrassing side huh

Un! Lets go to the throne room together! If we treat that wound then!

Its.already too late for me..I cant go with you

Oliver takes off his white mantle.

He then used the sword he was holding to cut the bloody part of it off.

Ahh! Thats proof of an imperial knight!

Yeah, thats right..thats why I am giving it to you. Take good care of it.

Oliver put the white mantle on Rita.

Rita who just received a mantle that can only be worn by an imperial knight was confused but Oliver only gently stroked her head.

Go, my junior. If you are Her Highnesss Imperial Knight then never leave her side. In a situation like this, those who remain at the Imperial Familys side are Imperial Knightsfight for them with pride, Knight Rita.

Oliver said so and slowly looked at the way he came.

A large number of soldiers are coming our way.

Leave this place to me..I will buy you some time, Raiffeisen brothers.

..I pray for your luck.

Luck huh..right. Maybe thats exactly what I need..Your Highnesses..please tell His Majesty that this Oliver apologized for his blunder..

After he said that, Oliver started walking toward the soldiers.

In response, they began to rush at him.

I carry Christa while the Raiffeisen brothers subordinates take care of Rita and Wendy.

After all, children cant catch up with our pace.

Its not so bad being a stepping stone for the future generation huhCOME AT MEWhich one of you will take the head of Captain Oliver of the Imperial Knight Order? My head wont come for cheap you know!

Oliver shouted and started engaging the soldiers.

As we ran, Rita kept her eyes on Olivers back until it couldnt be seen anymore.

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