The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 248: Sunset

Chapter 248: Sunset

When Finne entered the secret passage, the sun was about to set.

Gordons rebellion that started at noon could not conclude in one day and it has to be carried over to the next day.

Marshal, the enemys attack is starting to let up.

So they dont want to continue their attack in the dark huh. That Gordon, it seems like he started to use his head a little huh.

Lize talked to herself while looking at the enemy army in front of her.

Lizes force at the East Gate consists of around 2,000 men while Gordons army that surrounds them is about 8,000.

The reason they could withstand the assault of an army four times their number was because of Lizes command and the overall quality of the Imperial Knights and her men. It was the result of many conditions being intertwined.

However, that doesnt change their situation. There was still a large number of rebels and the generals who didnt take part in the rebellion were captured so they can not expect any reinforcement from inside the Imperial Capital.

They will be at a disadvantage if this situation is prolonged. However, if the Brave or Elna can get here, the situation will change completely.

Being in that kind of situation, Gordon did not force his army to attack at night.

With the recognition that his soldiers couldnt compete with Lizes, Gordon is afraid of a counterattack in a situation where their visibility is unclear.

Lizes soldiers are the border defense force. They were trained to battle in any kind of situation. A night battle will not cause any problems for them.

They might even take the chance and breakthrough their encirclement.

If Lize can let the Emperor escape in the cover of the night, their side will be more advantageous.

Lize wanted to do that in case the enemy attacked them but that plan became unusable because Gordon chose to wait.

How is the situation, Lizelotte?

If Father is not here, I would ambush Gordons camp and take his head but since Father is here that would be difficult. Right now we have only a few hands to play.


Johannes dropped his shoulders when she implied that he is currently a burden.

In response, Lize asks Johannes a question.

Please leave the battle to us. More importantly, Father, which side do you think will arrive here first?

Elna and the Brave huh?

Yes. only a blow from the holy sword can get us out of this situation. There are only two people who can use the holy sword inside the Empire. Elna who went to rescue the Saint or the Brave who prepared himself in advance, which one do you think will arrive first?

Hearing Lize, Johannes turned silent for a short moment.

Thinking with commonsense, the Brave should arrive here earlier than Elna.

Elna who headed out to rescue the Saint will not come back until she completed what she set out to do. On the other hand, the Brave can move at his own discretion. The difference here is too big.


If someone is going to come then it would be Elna.

Why do you think so?

Arnold is in the castle. The Amsberg houses loyalty is high. Even though they can take over the Empire by force anytime they want, they have always acted as a sword to the Imperial Family. Elna is no exception. She has already given her loyalty to Arnold since she was young. The same goes for Leonard, if they know the situation, they will desperately try to come back here to save him. That must be what Arnold is aiming for.

Father is saying that Arnold planned this?

He is very observant. He saw through the Saint assassination ruse. Its hard for me to think that he wasnt aware of Gordons suspicious movements. Nevertheless, Arnold sent Sebas to Leos side. He probably did that to prepare them in case of an emergency. If so, the two will immediately head back here after they rescued the Saint.

I see. The reason he didnt head out himself was to motivate them to come back here as fast as possible. Thats an Arnold-like plan.

He is good at using people but hes even better at using himself. Arnold has little value as a hostage but both Leonard and Elna have tremendous value if they fall into the enemys hands. By choosing to stay behind, Arnold became a shackle for those two.

If Al is inside the Imperial Capital, returning to the capital will be Leo and Elnas top priority.

There is no doubt about that.

They will come back as fast as they can and fight Gordon.

Was the reason he sent Sebas to their side was to stop them from going out of control?

Perhaps. Besides, Sebas is easy to use. He will be a very powerful force when they decide to attack the capital.

If that is the case then Al is probably making his moves inside the castle isnt he.

I expect that. Do you remember the time Arnold and Leonard used to search for the secret passages in the castle?

Yes, I remember. They always boast that they discover a new secret in every letter they sent me. Back then, I was wondering if they would eventually write me the layout of the whole castle but it seems that it did become useful now. When it comes to the castle, Al knows it better than anyone.

I guess I could say that the time he spent playing around wasnt a waste huh.

Saying so, Johannes reminiscence.

He used to scold Al many times when he played in the castle. Al never showed any remorse when he scolded him but he is now looking forward to the result Al will get from his exploration.

Life really is full of mysteries. Just a while ago, I would never have thought that something like this would ever happen. Of course, I never thought that there would be a time I would expect something from Arnold either. This is really strange

If we can see the future, we wouldnt have such a hard time. Whether it be Aniues death or Gordons rebellion, we cant do anything about it once it happened. It is only a matter of how to deal with it. No matter how much we prepare, unexpected things will still happen. But it is not all bad. Sometimes, something can overcome our expectations as well. Al is a good example.

Al has been looked down on as the Dull Prince by everyone in the country.

Johannes is well aware of that.

There were times when he thought that people went too far making fun of a prince but with the person himself staying silent about it, as an Emperor, he couldnt say anything.

The only thing that could be done by Johannes was to tell Al to get his act together.

And whenever he told him so, small thoughts came up to his mind.

Be more proud, be more motivated.

With those in mind, Johannes kept scolding Al while Al always reflected them away.

However, the situation changed Al.

Ever since Leo joined the succession war, he began to show a side that he never showed before.

Everyone calls Al the Dull Prince. Even if he makes some achievement, the starting point is just too low that it barely makes any difference in his reputation. Im sure that Gordon despises and looks down on him. Perhaps, that might be Gordons fatal mistake.

If he can do that then I guess no one can call him the Dull Prince anymore huh.

I wonder about that. Im sure that Arnold likes being treated as the Dull Prince. It is a fact that Arnold himself lacks motivation. Someone who can only get serious in an emergency is hard to evaluate properly after all.

Thinking about it, it is understandable. Those who excel in something by putting in efforts are talented but those who excel in something without doing so are geniuses. Al is certainly the latter. Al is a natural at outsmarting others and it is hard for a genius to be evaluated.

If people can see his worth then I wouldnt be so troubled. Besides, Arnold himself doesnt want to be accurately evaluated either. Im sure-he has a side of him that he cant show even to us.

Johannes sighed after saying so.

He then looks at Lize and speaks to her in a small voice.

I might be conceited too. I do have pride as a good emperor but I couldnt see through the true nature of my children at all. Thats why a rebellion like this happened. Forgive me. I only bring troubles to you.

It is natural for a child to help their father and it is natural for a marshal to help their emperor. There is no need for you to ask for forgiveness. It is me who should apologize. I shut myself away at the border after Aniues death. It was certainly painful but as your eldest daughter, I should have stayed and supported you. After all, Father was the one who suffered the most..If I was by your side, a rebellion like this wouldnt happen. Please forgive me.

Hearing Lize, Johannes smiles.


This rebellion isnt all bad either. I finally get to talk to my daughter like this after all.Lize, you know what to do if the enemy manages to get through right?

.yes. If the time comes, I will definitely take Fathers life with my hands.

Good. As an emperor, I cant allow my head to be taken by the rebels. If I am going to be cut down, it isnt that bad to have you be the one who does it.

Saying so, Johannes left with a smile.

Lize, who was left behind glanced a the enemy army that slowly encroaching them and shifted her eyes to the castle.

Please rest assured.after I cut you down, I will definitely send all the fools after you, Father. I will have them apologize for their follies in the afterlife.

While hoping that it wont come to that, Lize wiped the blood off her sword.

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