The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 250: General Estman

Chapter 250: General Estman

SOOO, Sleepy.

In the end, we barely find anyone even though we searched all night huh..

Thats obvious, right? All VIP immediately escaped to the throne room after all.

The low-rank soldiers were not allowed to rest.

They were exhausted searching the castle for hostage all night.

I wonder if we can get inside the throne room today

Right. We covered almost everywhere already after all.

But it was the Knight Commander who is guarding the throne room you know? Will we really be able to do anything?

.it was like she was daring us to go there and die.

Those words darkened the faces of the soldiers there.

Among them, a voice raised a question.

I didnt join this rebellion to get killed

Me was because General Estman joined in..we had no choice right

Stop it. You will get us in trouble if the others hear us alright?


I understand their feelings well.

They did not participate in the rebellion of their own free will. It was because their superior chose to participate and it was easier for them to just follow orders.

If they refused to fall in line, they would be killed.

There was no other choice for low-rank soldiers like them.

They do have doubts about this rebellion. After all, they dont know what is waiting for them at the end.

If they could secure a large number of hostages, they could gain a sense of superiority. However, all the possible hostages have escaped.

The easiest way to keep these soldiers morale up is to get the result. You can dismiss any of their complaints if the result was produced.

However, with no result whatsoever, the soldiers will start to get anxious.

And that is especially true for a ragtag group of soldiers like this one.

I heard this from the other guys you know

Theres now way that I wouldnt make use of their doubts.

I mixed in with the soldiers and started talking with a low voice.

The soldiers, who had been wearing out due to lack of sleep and the stresses from the rebellion, listened to my story without questioning my existence.

It seems General Estman was threatened to join the rebellion.

As I thought huh

The general was so loyal to the Emperor after all..I thought that would be the case.

Thats not the only problem. Apparently, the highnesses up there dont really like the generals attitude in the first place. Even if this rebellion is successful, it seems that he will be executed in the end you know. If thats true, I wonder what will happen to us..

What!? The general will get executed!?

Thats impossible right

If our general is gone, they would only send us a new general right.

I think that they wouldnt take good care of us thoughthey will probably send us to the front line immediately..

Anxiety started to spread among them.

Seeing that, I grinned and continued.

At least, it would be nice if we can meet up with the general first.

Right! We are the generals soldiers!

We havent seen him since the rebellion began right!

If we can hear what he has to say, we wouldnt be so worried like this.

After I further fanned their anxiety, I left them.

For them, this topic is no longer someone elses affair.

Even if I left them alone, they will start to speculate things by themselves.

In this manner, I continue to spread rumors among their ranks.

The rumor I spread is not that far from the truth.

General Estman has earned a lot of trust from his soldiers and Father.

I dont think General Estman who is widely known as a man of character would join Gordons side for no reason.

Well.after I instigated this much doubt in them, the soldiers should be getting a lot more curious about what their general has to say.

While saying so, I head to the lower floors of the castle.

If General Estman is at the castle then he would be on the lower floors.

However, there should be many officers on the lower floors as well. If they find a suspicious soldier like me, they will immediately call me out.

Thats why I changed my appearance with illusion magic.

I dont want to use it if possible. Well, theres no other choice.

I cant say I like disguising myself as a woman though.

Saying so, I took the appearance of Zandra with illusion magic.

While imitating the way Zandra walks, I infiltrate the lower floors of the castle.

Then one officer noticed me and saluted.

Oh, Your Highness Zandra. Are you going to see the hostages?

The soldiers movement was sluggish. Where is the general?

Your Highness, we have a lot of generals on our side..

Im obviously talking about General Estman here! Dont you even know that!?

HII! My, My deepest apologies! General Estman is currently inside his room!

Bring him to me!

Th, that is.uhh..the general was injured so it will attract the eyes of the soldiers so.

You are saying that I should visit him myself? Thats quite the courage you have there. This means that you refuse to obey my direct order right? I can find a lot of substitutes for someone like you, you know?

Saying so, I slightly wave my right hand.

The officer who thought that I was about to cast magic immediately acknowledged my command and ran away.

Hearing my angry voice, the officers on the lower floors gathered to see what was happening but not one of them raised a complaint.

After all, they know what would happen if Zandra gets in a bad mood.

After a while, General Estman arrived, carried by several soldiers on a stretcher.

Why is he on a stretcher?

That was because General Estmans left foot was gone.

Many officers look away when they see him. They are probably his subordinates huh.

We, we brought the general.

Quite a sorry state you are in huh? General Estman. uncle like niece huh, Your Highness Zandra. It seems that the blood of a rebel couldnt be purified even with the precious blood of the Imperial Family

What did you say.?

If you are going to kill me then just do it already.

If General Estman is killed here, his subordinates will surely rise up against the rebels all at once.

He probably aimed for that huh.

He probably wants to at least leave behind a parting gift.

I grab the generals chest and draw myself toward him.

It seems you want to die huh? If you want to die so much how about I personally send you to the other side myself?

His Majestys biggest mistake was leaving children like you and His Highness Gordon alone

Hearing that, I pulled myself closer to General Estman.

And then I whispered into his ear.

If I can get you out of this situation, will you lend me your help?

..who are you?

A wandering strategist, Grau.

.the strategist who helped Earl Simmel need my help?

It is much better than nothing.

So be it..

This will hurt a little. Play along.

I dont minddo it.

After the exchange, I removed my hand from General Estmans chest and hit him at the area around his wound on his left leg.


Stop blabbering that impudent mouth of yours! Dont you care what will happen to your soldiers!?

I, I dont care what happens to me..please, my soldiers alone..

Hmph! You should take that attitude from the beginning! Take him to that room! I have to talk to him alone!!

Saying so, I and General Estman started moving to the room.

The people around me who seemed to be the generals subordinates are all staring at me with murderous intent.

Thats good.

Not all the soldiers in the castle are under General Estmans command.

However, most of the people near the front line at the throne room are his men.

It was General Estman who was originally entrusted with the castle protection. If they left his men with him on the lower floors, they would have to be wary of his counterattack.

Lets make their worry become a reality. If General Estmans men refusing to obey Gordons command, the search for the remaining jewel will be easier and it will support Alidas side as well.

Well, as expected, the enemy wouldnt use his men to guard the pedestal that activated the Celestial Sphere but our situation will improve a lot if we dont have to be wary of them getting in our way.

While thinking so, we entered the room.

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