The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 263: Through the Imperial Capital – First Part

Chapter 263: Through the Imperial Capital – First Part

The Imperial Capital is large.

With Christas feet, we would never be able to get to the castle gate.

While thinking that we should procure some horses, several soldiers spotted us.


Ahh, they found us already huh.

Elna completely blocked the path of the enemy behind us.

However, even Elna wouldnt be able to block the enemy that came from the side.

When I was thinking about how troublesome it is to deal with them, another group of soldiers arrived from the opposite direction.



Inspired by Elna, the soldiers who did not participate in the rebellion rose up to protect me and Christa.

While they were holding the enemy back, I and Christa went on.


We were steadily heading to the east gate while encountering small skirmishes between small groups of soldiers on our way.

Father would have left the Imperial Capital by now but I dont think that Lize-aneue would accompany him outside.

She probably saw this as an opportunity for her to attack.

Thinking so, the safest path right now is the one that leads to the east gate.

HaHaHaHa!!! So the Dull Prince ran into us himself huh!!


As we proceeded along the main street, there was a group of soldiers blocking our path.

Their number is roughly 500 to 600 men.

The one laughing is a general in his forties leading the group.

Gordon did announce that he will give any reward to the person who can catch me so he probably cant stop his delusion from running wild huh.

Honestly, his way of laughing is too disgusting.

You are going to become a stepping stone for my career now! Dull Prince!!

Nah, spare me from that kind of thing.

When I said so, a wounded soldier arrived from the path that leads to the north.

After he gets off his horse in front of the general, the soldier gives his report.

Reporting! The north gate has been breached!!

They broke through the north gate!? What was the unit there doing! They were posted there to keep anyone from getting out right!

Th, The garrison unit couldnt rea-.

Fools! They let their guard down huh!

The general was angry but a garrisoned unit in a key position like that wouldnt let their guard down to an extent that they couldnt do anything.

That being the case, it was not that they let their guard down, they simply couldnt notice the enemy attack.

After all, they probably never expected to be attacked from the outside.

Hearing the sound of horseshoes galloping toward us, I grin.

I want to get through there. Can you open a path for us? Colonel.

Your order is my command.

The sound of horseshoes was coming from behind us.

There is no need to look back.

They probably breached the north gate and kept making their way toward me.

The moment he passed me, the man who rode at the forefront, Lars responded to my words.

Horses passed us by one after another and attacked the group that was blocking our path.

Assaulted by the momentum of the cavalry unit, the soldiers were immediately dispersed.

The horses bear the flag with a crossed-out shield on it.

The knights that bear the scar to their name by choosing to remain unwavering in their belief.

The only knight order of the Imperial Army.

Good work, Narbe Ritter. Sorry that I have to trouble you like this all the time.

I said that to them after they finished dispersing the enemy force.

Their response was a salute.

This is nothing, Your Highness.

Said the Commander of the Narbe Ritter, Colonel Lars, as he came forward. He was also pulling a horse with him.

That is quite considerate of you huh. Im already tired with all this running too.

I thought Your Highness would say that so I found a good horse for you.

Saying so, Lars and I smile at each other.

After I straddled the horse, I pulled up Christa and put her in front of me.

Now, lets go. I will entrust the escorting to you.

Yes, sir.

Thus we were escorted by the Narbe Ritter as we headed to the east gate. However, Christa looked around as if she was looking for someone.

Whats wrong? Christa.

Al-niisamawheres Sieg?

He will be here soon.

Saying so, I stroked Christas head.

Its Sieg we are talking about. He is probably being forced to work by Lynfia around this time.

Christa seems dissatisfied without Sieg here but as long as our exact location isnt known, they probably had to scatter their force to look for us.

It just happened that the Narbe Ritter was nearer to our location.

Once they know our location, our forces will be able to group up.

However, that is the same for the enemy. Gordon and his subordinates have no choice but to aim for me to have their shot at reversing this situation.

It will probably be a tough battle, Colonel.

We can not ask for more. We also have our own pride, Your Highness. Even though we had rebelled against our lords in the past, we did it for a cause. But they are different. Calling them rebels would be a disgrace to the word itself. We will teach them how a real rebel is.

Lars said so with a manly smile on his face.

These men were originally knights. Because their lords were corrupted they betrayed them for a cause they believe in. Not one of them did it for their own gain.

That is their pride.

Thats why they can not overlook this rebellion.


You are quite popular, Your Highness.

I cant suppress my overflowing charm you see.


The Narbe Ritter grouped up around me and Christa and charged at the enemy.

Lars took the lead and opened the way for us but the enemy was also quite strong.

It must be a unit of an accomplished general.

Finally some skilled enemies huh.

Muttering so, two generals jumped out and aimed for my neck.

The soldiers of the Narbe Ritters intercepted their attack but it already took them their all to parry them away from me.

So they are generals that got promoted because of their skill in martial art huh. This type of opponent is the most troublesome.

They are truly strong and just because they were parried away, they were not incapacitated yet.

Prince Arnold!

Your head is mine!!

Can you not look down on us so much. Your side isnt the only one that has skilled warriors you know.

The swords that were directed at me were repelled back by two spears.

Then, the enemy, including the two generals, were immediately blown away.

He finally arrived huh.

Sieg-sama has cooly arrived!


OUCH!! Dont suddenly pull me like that!!

Sieg landed on the head of the horse we were riding one but his ears immediately got pulled by Christa and he ended up suffering from that.

While thinking what a sloppy guy he is, another reliable voice called out to me from the side.

Leave this place to us. Please go on ahead, Al-sama.

As expected of you, Lynfia. Good timing.

Unlike Sieg, Lynfia who quietly appeared used her spear and put the enemy in front of us to sleep.

The middle layer is just ahead. The adventurers are currently colliding with the enemy. I think that Your Highness should be able to get away using the chaos.

Good to know. Thanks.

So the adventurers also stand up for us huh.

Well, those guys are whimsical.

Their criterion is only whether they like the situation or not.

They probably agreed that Gordon pissed them off huh.

When I thought so, I noticed Lynfia staring at me.

What is it?

No, I was relieved that Your Highness is unhurt.

Saying so, Lynfia gives me a small smile.

It seems that I made her worried huh.

I was worried too, you know! But you sure are full of energy, arent you! Oi!

Being literally crushed by Christa, Sieg screams out.

It is a little cruel but Christa doesnt seem to care about that.

That being said, Sieg was rescued by Lynfia.

AhhSieg was.

You saved meMiss Lynfia

Stop playing around and get to work already.

So cruel!? AHHHHHH!!

Lynfia throws Sieg at the enemy general.

Probably never expecting such an attack, the enemy general was caught off guard. 

Not missing that chance, Sieg flipped in the air and landed on the generals shoulder.


Dont look down on a bear alright. A bear is both cute and strong after all.

Saying so, Sieg jabs the generals face with the handle of his spear.

Unable to react in time, the general was blown away.

Using that gap, I ran through the place with half of the Narbe Ritter accompanying me.

The rest stayed behind with Lynfia and the others to stall the enemy.

Well, Lynfias group should be able to control that place soon.

The difficult part is ahead.

It would be nice if we can break through them without much trouble.

It probably wont be so easy.

I shrugged at Larss reply.

The enemys eyes are focusing on me. Naturally, they gathered up to block my path.

In the first place, the enemy already has an overwhelming advantage when it comes to numbers.

If we take our time here, we will be crushed through sheer quantity.

However, it would be bad to break through them too fast.

They wouldnt call for more reinforcement if I dont let them focus on me for a while after all.

A grin float to my face as I ride on the horse.

Al-niisamayou are making a bad smile again.

Is that so? I wasnt intending to, you know.

With a grin on my face, I pat Christas head.

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