The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 267: Young People These Days

Chapter 267: Young People These Days

Withdrawing from a battlefield.

That is something easier said than done.

Get back here! Arnold!


Especially when you have a persistent older sister.

Zandra ignored the big picture and kept chasing me alone.

Lize-aneue and Gordon are clashing with each other and the rebels are currently at a great disadvantage due to their inferiority to Lize-aneues subordinates.

At that time, I was hoping that I could get away without much attention on me but Zandra just blew away all the soldiers in her way and beelined straight toward me.

From there, we started a game of tag.

I didnt want the soldiers on our side to get caught up so I get on onto the roof but Zandra kept shooting magic at me so I have to continue moving from roof to roof.

You are too persistent! Zandra-aneue!

Shut up!!

Seriouslywithout the jewels, I have no strategic value at all alright. You are just wasting time on me!

I dont care! I can use you as a hostage against Leonard and Elna later!

Those guys wont stop just because of me. You will only be adding oil to the fire you know.

Shut up! No one asks your opinion!

Saying so, Zandra hails magic at me again.

Its not that she is totally enraged, she really intends to use me as a hostage so she didnt aim for my neck.

So she didnt just start chasing me because she was blinded by her anger huh.

Still, I cant say that putting so much attention to me is a good plan though.

Even if she can stop Elna and Leo, their inferiority will not change. Besides, Lize-aneue will never stop no matter who is the hostage.

The tide has already changed. The current rebels do not have the power to turn it back in their favor.

That should be the case. However, Leo and William are still fighting in the sky.

William is someone that can accurately analyze the situation. He should already have noticed what is happening down here. Its possible that his fight with Leo is so heated up that he didnt pay attention down here but that is unlikely.

I have the impression that everything he did was for the sake of the United Kingdom after all.

That being the case.

He has a plan to revert this situation huh?

I muttered so as I was jumping from roof to roof.

As expected, it would be difficult to do that with only the people here.


Frustrated that she cant stop my movement, Zandra shouted at me.

The area around here was a place I used to play in when I was a kid. The cityscape here hasnt changed much from before.

I never forget how I ran around this place as a child.

I often moved from roof to roof to escape the angry adults. While doing that, more adults would get angry at me because I was running on their roofs though.

I still remember pulling a prank and running away with Gai using these roofs.

We were chased by the shopkeeper when we sneaked a bite from a slice of bread at his stall but when we managed to lose him, we found Elnas demonic form at our tail so we immediately ran away for our life.

Compared to that, Zandra is much gentler.

This wont end! Just give up already! Arnold!

No way, my wellbeing is on the line so I cant give up you know.

Fine..then I will just force you to give up!!

Saying so Zandra used her magic to blow away the house in front of me.

She cut off my escape route.

What a brute.

Then I only have to escape to the back alley right.

You think!? You forget this already!? I have many assassins under my command! They are already lurking around the capital! You will only get caught once you enter the back alley!

I wonder about that.

You dont believe me huh..Fine! Come out!!

Zandra signals her assassins to come out.

I look around for a moment but I see no movement at all.

Eh? What are you doing!? Come out already!

Zandra raised her voice in vain.

I look at such Zandra with pity.

On the other hand, Zandras face distorts.

What! What with those eyes! How is this happening! Why is no one showing up!? WHERE ARE YOU! WHERE ARE MY ASSASSINS!

Responding to her, a man finally appeared.

However, he was drenched in blood.

Gunther! What happened!

Please forgive me.

The man apologized and wiped the blood that was dripping down from his head.

Looking at his face, I remembered that he was the assassin who attacked me.

Thanks to him, Lynfia has cooperated with us to this day.

In a sense, he is kind of a benefactor to me.

When I thought so, Gunther muttered.

You damn Reaper..

Please, I am but a simple butler, sir

Said Sebas as he appeared behind me without a sound.

I was wondering what he was doing until now but he was dealing with the assassins huh.

Took your time huh.

My deepest apology. My meddlesome nature acted up so when I saw such inexperienced juniors, I thought that I should give them a lesson, sir.

Really now. Did any of your juniors manage to endure your lesson then?

Young people these days are no good, sir. Please rest assured. I properly gave all of them a practical lesson.

A practical lesson for assassins huh.

Considering that they have to learn in the process of being killed, that would be quite cruel.

That bloodied guy that is standing next to Zandra, Gunther was it, hes probably the best among all of them.

Hes still alive after all.

Sebastiandont tell assassins.

So they were under Your Highness Zandras employ. I think that they are still too green to serve the Imperial Family. Since they will only drag Your Highness down, I took the opportunity to take care of them. The man standing next to Your Highness did show some promise but he should be useless to Your Highness now though.

After Sebas said so, Gunther staggered and collapsed.

It seems that he lost too much blood.

Sebass attacks are always directed at vital organs.

If you received it too many times, you will eventually bleed out.

..DONT MESS WITH ME! Why are you serving Arnold when you have so much power!?

Does that question have any meaning? If I leave him alone, His Highness would die though?

Who cares about that!

I will not answer why I serve Arnold-sama but I can answer why I did not serve you, Your Highness. Can we settle with that?

I burst out laughing.

Zandras face turned bright red but I ignored that and walked down the roof into the back alley.

Wait! Arnold!

Feel free to follow me but please be careful. The back alley is the assassins turf after all.

Saying so, I left the place with Sebas.

Then, after we entered an empty inn, I sat down on a chair.

Im tired.

Thank you for your hard work, sir. It seems that you have pushed yourself quite far this time.

My role got reversed huh. I went all out you know.

Then what is your next move, sir? Will you start slacking off now?

Nah, William still hasnt withdrawn yet. He must have some kind of plan. If thats the case then we will have to prepare for that.

The same as usual then, sir?

Yes, the same as usual. Now its time to start the real secret maneuver.

Saying so, I took out the silver mask and put it on.

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