The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 293: Inquiry Start

Chapter 293: Inquiry Start

The day of the inquiry finally arrived.

I was called to the council room on the upper level of Babel tower, the guild headquarters.

Since we have already finished our preparations, I immediately transfer to the council room.

Oh, it seems that everyone has already arrived. Am I late perhaps?

No, you are right on time, Silver.

Said a blonde man.

He is an obese man wearing glasses. 

His eyes visible behind the glasses are slightly smiling.

The man sitting on my opposite end of the round table is Torosin.

He is the Guild Chief as well as the chairman of this council.

On his right-hand side is the Deputy Guild Chief Clyde and on his left is a tall and extremely thin man. He has an unhealthy complexion and stares at me like I am nothing but trouble.

He is the Chief Inspector of the Guild who checks the activities of all adventurers across the continent. The man who proposed this inquiry. His name is Pitman. One could say that he is the Guild Chief, Torosins hanger-on and he is in fact obtained his current position thanks to Torosin.

The other council members are the Secretary-General who takes care of the guilds general affairs and the Chief of Foreign Affairs whose job is mainly to coordinate with other countries and the Director-General who manages the Headquarters.

These six are the members of the Guild Council.

And 5 out of these 6 people agreed to have this inquiry.


The reason for that is Torosin whose influence is the highest of the Guild has agreed to this inquiry. The only one who was against this inquiry was Clyde alone.

Clyde got to his current position through the support of the adventurers on the field but he was also a great employee of the Guild and he is known to be quite capable in his work.

As long as you are working in a huge organization like the Adventurer Guild, the higher you go, the more skills that you cant obtain in the field are required. Therefore, all members of the council beside Clyde are all those who ascended from the Guild Staff.

Its not that these people dont know what its like on the field but they are undoubtedly working far away from it.

On the contrary, if one were to ask if the adventurers can manage the Guild themselves, the answer would be no. Thats why there has never been any dissatisfaction when the Guild Staff get promoted to higher positions.

In fact, the Guild can still run properly with the majority of the management from the Guild Staff. Each generation of the council always pays their respect to the SS-rank adventurers which are the highest peak of the adventurers and they have never treated them unreasonably. After all, that is all for the Guilds sake.

However, the current Guild Chief, Torosin is different.

He does have the ability to stand on top of this gigantic organization with branches all over the continent.

In Torosins generation, he has greatly expanded the Guild Branches and the overall influence the Guild has over the continent has increased.

That was surely the result of Torosins ability but when he became the Guild Chief, he forcefully transferred everyone who didnt obey him to idle or meaningless positions. Judging from that, it is clear that Torosin has no plan to allow any defiance.

Thats why, for Torosin, the existence of the SS-rank adventurers is something he cant accept.

Now, since Silver has arrived, Id like to start the inquiry.

Said Pitman as I seated myself directly opposite of Torosin.

He said that to get the approval from the other council members.

However, Clyde raised his hand to voice his objection.

Can I say something first?

What is it? Deputy Guild Chief.

It is still not too late. Would you not consider canceling this inquiry?

You are still saying that? This matter has already been decided.

I have never heard of any case where an SS-rank adventurer being subjected to an inquiry before. This will disturb the balance between the council and the SS-rank adventurers, I hope you all understand that.

The council members all frown at his words.

They probably have the same concern themselves.


Clyde-kun. I think that it is much stranger that such an inquiry has never been held before you know.

What do you mean? Guild Chief.

The Guild is run by the Council. Isnt it much stranger that the Council has no say in the SS-rank adventurers business?

Guild Chief, there are differences between SS-rank adventurers and other adventurers.

I understand. Still, it doesnt change that they are still adventurers. Now that I am the leader of this guild, I am planning to abolish this ridiculous non-interference policy.

Saying so, Torosin turns to me.

I know well what he wants.

He is going to thoroughly look into my recent actions and find faults with me. Then he will use them as the reasons to put limits on my actions and jurisdiction.

Surely, he is planning to establish a precedent and move on to bring all SS-rank adventurers under the control of the council.

However, Torosin doesnt understand one thing.

SS-rank adventurers do not work for any organization. It was the title called SS-rank itself that was created to somehow get cooperation from people like us.

Thats why there are no SS-rank adventurers who work under the Council. Although we are called adventurers, the rule which we operate under is not the same.

We would perform the work if requested but otherwise we are free to act as we please. Thats what the council of each generation understood. The fact that SS-rank adventurers are willing to take the Guilds request is already a compromise.

Torosin might say that he understands this relationship but his understanding is still shallow.

Silver. Do you have anything to say before we start?

Id like to confirm the reason for this inquiry. Do you mind?

Of course. Pitman-kun.

Sir! SS-rank adventurer Silver has allegedly sided with the Empire. During the rebellion started by Gordon Lakes Adler, the Third Prince of the Empire, he had subjugated two of the United Kingdoms Holy Dragons. Furthermore, he had taken advantage of the situation to coerce the armies of the Kingdom and the Dominion to stop their invasion with long-range magic. This is an act that clearly indicates that he has excessively favored the Empire. Therefore, in my opinion, this inquiry is justified!

After Pitman looked at Torosin, he turned back and stared at me.

Pitman is an inspector that travels to various branches of the Guild and from the reports he received he has seen many problematic behaviors from the SS-rank adventurers.

Because of that, his hostility toward the SS-rank adventurers is the highest among everyone in the council.

Well, those guys dont have any common sense after all. Still, even if they cause problems left and right, its not my fault.

Thats what he said. Silver, are you convinced now?

Convinced? Not at all. Let me ask this then. At that time, what kind of action would you consider to be the correct answer?

You should have contacted the Headquarters and waited for our decision.

Hmpheven when many lives will be lost in the meantime?

That is an unavoidable sacrifice. A lone SS-rank adventurer is comparable to an army. If you take part in the battle, the one you sides with will win. This case is a good example. Through your actions, the Guild has lost its credibility. Thats why we cant overlook this. The Guild must always remain neutral.

Always neutral? Then dont you think that my action was neutral? The Guild tolerated the existence of the Guardian Holy Dragons because the United Kingdom has been using them to guard their territory. Since they had sent them out for invasion, I subjugated them and restrained the armies that took advantage of the situation. Is there any problem with that? I was fully intending to protect the Guilds honor you know?

This matter is about how you made such a decision by yourself. Besides, the Guardian Holy Dragons still havent attacked the Empire at that point.

Once they crossed the border, they already started their invasion.

From the United Kingdoms side, they told us that the Holy Dragons only got excited and entered the Empire territory. It was just an accident. The Dragon Knights were trying to calm them down but they have testified that it was you who agitated them.

Then the fault would lay with the United Kingdom for their inability to bring their dragons under control. It is an adventurers job to eliminate the threat before it happens.

Even so, you have subjugated the dragons without the Guilds authorization. And as a result, the Empire gained a big advantage in a situation that caused a heavy impact on the entire continent. I wont let you say that you dont understand that much.

How laughable. How about you people start being honest? You started this inquiry because youve got pressured by other countries and gave in to their influence, isnt that right.

Torosins slightly raised his brow at my words.

On Pitmans side, he is glaring at me like he wants to kill me this instant.

The other council members also looked slightly uneasy.

They probably cant stomach my carefree attitude huh.

Well, thats alright. I understand your intention now. By the way, is it alright to call in my counsel now? Its Miss Finne, the ambassador from the Empire.

I dont mind. This matter is directly related to the Empire after all.

Torosin gave his permission.

In response to that, I opened a transfer gate behind me.

Then, Finne appeared from the gate.

But shes not alone.

Good grief, its finally my turn huh?

Tsk, Im out of rum so my mood is the worst okay.

Who cares, and you stink of alcohol, Jack. You already drank a lot yesterday right?

Shut up. That doesnt count. Right, old man?

Thats right. Something like that doesnt count at all. I cant remember anything from yesterday though. WaHaHaHa!

Please stop with the banter. Lets quickly get this done.

Following Finne, Egor and the others came through the transfer gate and took the seats around the round table while carefreely chatting with each other.

The council members were stunned.

Its only natural. The council members have the impression that the SS-rank adventurers would never cooperate with each other. In fact, since SS-rank adventurers all possess strong quirks so we rarely come together like this. Because they think that we will never cooperate under the same goal, each of us was given the same authority as a council member. 

However, this time I have done it.

Once everyone took a seat, Noname started speaking.

Forgive us for arriving so suddenly. I, SS-rank adventurer Noname, am participating in Silvers inquiry.

Same for SS-rank adventurer Lina

SS-rank adventurer Egor, same.

Seriously, do I have to say this stiff crap too? SS-rank adventurer Jack, Im joining this inquiry. Be grateful. I sobered up since morning for this you know.

When everyone finished their greetings, all council members lost the color in their faces.

Putting both of my elbows on the table, I speak to them.

Now then, everyones here. Shall we start this inquiry?

Seeing Torosins expression distorted, I grinned behind the mask.

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