The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 297: Subjugate

Chapter 297: Subjugate

Special thanks to Double Tap for new coffee and Xan for new patreon pledge!! Need all the help I can get to roll Hutao lol.



Now, whats your move, Torosin?

The council being swayed by the pressure from other countries is like an open secret. However, officially admitting that will prove fatal to the council.

If they admit it, this inquiry will be invalid and the neutrality of this council will be questioned.

However, if they do not admit that, the Empire will make sure that there will be consequences. It may not be right now but the damage they can expect after the situation has settled down will be immeasurable.

They have no choice but to pick one of the two choices. Whichever they choose, it will be hell all the same.

Finnes clearly angry when she offered them these choices.

She rarely corners others as shed always prepare some kind of escape route for her opponent. However, there is none of that this time.

Now then, how will you avoid this, Guild Chief Torosin?

Ambassador Finne.we would be troubled if you put it like that.

Unfortunately, this is the seed that the council has sown. If the council was subjected to pressure from the other countries then the Empire will not blame you. However, if that is not the case, the consequence for the councils actions will be grave.

Given the history of the Adventurer Guild and its achievements so far, they can not admit to such a thing. Up to now, the Guild has been dubbed as the sole neutral organization on the continent.

If they admit it, their credibility will be lost. And such a credit can not be regained in a short time.

However, if they do not admit it, the situation will become much more serious. Whatever action the Empire takes, the council members will have to bear the responsibility in creating the situation.

Will they choose to maintain the Guilds dignity or will they choose to protect the council.

Finne probably couldnt care less either way.

Torosin on the other hand lightly bit his lips and glared at Pitman.

Pitman-kun. Youve had meetings with many ambassadors from other countries lately right?

Eh? Th, thats

Pitman turns silent.

Communication with other countries falls under the jurisdiction of the Chief of Foreign Affairs. However, Pitman is responsible for secret meetings. Still, theres no way that Torosin was not aware of that.

This means.

Ambassador Finne. I give you my word. This council has not been subjected to any kind of foreign influence.However, Chief Inspector Pitman might have.


When I asked him the other day, I was told that his meetings were necessary for this inquiry butI doubt that now. Did you push for this inquiry because you were pressured to?

Lizard cut its tail.

When I saw that this inquiry is being led by Pitman, I can see that Torosin already has this kind of plan in place.

In the unlikely event that the table turned against them, he was planning to pin the fault on Pitman.

Hes a man that got into his position through all kinds of plotting. I expect no less risk management from him.

He might be a genius at surviving.

However, that kind of method is something that Finne extremely dislikes.

When I glance at her, I can see the burning wrath in her eyes.

She is probably thinking about how to deal with Torosin now.

Answer me! Pitman-kun!

Ah, Uh, Uhh..I.I

Pitman restlessly sweeps his eyes around but no one is willing to throw him a lifeboat. After all, He has been acting self-importantly flaunting Torosins power on a daily basis.

It is inevitable for him to avoid being Torosins scapegoat.

Pitmans gaze wandered around and stopped at me.

Im, Im truly sorry! Since you have subjugated two of their Holy Dragons, the pressure from the United Kingdom was very stro-!!

So you were acting under pressure after all huh! This is going to be a big problem! think that the subjugation of the Holy Dragons would cause such a ripple.

Torosin glanced at me.

He probably wants me to take responsibility for this as well.

However, it would be impossible to push the responsibility of the subjugation of the Holy Dragons on me.

May I ask you something. Guild Chief.

What is it?

Do you think that the subjugation of the Holy Dragons was a mistake?

..if we consider the result, then yes.

Then let me ask all of the SS-rank adventurers here. What would you do if you were to be in the same position as me? Will you subjugate them? Or will you leave them alone?

There are two reasons why I gathered these guys.

One is to prevent the council from using their vote.

The other is to deal with the problem of subjugating the Holy Dragon.

The council placed great importance on this issue.

Since it was the Guilds decision to leave them alone, subjugating them is nothing short of a rebellion against the Guild.

To save their face, the council will never let this issue go.

I knew that so I gathered all of them.

After all, I already knew their answer.

- -Subjugate them.

After a short pause, everyones said that at the same time.

Torosins expression looked like he just ate a can of worms.

He showed me all kinds of expressions today huh.

In the first place, it was the council that dubbed the United Kingdoms dragons as Guardian Holy Dragons and excluded them from subjugation targets. When the United Kingdom used those so-called Guardian Holy Dragons to invade other nations, shouldnt the council also bear some kind of responsibility?

The United Kingdom did not use them for invasion.

We couldnt care less about their intention, Guild Chief. I am talking about the result. If subjugating them was a mistake as you said, you should bear the responsibility when they crossed the border. Right?

Thats right. If they could accidentally cross it then there would be no point for a border to exist in the first place.

We should just subjugate them from the beginning. Do you know how many ships were sunk around the United Kingdom because of those dragons? The only one who would complain if we subjugate them is only the United Kingdom you know?

However, isnt it because of that, that the council allowed their existence for defensive purpose?

Among the voices that kept blaming the councils decision, Noname hesitantly came to the councils defense.

Seeing that, Torosin nodded and took the chance.

Yes! Thats right! We never thought that the United Kingdom would do-

They probably thought that there would be no consequence even if they broke their promise right. Perhaps they think that they can just silence the council later anyway.


Simply put, you people are being underestimated. I can clearly see that from how the council is so willing to put the blame on the United Kingdom even though you just admitted earlier that you gave in to their pressure.

Th, That was Pitman-kuns!

You place the blame on him but you did not give out your punishment. Doing nothing is the same as giving in to their pressure you know. Guild Chief.

Torosins shoulders tremble with anger at Nonames words.

Among the SS-rank adventurers, he probably believed that Noname alone was on his side.

I have done many things for you in the past right? Noname.

You have my gratitude for that. I wanted to continue having this favorable relationship with you but you just made a grave mistake.

I made a mistake?

Yes, you turned them into your enemies. It would be troubling if you are going to rely on me as a deterrent. Spare me from dealing with all four of them alone. Having that role pushed on me would be too much right? Sorry but I am jumping off this sinking ship.

..damn you..!

Torosin glares at all SS-rank adventurers.

However, all of us met his glare head-on.

Receiving an unexpected counterattack, Torosin fell off his chair.

While mockingly smiling at him, I give him a proposal.

After succumbing to foreign pressure, it would be impossible for this council to operate the Adventurer Guild properly. As an SS-rank adventurer, I propose the dissolution of this council.

The members of the Guild Council are decided by the Guild Chief.

The only ones who can obtain a seat without that are only the Guild Chief and the Deputy Guild Chief.

If the Guild Chief wishes, even a branch chief in a remote region can be a member of this council.

However, it would be inconvenient to contact a branch manager in a faraway place so normally, the chief would appoint the department heads that work at the headquarters. Thats why the structure of the council has remained mostly unchanged until now.

Then, what does it mean to dissolve this council?

The term of office of the Guild Chief is three years. After that, an election will be held. The candidates will be from either adventurers or guild staff of a certain rank or higher.

If the Guild Chief changes then so will the council.

In other words, I proposed the dismissal of the current Guild Chief.

Torosin stood up and glared at me. there any reason for me to accept such a proposal? I still have more than a year of my term left!

What if that is what all the SS-rank adventurers here want? Anyone who is in favor, raise your hand.

In response, everyone raised their hands.

Even if you are the Guild Chief, you can not ignore a majority vote.

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