The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 36: The Value of Finne

Chapter 36: The Value of Finne

Yuriya is being pressured by Finnes smile.

Simply put, Yuriya cannot come up with equal compensation for the right to utilize Finne. How many merchants would be able to procure something more valuable than her?

The answer is probably none.

Whether she is aware of that or not, Yuriya finds Finnes smile to be terrifying.

If Yuriya can offer something of equal value as compensation, Finne wouldnt be able to go back on her words.

It is like someone smiling before a ruling in the middle of a trial.

Yuriya doesnt think that she is sane. However, Finne herself doesnt look like someone who had gone mad.

Thats why she piqued her interest.

Do you understand? If I can give you the compensation you want, you cant complain no matter what I do to you, you know?

I fully understand. However, even if it comes to that it will still be fine. I only want to be useful to Al-sama and Leo-sama after all.

.You dont care what happens to you if you can benefit the faction? Did they get a hold of your weakness or something?

Yuriya felt that theres something wrong with Finne who is offering such an outrageous self-sacrificial proposal.

She glanced at Lynfia but she saw that Lynfia was taken by surprise as well.

They dont have anything like that you know. I just simply want to be useful to them, thats all.

Are they worth the length you are willing to go for them? Is Leonard Lakes Adler a prince that is worth you to go that far to support?

Yes, of course. I will make him emperor even if I have to throw away my life. I will do whatever I can to achieve that. If you can offer us something that has equal value then I will gladly offer this body of mine. Can you?

.thats impossible. I dont have anything that has a value that can be compared to you. You win. Lets talk about business. What are your demands? Tell me.

Saying so, Yuriya compromised.

Yuriya never compromises on important business talks. Even if it is only a small price, she has never let someone else take advantage of her. However, Yuriya realized that it would be impossible to win against Finne today.

A bluff wont work on a serious opponent.

Seeing her eyes, she realized that she wasnt just some ordinary Ojou-sama so she decided to immediately continue the talk.

This deal is important to Yuriya as well. Even if the flow is a little unfavorable she will be able to greatly profit if she can settle it.

She might be able to open the imperial capital branch which she thought that she can no longer use after all.

The details will be provided by Lynfia instead of me. Lynfia-san, please.

Ah, Yes. Our demand is money. As you know, the succession war requires quite a lot of funds. To round up our opponents supporters, no amount of money would suffice. Can we request for your support on that?

Understood. Anything else?

Another one is to damage the other merchants who have a deep connection with other candidates, please hit them to the extent that you can.

You are leaving taking care of them in the merchants field to us, correct? Alright. Bring it on. Is that all?

Thats all for now

I see, then let me state the request from my side. We are willing to take on all or your requests but in return let us use the name of Finne von Kleinert, and if possible, her face as well.

That was an unexpected proposal for Lynfia.

It was going too well that it disrupted her flow.

That is because that is what every merchant in the imperial capital wants.

For example, if you sell vegetables and tell your customers that these vegetables were recommended by Finne, it would be selling like hotcakes. Finnes popularity is that much overwhelming inside the imperial capital.

No one dared to do it because if they were to do it on their own devices they would face the wrath of the Emperor himself.

However, you can use it if you got permission from the person herself. Moreover, if you can use her likeness in portrait or illusion produced by a magic tool, the effect will be further enhanced.

Finnes popularity is far more valuable to a merchant than a mine full of gold and silver.

Dont you have any other request?

Not at all. Actually, I wanted to round it out and try to get a better deal out of you if possible but I decided against it. This countrys emperor has a lot of eyes you know. Finne, you are definitely a good woman. You are both cute and brave. I even want you for my lover you know.

Im happy for your proposal but if I belong to someone then my value will go down so please allow me to decline your offer.

Ara Ara. You even preserve that for the Princes succession war? Now, Im curious about what causes you to be willing to go that far for them.

Finne hesitating over how to answer Yuriyas question.

The reason is she doesnt know what the best answer is. Thats why she gave her two.

Im a lady from a ducal house. Im in a position that is naturally involved with the succession war. I believe that I have an obligation to support the emperor that the people can be proud of. Taking such a standpoint aside, if I have to answer with how I truly feel.Isnt it natural to support someone you like?

That answer was unexpected for Yuriya.

The first half was an uninteresting boring one but the second half is different.

It was the answer that Yuriya preferred.

You support them because you like them huh. If I remember correctly, your factions princes are twins, right? Which one do you like?

Thats a secret.

Finne brings her finger up in front of her nose and winks.

Reacting to that lovely behavior of her, Yuriya approaches Finne with trembling hands but sensing the danger, Lynfia interjected.

Is it alright to conclude our negotiation with this? Please excuse ourselves!

Ehhh, leaving already? Stay a little longer. I will serve you our specialty tea too.

Theres no way we would drink something like that when we dont even know what you put inside.

This female vampire might be in possession of some weird medicines.

With her utmost caution, Lynfia gradually retreats while protecting Finnes back.

Seeing such Lynfia, Yuriya sighed.

You really are wary of me huh.what did I ever do to you?

How about asking your conscience?

Uhnn.I asked it and it says that I havent done a thing.

Lynfia started pulling Yuriyas cheeks for her shameless answer but she understood that it would be a waste of time to keep this type of person company.

Thus, Lynfia decided that they should hurry up and leave this place.

If theres a need we will contact you. Please refrain from contacting us until then.

Yes, Yes.

Well then, good day Yuriya-san.

Cya later.

Saying so, Yuriya seeing Lynfia and Finne out of her office.

After the two left, she slowly looked down at her palms.

She was sweating. It was because of the pressure she felt from Finnes eyes.

What kind of man would cause a nice lady like her to have eyes like that?

Her interest piqued, Yuriya got off the desk.


Hurry the opening preparation. We have to bring out results as soon as possible and sell them to the Leonard faction. We wouldnt be able to meet them otherwise.

Yuriya mutters while giving instructions to her secretary who is on standby nearby.

If the man Finne has feelings for is someone who can satisfy her interest then.

Well, I wonder if she will let me have a taste.

Yuriya licks her lips and shows her sharp canines.

Looking at her, the secretary sighs.

That bad habit again.

This representative of her has a weakness for valuable things. Even if that thing happens to be a person.

It would be great if things dont get complicated.

With that in mind, the elf secretary quietly began their opening preparations.

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