The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 66: The Unreasonable Sister

Chapter 66: The Unreasonable Sister

After taking a bath to wash away all the dirt and fatigue we got from the long trip, I and Jurgen talked about our future course of action while dressing up.

We are riding on Aneues pace right now. We have to get away from that somehow.

Yes, but she really did take away the first strike hasnt she.

The expression on Jurgens face was not one of regret but that of admiration.

Well, she did brilliantly shattered our plan but its not the time to be impressed with that.

As her little brother, I got the impression that she doesnt dislike you, Duke Reinfeld. Rather, I think that she took a liking to you actually.

Is that true!?

It was just my gut feeling but that is just how Lize-aneue is. Even if I am here at your mansion, she would never visit a mansion of someone she dislikes. As I thought, there must be another reason for her to not accept your proposal, maybe it was about the thing she said earlier.

[ I will not marry anyone who cant die together with me], was it

Yes. conversely, if we can meet that condition, she might not be against the idea of marriage anymore as well. Theres nothing we can do if she hates the idea of marriage itself but she is still the Emperors daughter. She should have been told from a young age that one day she will have to get married. Thats why if we can meet her requirement, you might still have a chance.

I see.but for me to die together with her, I would have to be by her side.

Thats the problem.

Aneue went out of her way to kick Jurgen out of the army when he enlisted.

She blocked the chance for Jurgen to be by her side.

That one point is unlike what my sister would do. It wasnt because Jurgen messed up inside the army, she herself moved to kick him out.

Theres something suspicious about that.

In any case, we have to prove to her that you can fight.

Understood. lets show Lizelotte-sama the result of my training.

Saying so, Jurgen proudly hits his belly.

When I saw that fluttering flap of meat, it somehow made me anxious, I wont say that out loud though.


You sure took your time. Does it take that long to wash your body?

You will be punished by the god of bath if you say that the bath only exists to wash your body, you know.

Thats the first thing she says to us but Lize-aneues hair is still so glossy.

From her figure of speech, she is probably only washing it normally as well.

Women all over the world are going to frown at you, you know.

Me and Jurgen head to the round table Aneue is sitting at. Teas are already prepared on the table. There are sweets too but I cant reach out to grab it because Aneue pulled the plate toward her.

Is that so? Water is precious on the battlefield after all. I dont really have that much chance to use one.

You didnt like it ever since when we were at the Imperial Capital though?

It was real annoying at the Imperial Capital since the maids were so persistent. Because of that I always took a quick bath no matter where I am. I really dont understand how you enjoy taking it.

In a way, those maids were quite amazing huh.

Dont they afraid for their lives when they have to enter the bath with this sister of mine and wash her back? 

Well, if they care about that then they wont be able to do their job though.

Being a maid is full of hardships huh. I guess I will have to bring some sweets for my mothers maids next time.

There are a lot of opportunities to take a bath then after all. Lizelotte-sama might have unconsciously come to head it because of that.

Ohh! Thats it! You sure said something good, Jurgen.

Lize-aneue praises Jurgen with a smile.

She then gave one of the sweets in front of her to Jurgen as a reward.

That Aneue gave away something of hers!?

This is a shock. Lize-aneue is quite possessive about her stuff. Even in my case, I have only received something from her a handful of times.

In the past, one of Lize-aneues subordinates offended a high-ranking noble and got beaten black and blue. When she heard about that, Lize-aneue went up to that noble and said this.

My subordinates are mine. They gave even their lives to me. That means you people just damaged my property without my permission. 

After that, Lize-aneue beat up that noble.

It was quite a scandal at the time but I remember the Crown Prince mediated between them before the matter escalated.

And that sister is now giving away her sweets to Jurgen. Well, reasonably speaking, that sweets originally belonged to Jurgen and it was served to be enough for three people to eat though.

Still, this is very unusual. This alone already shows that she took quite a liking to Jurgen.

I gratefully accept.


Jurgen is grateful for receiving the sweets and my sister has accepted that attitude as a matter of course.

She might just be in a good mood today.

Lets try reaching out for one and check out that theory.

Immediately, Aneue turned around toward me and I received a shock on my back. Before I noticed, I was already lying on the floor.

We havent met in a while but it seems your manner has grown unruly huh? Al.

You never changed, Lize-aneue

my outstretched right hand was grabbed at the wrist by my sister.

It seems she twisted my wrist and caused me to completely lose my balance. Moreover, she ensured that I landed softly on the floor as well.

To did all that for just some sweets, what a scary sister.

Thats weird.I thought that you were in a good mood?

I am. I get to meet you after a long time after all. Even though you were a cold little brother who doesnt even come to visit me when you have free time and only played around inside the Imperial Capital, I am still in a good mood just because I get to meet you. Arent I a great sister?

I wonder about that. Do you think people find a sister who throws his brother on the ground just because he tried to grab some sweets, a great sister?

Its because you silently tried to take my sweets right.

Isnt that just strange? It was prepared for three people, isnt it? It should be alright for everyone to share it.

It was there in front of me, that means its mine.

Saying so, Aneue deliciously picked up one of the sweets and ate it.

There are not many sweets at the front line. As a marshal, she can live there extravagantly but since it will make a bad example in front of her soldiers, she lives mundanely among them.

I guess its her first sweets after a long while so she is fully enjoying it.

Looking at such Aneue, Jurgen also seems happy.

But why. Why do I have to be the only one who got my wrist twisted? This is unreasonable.

Even though I have been struggling for a while now, I still couldnt escape my sisters restraint.

Aneue. Isnt it time you let me go already?



I cant let go because you still havent apologized, right?

I told you, it was prepared for three people.

Its mine.

.Im sorry that I tried to steal the sweets.

Isnt that a bit lacking?

I am sorry that I tried to steal [Your] sweets.


She finally released me.

When I returned to my chair while rubbing at my wrist, there were almost no sweets left in front of my sister.

Hm? Jurgen. The sweets have already run out you know?

Please dont say it like they naturally disappeared. Aneue was the one who ate it right.

I will immediately prepare more.



Why do I have to be the butt of the joke here?

Jurgen clapped his hands and the maids brought the cake in on a small plate. I can tell that it is sweet from the smell but its not an unpleasant sweetness. Is that a cheesecake? It looks delicious.

The first one was placed in front of Aneue, the next one is for mAneue stretched her hand out from the side and snatched it away.

I cant stand it anymore!

Hey!! Isnt that just strange!!



Theres none though?

YOU ATE IT ALREADY!? So fast!? WAIT, THATS MINE! Pleas dont just eat it!

My brothers thing is also mine.


I will not bow down to tyranny.


Realizing that it is useless to argue with her I recklessly reached out for the cake.

However, she easily parries my attack with one hand and uses the other hand to eat the cake.

Damn it!

I decided to accept her challenge and attack her with both hands but all of it was parried away with one hand.

During that time, Aneue already ate all my cake.


Your Highness Arnold. Please, have mine.

Duke.thank you. I will eat it now.

I just told you that my brothers things are mine, you know?

The cake Jurgen offered was intercepted before it reached my hand.

Then, in the end, it all went into my sisters belly.

How unreasonable..

at the end of the day, I couldnt eat anything on that table.

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