The Strongest Dull Prince’s Secret Battle for the Throne

Chapter 82: Spirit Tree Whistle

Chapter 82: Spirit Tree Whistle

Going back a little in time.

Around the time when Leo joined up with the second group that got separated when their front line collapsed and made their way through the skeleton army toward Bassau.

Lize was finally able to see Bassau from a distance.

There are monsters everywhere.

But in there, some are still trying to break through it.

She cant be sure since they are still quite far away.

Even so, Lize was certain that Leo was there.

As she sped up her horse, Lize shut her eyes.

The younger brother who gritted his teeth and stopped her. The younger brother who was straightforward in what he believes. Even now he is probably still trying hard to do what is right.

Then there is only one thing she can do as his elder sister.

We are charging in!

Yes, Your Excellency!

When Lize charges in, a thousand cavalries follow after her.

They are neither adventurers nor knights. They are an elite cavalry regiment that has long fought under Lize.

There is no need for her to give some big speeches to increase their morale.

Every single one of them is a soldier who is willing to give her their lives. Even if she were to tell them to die, they would gladly obey.

Regiment Leader! We will be using that!


Upon receiving the instruction, the Regiment Leader raises his right hand.

Seeing that signal, a hundred cavalries in the rear come up to the front.

Each of them is wielding a crossbow. However, what they are holding right now is not just a simple crossbow.

A circular tube was attached to the bottom of the crossbow and a small jewel was embedded right at its center.

(TLN: Reminder, Jewels are magic containing ore in this universe.)

The [Prototype Magic Rotating Crossbow] is ready Maam!

Good. Eradicate anything that gets in my way.


Responding to the Regiment Leaders command, a hundred soldiers pull the trigger at the same time.

Holding the trigger down, arrows rapidly fired from the crossbow using the magic power contained inside the jewel.

The circular tube containing arrows attached to the lower part of the crossbow automatically rotates the arrow to the top, achieving the function of rapid-fire.

The arrows shot with an unimaginable rate of fire hit the skeletons one after another, pulverizing their body.

With the opening created by that, Lize charges in.

Its a good weapon but the problem is when we finished shooting it.

Thats the developers problem. All we can do is to place an order for it.

The prototype magic rotating crossbows fault is that once the magic power stored within the jewel run out it can not be fired using human hands and can only be used as a blunt weapon afterward.

Lize was conducting a test run for this weapon in the rear along with training the new recruits.

But unexpectedly she gets to conduct a field test using a real battlefield here.

When we make a report for this incident, lets tell them to make the under-barrel replaceable. its use will be very limited if it is only a single-use weapon after all.

Yeah. lets put in an order for anti-monster weapons as well.

Thats a good idea, Maam.

While having such a conversation, Lize and the Regiment Leader raise their weapons and pave the way for their men.

Since the rotating crossbow was made to be used against humans their effectiveness on the skeletons has much left to be desired. Since the skeletons can continue to move without feeling any pain until their core gets destroyed, the rotating crossbow has really poor compatibility against them.

Hmpmits been a long time since I got to do this.

Leading a small number of her subordinates and charging into the enemy.

She used to do this quite often in the past but there are only a few occasions for her to do so now. Leaving the fact that there is no enemy for her to charge into aside, her position doesnt allow her to do so.

Feeling her enemies malice from up close, she continues to move forward. Now allowing their enemy even a single momentary rest, she treads the fragile path to victory.

Thats right.

This is the battlefield!

Saying so, Lize bears a fierce smile as she cuts through the enemys army.

Seeing that, the Regiment Leader who has been serving under Lize for a long time remembered the image of the Princess General who raged through the battlefield which was the object of fear for many foreign nations.

When the Crown Prince passed away, she lost her fierceness and she only focused herself on the border defense.

The image of Lize who once shone brightly on the battlefield.

Whats wrong! Regiment Leader! You are getting slow, you know.

Yes, Maam! I am coming right away!

Getting called by Lize, the Regiment Leader immediately followed her.

Thats when the figure of Leo finally came into her sight.


Seeing the surprised look on Leo, Lize let out a small smile.

When she saw Al, she thought that he finally grew into an adult.

However, that impression was even stronger on Leo.

His appearance as he fought at the forefront of an army was the exact figure of a general and he is also exuding the charisma that makes people around him want to fight for him.

His appearance resembled that of the young prince she once swore to support as his general.

It seems that wasnt just a big talk huh..

The two of us can surpass our elder brother.

Al certainly said that. Looking at the current Leo, she can see that what he said was not just a bluff.

His image made her think about what would happen if the straight-laced Leo was being supported by the flexible Al.

Did you grow taller?

Maybe thats why Lize said that with joy even though they are currently facing off the enemy.

Eh, AhYes, a little.

I see. Its a good thing. You have to grow even bigger.

Until then, I will protect you.

Lize then looked at Balaam whose left hand had been cut off.

Balaam tried to attack several times while Leo and Lize were talking but each time, Lizes right arm would react to counter him.

Even though you said that you are a Demon, you sure look like human huh.

Lize looks at the red blood flowing out from Balaams left arm that didnt regenerate back.

Although it was a wound that it wouldnt be strange for a high ranking monster to be able to regenerate from, the Demon in front of her eyes doesnt show any sign of any regeneration.

Lize derives one answer from that.

So you are possessing a human huh?

Thats some good insight.But what good would that do to you?

It means that it still isnt too late yet.

I wonder about that? If you bastard came here as reinforcement then it only means that the playtime is over.

Saying so, Balaam raises his remaining right hand to the sky.

Then, black light started to glow on the tip of his hand.

From the town of Bassau, High ranking undead monsters such as three-meters huge skeletons, and dragon zombies with rotten bodies emerged.

Quickly running away right now would be a wise choice, dont you think?

Saying so, Balaam became transparent and disappeared from there.

Lize and Leo who were left behind were forced to make a decision.

As I thought, the difference in strength between our forces is too large.

But if we fall back here, I dont know when we will get the next chance to approach Bassau again.

..It seems you already have your answer huh?

I have no intention of retreating from the start. If that Demon has to call in reinforcement then now is the time we must fight. If we leave him alone, he will surely disappear into our society.

Do you have any guarantee that you can win?

None. However, that will still be true even if we retreat here. No matter how big an army we lead, the Demon will just summon enough monsters to match our number. This may be a crisis but it is also our chance at the same time.

When Leo said that with so much determination, Lize smiles again.

Shen then bisected the huge skeleton that rushed at them.

Shall we go then. Dont get left behind okay?

But of course.



Thus Leo and Lize charged at Bassau together.

A while after Leo and Lize started charging toward Bassau.

Lynfia and Abels party finally joined up with the leading group.

However, the closer they get to Bassau the stronger their enemys resistance becomes.


The number around Abel and Lynfia began to increase and their advancing speed naturally started to slow down.

If this keeps going then.

Such anxiety begins to sprout in Lynfias heart.

Then, a fireball fired by a dragon zombie landed near Lynfia.

She was blown away by the shock and got herself separated from the leading group.


Resisting the pain, Lynfia stands up using her sword as a cane.

Looking around, she realized that she was blown into the skeleton army.

The skeletons around her are inching closer little by little.

When she tried to move, she noticed that she couldnt move her body as she desired.

At that time, a whistle spilled out from her pocket.

It was a whistle made from a spirit tree that the old dwarf had given her.

Its not a bad thing to rely on someone. That was the word that the elderly dwarf said back then. She thought that she couldnt call her allies into a place filled with death like this.

However, the thought that she cant afford to die before she finds her sister was stronger.

I will be borrowing this!

Lynfia grabs the whistle out and blows on it.

However, no sound came out.

There was no sound no matter how many times she blew on it.

Maybe it was defective.

Thinking that it is fully possible, she exhales and gently puts the whistle back in her pocket.

However, the whistle did make a sound.

It echoes far far away.

To the Imperial Capital.

Maintaining her composure, Lynfia grabs her magic sword and faces the approaching skeletons.

At that time,

All the skeletons near Lynfia were blown away in an instant.

! ? What?

She thought that the dragon zombie fired its fireball at her again but she finally relaxed after she heard the voice coming from behind her.

Are you alright? Female Adventurer.

Why..are you here.?

I heard there was a Raid Quest. I brought the other guys as well.

At that moment.

Adventurers from the imperial capital rushed toward the skeleton army from the huge transfer gate opened behind Lynfia.

Hundreds of adventurers appear one after another and defeat the skeletons around them.

At the center of those adventurers.

Her greatest savior stood.

If you can stand then come along as well. Its time to make money.

Yes..! Silver..!

Saying so, Lynfia followed after the masked adventurer.

TLN: I read your comment btw, I will keep up with this format for a while since the plugin still acting weird and it is honestly easier this way

I will revert to the old one when I have lengthy announcement though.

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