The Sugar Mommy System: The Evil Young Master is Villain!!!

Chapter 159: 4) The Alchemy contest

Dhup! Dup!

Qin Ch's heart thumped in her chest as she finally met his gaze. Her mind was a tangled mess of conflicting emotions. But deep down, she knew she couldn't resist the magnetic pull of his presce.

"I-I suppose... You can," Qin Chg whispered, her voice betraying a hint of excitemt ev as she tried to maintain a calm facade.

Bai Lung smirked, ssing her surrder, and drew ev closer to her. Their faces were now mere inches apart, their breaths mingling in the air.

"Are you sure you're ready for this, my princess?" Bai Lung whispered, his voice low and seductive.

Qin Chg's heart raced ev faster as she felt the warmth of his breath on her skin. She couldn't dy the thrill that ran through her tire body, making her shiver with anticipation.

"I... I..." she tried to speak, but the words caught in her throat.

Bai Lung leaned in ev closer, his lips hovering just a breath away from hers. "No need to be nervous," he murmured, his free hand sliding a her waist and drawing her closer.

Qin Chg's fingers involuntarily gripped the fabric of his robe as her body tingled with ssation.

The intsity of the momt was overwhelming, and she found herself unable to look away from his eyes.

Bai Lung smirked again, his gaze holding hers captive. "Close your eyes," he commanded gtly.

Qin Chg obeyed instinctively, her eyelids fluttering shut as she tried to calm her racing heart. She could feel the warmth of his body pressed against her, the strgth of his arms circling her.

A momt of quiet anticipation hung in the air as she waited for his next move. Her mind was a chaotic whirl of emotions, torn betwe fear and desire.

Bai Lung's touch was gtle as he trailed his fingers along her jaw, tracing a path down her neck. He could feel the rapid pulse beath her skin, a testamt to her excitemt and anticipation.

"Just relax princess," he whispered, his mouth hovering near her ear. "Let me take a good care of you..."


Qin Chg gasped softly as she felt his breath caress her skin, sding a shiver down her spine. His words, spok in a possessive tone, st a thrill through her.

Despite her nerves, she couldn't dy the growing heat that spread through her body, stoked by his touch and words. Her grip on his robe tighted, her fingers digging into the fabric as she surrdered to the momt.

Bai Lung took her reaction as a sign to continue. His thumb gtly traced her lower lip, coaxing her mouth op. He leaned in, his lips finally meeting hers in a soft, ttative kiss.


The contact was electrifying, and Qin Chg felt like sparks were igniting within her. Her mind wt blank as she surrdered to the ssations.

Bai Lung deeped the kiss, his hand on her waist pulling her closer to his body.

"Hmmm! Ammm!"

He could feel her trembling beath him, her body responding to his touch. He wanted to devour her, to claim her completely.


Qin Chg's sses were overwhelmed, her body responding instinctively to the passionate kiss.

She pressed herself against Bai Lung, her arms wrapping a his neck as she surrdered to the momt, her chest soft and wonderful a his chest.

The world a them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them in this intimate bubble.

Bai Lung continued to explore her mouth with his, his tongue slipping past her lips and tangling with hers. He wanted to take her, to make her his.

"Hmmm! Umm! Ammm! Haah* Haah*"

Qin Chg gasped and arched into him, her body begging for more.

Bai Lung's grip on her waist tighted, holding her firmly against him as he continued to ravage her mouth. His hands began to roam her body, exploring every inch of her.

He could feel her surrder, her body molding to his, responding to his every touch.

Qin Chg was lost in the ssations, her mind a kaleidoscope of ssation and emotion. She had never felt like this before, so completely and utterly consumed by desire.

Bai Lung's touch was like an intoxicating drug, making her head spin and her body throb with need.


He broke the kiss, his lips leaving hers with a soft pop. He trailed kisses down her neck, pausing to nip and bite at her skin.

His hands continued to roam her body, tracing the curve of her waist and hip.

"Nnghhh! Ahhh! Ammm! Haah* Haah* Ammmm!!"

Qin Chg panted, her breath coming in short gasps as his mouth and hands set her body ablaze.

She couldn't think, couldn't speak, could only feel the delicious ssations he was stirring within her.

Bai Lung's mouth continued its path, moving lower and lower until it reached the tder spot where her shoulder met her neck. He nipped and sucked at the ssitive flesh, his hands now gripping her thighs.

"Umm!" Qin Chg suddly noticed something was off, they were only two here.

It felt like time had stopped a them, every other person froz in time.

"Eh!? I wonder what evil sorcery young master has used..." She asked while her mind wt numb!

'Xin Rui... Master!' she said in her mind calling for another soul.

At the same time,

Bai Lung smirked against her skin, his hot breath sding a shiver down her spine. He pulled back just ough to speak, his lips skimming the shell of her ear.

"No sorcery, my princess," he murmured, his voice low and silk. "Just a technique..."

His hands continued to explore her body, his touch becoming more possessive, as his big palm grabbed those busty butt cheeks allowing himself to feel the pleasure.

"However I am quite disappointed that among all you would lie to me... You said you don't possess profound consciousness but I clearly remember seeing you use Runes," Bai Lung said while sucking her blood from her neck like a vampire.

Qin Chg's breath hitched at his words, her body arching against him involuntarily. His accusation of lying stung, but the ssation of his mouth on her neck was making it hard to think straight.

"It's... it's not a lie, not exactly," she managed to gasp out.

"I just..."

She couldn't continue, her thoughts fragmting as his tongue traced the ssitive skin of her neck. Her body was on fire, her mind struggling to cling to rational thought.

Bai Lung chuckled softly, obviously aware of the effect he was having on her.

He continued his assault on her neck, his hands slowly trailing down to her hips as his hands were currtly at her shoulders hugging her tight from her buttocks.

He could feel the heat radiating from her body, his own desire growing hotter with every momt.

"You can't keep secrets from me princess," he murmured against her skin.

"I see everything, know everything,"

His fingers traced a lazy pattern along her hips, teasing and tantalizing her. He could feel the tsion in her body, her attempts to maintain control slipping away.


Qin Chg gasped as his touch continued to sd shockwaves through her body. His words were both exhilarating and terrifying, a reminder of the power he held.

She wanted to protest, to dy his claim, but the ssations coursing through her were drowning out rational thought.

She was losing control, and a part of her was starting to like it more than she should.

Bai Lung's mouth moved lower, his lips trailing down her chest to the exposed skin above the edge of her bodice. His hands continued their exploration, his touch almost revert.


Qin Chg continued to play the part of the shy and trembling girl, but Bai Lung saw through her act.

He let her continue for a momt longer before leaning in, his voice a low murmur in her ear.

"You can cut the act princess," he said, his tone carrying an edge of annoyance. "I know you're not as vulnerable as you're trying to appear,"


Qin Chg gasped as her facade was shattered, her eyes widing in surprise. She thought she had fooled him, but Bai Lung had se through her in an instant.

She tried to feign ignorance, but his sharp gaze was unwavering, and she couldn't keep up the act for long.

But the joymt she felt was real, and most of her emotions were true.

Bai Lung's eyes narrowed further as he stof straight, his gaze sharp as a honed blade. "Your attempts at deception are as transpart as the summer sky," he said, his voice filled with amusemt.

Qin Chg's heart fluttered in her chest as she met his gaze.

She was caught, exposed. There was no point in pretding any longer.

She swallowed, her eyes flickering with a mix of embarrassmt and frustration. "You've se through me," she admitted softly, her voice tinged with resignation.

"But you don't understand," she added softly, her face cold.

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