The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 81: Cool! This is the joy of earning points!

Chapter 81: Cool! This is the joy of earning points!

Chapter 81 is cool! This is the joy of earning points!

The gap in the stone pillar was like taking a knife and cutting it on the thigh, peeling off a piece of flesh, and the blood spurted out and flowed all over the ground in an instant.

The difference is that the blood is black and very sticky.


The host is entering an area that is highly contaminated by level 6 weirdness. There are a large number of low level weirdnesses wandering around in this area, looking for life forms to devour! There are currently high-level weirdos that can capture the existence of the host through their keen sense of smell, and the host is currently locked! Host, please cherish your life and escape quickly!

Brother, its been three hours since I came in. Is your early warning a little too late?

Shen Gegang was still wondering why the system didn't show anything even after moving around in the strange space. At this moment, the system's warning finally sounded.

It's just that the delay is so high, we really have to rely on "early warning", I'm afraid the body won't be completely cold.

And this time the weird "not coming out" is already level 4. The system prompts that level 6 will be level 6 in 4 years or it will be level 6 now. It doesn't make much difference.

At present, "not coming out" is the highest level of weirdness that Shen Ge has faced since activating the system!

The "characteristics" of Weirdness have existed in Weirdness' body since the first level. The difference is that the ability of the characteristics only has obvious effects after awakening to Weird Space at level 2.

For example, Shen Ge killed the black cat "Silent" by mistake. At that time, it was a Level 1 weirdo and didn't even have a weird space. In addition to having no sound, the effects of its characteristics were not exerted at all.

If Shen Ge kills "Silent" and does not let it be swallowed by the system, then the characteristics of "Silent" will be transferred to the new level 1 weird body.

When the weirdness reaches level 2, the ability of the weird space to combine its characteristics can produce a more powerful characteristic ability than ordinary level 2 weirdness.

For example, the strange car and the intangible, the former's strange space has no more impact besides pulling Shen Ge into an uninhabited space similar to subspace.

However, the "invisible" weird space ability is an ability that combines characteristics, allowing the "invisible" weird space to make half a building transparent.

Although Shen Ge has not encountered level 3 weirdness or level 3 weirdness with special characteristics yet, he doesnt know what effect the special weirdness below level 3 will have. However, through past experience, it can be inferred that the ability of the strange space is closer to the "characteristics".

And the current situation is even worse, because "Fuchu" has been alienated to level 4, which means that it is in a state of fully awakening characteristics!

Black "blood" was still flowing through the gap in the stone pillar. Seeing the black blood quickly flowing towards him, Shen Ge calmly moved a step to the side, then squatted down, took out his lighter and pointed it at the There was blood.

Tsk, its not flammable.

There was regret in Shen Ge's tone, and he was not afraid that this thing could really ignite, cause a fire, and burn him all together.

Putting the lighter away, Shen Ge raised his right hand and pressed the control button on the mysterious energy protective suit. When he got closer to the black blood, he saw the numbers on the display screen of his right arm beating, which meant that the black blood was also mysterious. manifestation of energy.

"I'm not in a weird belly, am I?" Shen Ge glanced around, looking at the weird and depressing environment. If his thoughts were directly transmitted into the "unexitable" belly, it would indeed be possible to only get in but not get out. .


If he was really in Weird's belly, there was still a way to get out... It was just a bit nauseating, so Shen Ge simply didn't think about it.

Shen Ge avoided the black blood flowing on the ground, approached the stone pillar, put away the gun, and took out the butcher's knife pinned to his lower back from the protective suit.

"Ha!" Shen Ge yelled, and he raised the knife and slashed: "The blood is condensed to guard the secrets of the sky, and the knife is hidden in the sleeve. The ice is released and the rain is nowhere to be found, and the heart is as calm as water and the body is like a ship."

Look at my cold glance! Shen Ge jumped up, leaping into the air, condescendingly cutting down with all his strength, without hesitation.

The sharp butcher's knife cut off a large piece of "wall (xue) skin (rou from top to bottom in an instant, and then more black blood spurted out.

Shen Ge changed direction and continued to chop with the knife.

His idea is very simple. If there is a certain monkeys teaching plan in the weird belly, everyone in the Celestial Dynasty will know what to do if he is swallowed by the monster!

Turn him upside down, and dont be afraid of being weird without spitting him out!

Within a few minutes, the stone pillar, which was originally more than one meter in diameter, was cut into a skeleton by Shen Ge's new Longmen sword technique. The point is, there is really a "skeleton" inside this stone pillar!

A white bone-like "steel bar" connected from the floor to the ceiling.

After removing the "flesh" covering the bones, black "blood" flowed all over the floor, two to three centimeters thick, and it was sticky when you stepped on it. A thick layer of yellow magic protective clothing was applied to the feet. On the second floor, Shen Ge felt as if his feet were hung with ten kilograms of sandbags, and it was a bit difficult to move.



At this time, in the dim passage ahead, there was a faint sound like a frog stirring, or some kind of swallowing sound.

Shen Ge picked up the assault rifle, looked forward through the thermal imaging scope, and found a dark red thing in the dark shadow.

Judging from the shape, it is a dog-like creature that walks on all fours.


Shen Ge realized that only one kind of "creature" would appear in this kind of place, and that was the strange thing after alienation. However, he did not intend to leave just like that. Instead, he held the butcher knife tightly and violently slashed at the "skeleton" in front of him. Cut it off!

One knife!

Two knives!

I dont know whether it was the sharpness of the butchers knife or the effect of Shen Ges 1.27 times the strength of an ordinary adult male. With two knives, the frame broke.


In an instant, the entire underground parking lot shook violently. The surrounding "stone pillars" collapsed one after another, and the ceilings in many places also collapsed.



The swallowing sound in front became louder and louder, and then a canine monster that was at least two meters long and covered with a thick layer of silt rushed out of the darkness, or in other words, a dog like silt!

There are a dozen of them!

There are more than a dozen weird dogs. If we capture them all, will that guy Li Xiang change his name to my adoptive father? Shen Ge looked at the black mass of level 1 weird dogs in front of him and couldnt help but sigh.

The next second, "invisible" + "silent"...

Slipped away.

Hands can't stand up to four punches, a good tiger can't fight a pack of wolves, one or two weird ones are enough, let alone a group of weird dogs that appear right away!

Shen Ge turned invisible and retreated outside the black blood, trying to distance himself from the sneaky dogs rushing towards him, but he ignored a serious problem.

Cunning dog, dog.

The sense of smell is naturally very keen.

So a situation similar to that in the garbage room occurred. Although the group of sneak dogs could not see Shen Ge and stopped in unison, they captured his movements through their sense of smell and kept staring at the area where Shen Ge moved.

Once Shen Ges mental energy is exhausted, they will pounce on him without hesitation!


The host is in a highly polluted area of Level 6 weirdness. There are a large number of low-level weirdnesses wandering around in this area, looking for life forms to devour! Dozens of them can detect the presence of the host through their keen sense of smell, and the host is currently locked! Host, please cherish your life and escape quickly!

"Shut up, I'm not blind." Shen Ge also paid attention to this group of strange dogs. They were Level 1 strange dogs. Although there were many of them, they were still at the stage where they could be killed by firearms.

Just letting it go is obviously not Shen Ges style.

Stepping out of the **** water against the shaking ground, Shen Ge picked up the nozzle of the freezing device and sprayed it on his feet, freezing the blood mud on his feet into ice cubes. He then touched the ice cubes hard with his feet and smashed the ice cubes into pieces.

Then, he took out a canister of deception, opened his mask, and took a deep breath. He felt "refreshed" and most of his mental strength was restored.

Although the combination of "invisible + silent" characteristics cannot completely prevent the sneaky dog from discovering itself, maintaining the status can at least make the opponent lose its aggressiveness.

After that, Shen Ge planned to take advantage of the fact that the sly dog could not see him and launch the attack first!

"Fire EscapeHao Fire Extinguishment Manual Version!" Shen Ge took out two Molotov cocktails, poured his mental power into them, and started the "silent" throwing.


Two Molotov cocktails were thrown into the group of sly dogs, and the fire spread instantly!

Although the weird dogs no longer feel pain, the burning of the flames requires these weird dogs to consume a lot of weird energy to heal.

The treacherous dogs made strange swallowing sounds and tried to escape towards the flames.

But how could Shen Ge give them a chance to run out? At the moment when the sea of fire was ignited to incinerate the treacherous dogs, the shadows had already stretched forward.

Disable "Invisible + Silent" and change it to - No movement!

Crowd control!

Although it only lasts a few seconds, as long as the flames can engulf the treacherous dogs and ignite their bodies, it is enough!

A few seconds later, Shen Ge's mental energy was exhausted, and he felt dizzy again. The entire underground parking lot was shaking violently. In his eyes, it was like riding a roller coaster.

Shen Ge quickly took a few sips from the can of magic energy to replenish his mental strength and at the same time, the dizzy feeling also dissipated.



Shen Ge, who lost the protection of "invisible + silent", instantly became the target of the group of treacherous dogs that lit the fire. Shen Ge picked up the gun and fired while retreating.

Then he took out an explosive grenade and threw it at the group of sly dogs.


Fragmentation grenade, throw it!

Bomb, throw it!

Throw the Molotov cocktail!

At this time, Shen Ge didn't care about economy. He threw all the projectiles on his body and then fired with the rifle!

This wave cannot solve this group of weirdos, and Shen Ge will be in danger. Without the support of Feng Chengxiu and other combatants, Shen Ge could only rely on himself.

Under the throws of Shen Ge's quick weight loss method, he instantly lost more than ten kilograms. Various throws greeted him, and the burning corpse was blown up. A series of kill prompts sounded. Shen Ge suddenly felt like he was playing. The illusion of leveling up by defeating monsters in the game.

The host successfully kills the level 1 weirdo, and is rewarded with 50 system points x50!

The host successfully kills the level 1 weirdo, and is rewarded with 50 system points x50!

The host successfully kills the level 1 weirdo, and is rewarded with 50 system points x50!

The system prompts sounded a total of thirteen times. In just a few minutes, 650 system points were credited to the account! However, this is only a kill reward!

Whether to sell the level 1 weird corpse, price: 200 system points.

you still need to ask?


Shen Ge rushed to the corpses of the strange dogs and began to sell the corpses to the system one by one. 13 level 1 strange corpses, 2600 system points!

Including the 771 system points Shen Ge accumulated in the past half month, there are now a total of 4021 points!

Youll get rich in just one wave. This is the joy of racking up points! If you rack up ten more waves, youll be able to get through the card pool directly!

Shen Ge was in a good mood and wished he could give him another wave of level 1 strange monsters.




As if hearing Shen Ges call, several ugly and terrifying strange dogs appeared in the collapsed area ahead, like melted sludge!


Shen Ge admitted that he shouldn't be high, because now he had no choice but to go up with a gun and fight hand-to-hand with a butcher's knife.

The weirdness here seems to be free of charge. No wonder "Buju" can grow into a level 4 weirdness in just a few months.

It is estimated that situations like this will not be uncommon in the future. As the strangeness is caused by the alienation of animals, Shen Ge guessed that after this strange incident, the higher authorities will start to deal with the problem of the pet market.

Otherwise, every time a strange incident breaks out in the pet market, a high-level strange one will appear, and no matter how many elite agents lives there wont be enough!



Several treacherous dogs made disgusting swallowing sounds and rushed towards Shen Ge. This time, Shen Ge did not run away invisibly, but stood still and waited for these treacherous dogs to approach.

Fifteen meters.

Thirteen meters.

Ten meters.

At this time, a treacherous dog has already rushed into the range of Shen Ge's invisible realm, but he cannot take action yet. He must wait for an opportunity to catch all the treacherous dogs.

There are still twenty canisters, but these are much more important than grenade bottles, so Shen Ge must accurately control the consumption of mental power!

Five meters.

Three meters!

Shen Ge turned sideways and whipped his leg, and kicked the leader of the sneaky dog hard on the head. It felt like he had hit a sticky sandbag.

The sly dog tilted its body and collided with the sly dog next to it.

At this time, all the other strange dogs entered the range of Shen Ges invisible magic realm. The strange dog in front of him opened his mouth and bit into Shen Ges leg...

Invisible and mysterious realm!


At the critical moment, the sound of shattering glass was heard from below several treacherous dogs, and then the next second, they fell from the floor!

At this moment, the last two stone pillars in the underground parking lot also collapsed due to shaking, and the entire underground parking lot collapsed.

Seeing that Shen Ge was about to be buried by the collapsed ceiling, he took advantage of the state of the invisible realm to use his collapse ability upwards again!

Then, the sneaky shoes charged up and jumped suddenly!

Shen Ge walked through the collapsed ceiling and felt his eyes blurred, and the invisible treacherous realm was lifted. However, he was surprised to find that he did not appear in the dark yellow office building before, but came to "outside the building" .

The dark night sky, the dark red full moon, the deserted streets, the rusty old cars, and the high-rise buildings that look like a doomsday wasteland.

This is... Dongyu Village? Shen Ge glanced around and found himself standing in the middle of a dilapidated street.

"It has only been a few months since the strange incident broke out. How come it has become like a wasteland? Or...I am still in a maze that I can't get out of. These are just illusions?"

If this is Dongyu Village, then where is the building wrapped in black mist that was seen in the meeting video? Shen Ge looked around, but did not find the strange energy building.

That means that you are still trapped in the "maze"?

Just when Shen Ge was trying to find any clues from the surrounding environment and buildings, he suddenly heard a woman's scream coming from the dilapidated building directly in front of him.



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