The System is Four Years Ahead of Schedule, But Weird is Still a Cub

Chapter 87: Detective Shen, the future number one in the Special Strategy Department!

Chapter 87: Detective Shen, the future number one in the Special Strategy Department!

Chapter 87 Tan Tan, the future number one in the Special Strategy Department!

Yuzhou Dongyu Village Temporary Headquarters.

At this time, everyone in the camp was frowning and their faces were gloomy. The atmosphere in the camp was even more depressing and suffocating than the previous few days.

It has been almost two days, and there is no news from Shen Ge. Three technicians each brought a set of signal erection equipment, but none of them succeeded.

The latest signaling device developed by Dianzhou on the table, the "-" straight line of death is still shocking, without even the slightest fluctuation.

The elongated "beep" sound of the signal device struck the heartstrings of everyone present. Every subtle sound affected the nerves of everyone present, filling the camp with an indescribable sense of depression.

It's okay if there is no feedback information. The point is that the spread of the mysterious realm has not stopped. In the past two days, it has spread by nearly 100 meters.

Compared with the spread speed in previous days, it is much faster.

According to the feedback from the headquarters, if there is no progress in this strange incident within a week, then we will consider using missiles to attack first. It would be best if it had an effect on strange spaces. If not, then the use of nuclear weapons would also be on the agenda.

The beautiful man, who was afraid that the world would be in chaos, learned about this level 4 strange incident because of the strange mercenaries, and has been paying close attention to this incident since then.

The Special Policy Department followed several clues, but the news they got shocked the people above them, and they all exclaimed that the beautiful woman was crazy.

This time the strange incident at level 4 in Yuzhou may cause the weird secret to be unsuppressed and become known to the world, beautiful people may use nuclear weapons to suppress this incident.

In their view, whether it is nuclear accidents, leaks, etc., these are all commonplace issues after all.

However, once the world is informed of the existence of "weirdness" and civilians are informed that humans are not the masters of the Blue Star, and that a group of monsters that feed on humans and living creatures appear out of thin air in this world, the resulting panic and turmoil will be overwhelming. Out of control!

Riots caused by human panic are nothing new in history. He is a beautiful man who has the ability to drop bombs. Do you really have the temperament to start a global nuclear war?


You are a person who has a big picture view. For the sake of all mankind, you will only find ways to accompany beautiful people to cover up this incident.

Deng Yuqi has a different view. In the past, humans only had small fights, and it didnt matter how noisy or fighting they were. But now its different. Theres a weird thing about humans being food.

Blue Star does not have the peerless strong man in the movie and novel who can break stars with one punch, but only a body of flesh and blood and a variety of advanced weapons and equipment.

But when these weapons and equipment are less and less effective against spooks, and even a rocket cannot do as much damage as a steel pipe hit by spooky equipment, kinetic energy weapons and nuclear weapons have become mankind's last trump card.

Some people always believe that the use of nuclear weapons is unrealistic, but they have no idea that when humans are in panic, they often do incredible and crazy things!

The fundamental problem now is that except for the people who enter the strange space, no one knows what the strange space is like.

Are those people who went in before still alive?

With a missile coming down, will it blow up the weirdness to pieces, or will it completely make the weird space lose control and accelerate its spread, or will it release the weirdness inside?

Not knowing whats going on inside is the scariest problem!

It seems that kinetic energy weapons and nuclear weapons have really become the only options.

"Seventh sister, you were full of confidence in the new members of our department before, but you see, there is no news coming out now, and there is constant pressure from the top. If the motion of kinetic weapons is really passed, a few missiles will go down, and those who went in before will Even if those people didn't die at Weiwei's hands, they wouldn't be able to survive!" a detective from Dianzhou sighed.

Deng Yuqi was also very irritable at this time. She wished she could rush directly to Dajing to pick out all those sitting in the office and slap them a few times to wake them up!

Are they, the agents, not wanting to solve this incident? Do you really want to hang up on things that have nothing to do with you? It's not fun to stay in the branch, so you come to this wretched place to guard it?

"Pretty people and those **** are used to talking nonsense. I don't believe they dare to cross the border and use nuclear weapons. Are you kidding? Do you really think we are freeloaders?"

"Yes, I can listen to this kind of pressure. Don't take it to heart. Although I don't understand zz, I also know that nuclear weapons cannot be taken out casually."

"Yes, Brother Mao is still watching outside. You see, Brother Mao and the others are fighting fiercely, but they haven't used nuclear weapons yet? How can this thing be used just as it is said to be used?"

"Oh, by the way, did you read the report some time ago? I heard that a large strange creature of level 3 appeared on the battlefield over Brother Mao. It was suspected to be an elephant in its original form. It seemed to be playing with it by stepping on those tanks. In the end, it was hard to resist. Several missiles were fired, and people on both sides couldn't care less about fighting, so they joined forces to get rid of the strange phenomenon."

"So, I have always felt that it is a good thing that weird things can't be suppressed. Human beings are magical creatures. When there is no common enemy, they will fight among themselves. When there is a common enemy, they will fight against the outside world. Maybe when weird things appear, all mankind will unite to deal with it. Weird.

"That's not the point. Level 3 weirdos can resist missiles. If the higher authorities really pass the motion to use kinetic energy weapons, if a few missiles don't kill the level 4 weirdos, all the people who will die will be ours. Who will be responsible for this in the future?" Are you willing to enter a strange space?"

Yes, we are working hard inside, but we dont care about our lives outside.

Okay, these are just our guesses. Lets stop this topic. If you have time to think about it, why not think about how to solve the strange incident.

In the command camp, everyone expressed their opinions one by one. Most people's opinions were that they should ignore the pressure from above and just concentrate on dealing with the weirdness.

Compared with these people's concerns, Deng Yuqi was more concerned about Shen Ge's safety. She did not want her men to become sacrificial pawns above.

It really chills people's hearts, then she will go back to Rongshi from now on, no matter what the world is like outside, she only cares about her own one-third of an acre of land.

At this moment, Feng Chengxiu rushed into the camp: "Report! Director Li of the Technical Department used a satellite to capture new images in the strange space!"

Many people in the camp have heard of Li Xiang, the youngest Ph.D. in biology in the country. It is said that he was poached by Deng Yuqi to the Rong City branch before he even entered the Special Policy Department.

There have been several recent research reports on weirdness, and the progress in weirdness research is even greater than the progress made by the headquarters in the past few years combined.

The headquarters tried to ask Li Xiang back several times, but Deng Yuqi stopped him all the time. Everyone who has stayed at the headquarters knows the name of the seventh sister.

You dare to rob her people today, and tomorrow she will dare to lift the roof of your headquarters!

Bring in the picture! Deng Yuqi immediately turned on the computer and established a connection with Li Xiang. Soon, the new picture was transmitted.

Li Xiang passed along several overhead comparison pictures and annotated them with text. "Compared with the pictures before Shen Tan entered, I found through picture comparison that although the spread speed of the strange space has not slowed down, the direction of the spread has changed. Before that, the strange space was centered on Dongyu Village and spread out in a circle. After Shen Tan entered, the diffusion speed in two directions slowed down significantly."

"In addition, the pictures taken by satellite before were almost distorted. After analyzing the pictures, I found that there are at least six layers of space overlapping together. You can understand it as taking six different landscape pictures, and then through Computer technology fuses them together. Therefore, according to my inference, there are at least 6 or more weirdos with weird spaces in this weird space, so this situation will occur."

"After dismantling and recasting the picture, and then comparing the AI-generated pictures with the map of Dongyu Village, we found that the entire Dongyu Village was divided into six areas. However, the division method was not equal, but similar to the age rings of trees. The pattern is the largest in the center and spreads out in circles.

To put it simply, after the most powerful level 4 weirdness generated this huge weird space, it contained the weirdness of the weird space and continuously released its ability to generate new spaces. The six spaces overlapped and distorted, resulting in the current situation.

"After Shen Tan entered, the distortion of the images captured by the satellite gradually decreased. After computer analysis, only three areas remained out of the original six areas. In other words, after Shen Tan entered, he had already solved at least three monsters with strange spaces. Weird, if you continue like this, you will soon be able to enter the central area."

If Detective Shen successfully enters the central area, it is possible to solve this incident! The above is what I have discovered in the past two days.

Li Xiangs words in the video were like a bomb exploding in the camp.

Six weird ones!

Six strange beings with strange spaces appeared at the same time. No wonder the previous agents and mercenaries disappeared after entering.

Six weird space weirds, which means one is at level 4, and five are at least level 2 or above. This has never happened before since the weirdness was recorded!

It was surprising to learn that six animals had strange dimensions, but what shocked everyone present was that the "newcomer", who was ordinary except for his appearance, solved it in just two days. Three weird ones with weird spaces!

This is weird in itself, right?

A female agent from the Qianzhou branch, who was also a "little fangirl" who had interned with Deng Yuqi at the headquarters for a period of time, swallowed her saliva and said in surprise: "We have to deal with three level 2s in two days, maybe even Level 2 or above of weirdness, mother, seventh sister, where did you find this monster?"

The deputy director of the Dianzhou branch, a polite, bald, middle-aged man with glasses, exclaimed: "Little 7, I don't know where you can find Lin Yin, who is the second-level weirdo, but you are doing this again." A seemingly ordinary monster who becomes a sensation as soon as he strikes, do you still want the people from other branches to live?"

Someone echoed: "Yes, what is this man's background? Could he be the product of the headquarters' previous secret plan, a super soldier?"

"Isn't that plan stopped a long time ago? I remember that in the newcomer profile uploaded by the seventh sister, it was mentioned that the handsome guy seems to be a pure newcomer who used to work in an office." The little fan girl said.

The deputy director of the Dianzhou branch said with a strange expression: "I have only heard that monsters are prone to appear among college students. Are monsters prone to appear even in offices these days?"

"This Detective Shen... is so **** strong! Alas, it's a pity that he was too pressed for time when he came and didn't have a good communication."

Yes, you will definitely benefit a lot from communicating with such a strong person!

Resolving three level 2 weirdos in two days, leaving aside the previous level 4 weird incident, Im afraid this has already broken the record of the Special Strategy Department, right?

If this can really be solved together with the level 4 weirdness, he will be the first person in the special strategy department!

The next generation is to be feared, the next generation is to be feared!

Deng Yuqi actually didn't feel much when she heard everyone's praise for Shen Ge, but Li Xiang's discovery and report made her feel relieved.

At least it can be seen from this that Shen Ge is still alive and is working hard to solve this fourth-level strange incident, and has achieved great results!

At this time, the deputy director of the Dianzhou branch asked: "Xiao 7, it was your people who made the contribution this time. Now it has been proved that the matter is progressing. How about reporting it directly to the headquarters? They know that the matter can be solved, at least. We will not use kinetic weapons to increase the danger to the agents in the strange space."

Deng Yuqi frowned and thought for a while, then looked at the people in the camp and said: "Since the establishment of the ministry, the three Southwest Departments have supported each other and worked together to get to where we are today, just like a family. Here are my elders and me. During the same period, there were even people I took care of.

"Today, I, Deng Yuqi, am here to implore everyone to keep Shen Ge's matter a secret. If the strange incident is resolved smoothly, the report will say that our three Southwest Departments will work together to organize a team to enter the strange space and cooperate with each other to solve the problem. event."

Everyone was stunned when they heard this. They didn't seem to expect that Deng Yuqi would say this. The point is that this is not a way to grab credit, but to equally share the credit for Shen Ge's solution to the strange incident at Level 4 to the three Southwest Departments.

Such a good thing...why?

The deputy director of the Dianzhou branch adjusted his glasses, frowned and said, "Xiao 7, are you worried that the beautiful country is watching this matter, and Detective Shen will be targeted by them after reporting it?"

"That's right, so when we needed the equipment before, I also told the old man that we have formed an elite combat team here and need three pieces of treacherous equipment to supplement it." Deng Yuqi said.

At this time, someone laughed and said: "What can we say about this? You give us the credit. It's too late for us to be happy. Don't worry, Yu Qi, you don't have to believe in Zhao Jing's character, but you have to believe in you, Brother Li, and me." Well, whoever here dares to speak out about Shen Tan, you, Brother Li, will be the first to let him go!"

Tch, its like you are the only one who is good at keeping secrets. I, Jiang Youwei, promise that I will not tell a word about Shen Tan.

"Me too."


Me too.

The deputy director of the Dianzhou branch smiled and said: "Haha, don't worry, little 7, we are all family members here. Come back, we must introduce Detective Shen to us to solve this incident. Let's have a good drink, our Dianzhou branch The people of Guizhou and Shu are famous for their ability to drink well, and they will never return home until they are drunk! Hahaha!"

Because of the "good news" reported by Li Xiang, the gloom in the camp was swept away, and it seemed that Shen Ge could solve this fourth-level strange incident.

Deng Yuqi nodded, turned the laptop to face him, and said to Li Xiang in the video: "Li Xiang, write me a report on the satellite pictures, hide Shen Ge's situation, and tell me about the elite team we sent We have achieved success. We will focus on the analysis of the mysterious space and have effectively prevented the spread of the mysterious space."

Yes! Li responded and turned off the video.

Deng Yuqi looked at the satellite image played on the projector. After Li Xiang marked the original six rings with red lines and crossed them with an x, there were still three left.

According to Li Xiang's inference, as long as Shen Ge continues to go deeper, he should be able to enter the center soon and solve this strange fourth-level incident!

However, at this time, a certain young detective whom everyone expected was eating instant noodles in a dark shop and asked a certain female detective to take off her clothes.

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