The Tale of the Devil Sword

Chapter 37: Nigel-3

Chapter 37: Nigel-3

(Author Note:- 75 power stones in a week for 1 bonus chapter.

110 power stones in a week for 2 bonus chapters.

140 power stones in a week for 3 bonus chapters.)


Nigel shook his head and continued "Well.. He let Ave escape first. Then he called me and...

*sigh* first of all you should know he is a high elf."

Kylo nodded his head when the snake continued

"Even a normal elf's affinity with elements is pretty high compared to most races in the universe.

And to compare an element's affinity of High elf with some other races... it would be foolish to actually even compare." at this point Nigel took a pause for a bit longer.

Kylo quickly organized all the information he got and he gasped suddenly in horror when he came to a conclusion and asked "Did he give you his... heart?"

Nigel was little stunned when he saw how Kylo reached at an unexpected yet correct conclusion.

It was actually not very difficult for him to reach such a conclusion. Because he already knew how poisonous could one of the hachi ryuu-ou descendant can be.

And even if Nigel survived, it is difficult to be alive for such a long time after being poisoned by Takshakas.

And the way he was telling the past, Kylo assumed his extension has something to do with Avery's father, a High elf which he knew because of Avery.

But even if he has help of Avery's father it would still be difficult by normal ways of healing of High Elves.

That is the reason why he took the guess. A high Elf's heart.

Nigel also looked like he expected Kylo's horror expression and nodded "Yes, that heart can extend my life for 50 years."

Kylo nodded his head. But even if he nodded his head, his mind was still in a mess. A heart of a High Elf is a treasure comparable with dragon's tears.

If Kylo right now had Dragon's tears he can easily make his sword to a heavenly level claymore... or maybe even a celestial sword. Thats how precious Dragon's Tears are.

And a High elf's heart contains life energy. It can cure most of the diseases and injuries in the universe.

A high Elf's heart also increases affinity with elemental energy.

It can increase one's talent by tremendous level. Even an average cultivator can become a generation of powerhouse with a High Elf's heart's help.

That is why Kylo gasped when he said that. Even he felt a twinge of envy for Nigel.

[Even a stupid snake's luck is better than this Devil Emperor's...]

Kylo was a little depressed but he immediately brightened up when he thought of the future.

"But nothing is free in this world." Nigel continued without caring about Kylo's mood.

Kylo nodded as if that was expected. How can someone willingly give his own heart without any conditions. He already had some guesses in heart but he let Nigel continue.

"He asked me to take care of his daughter as long as I am alive.

But even that was impossible for me."

"You want to go back to your world?" Kylo asked in a weird tone.

"Yes." The snake ignored the weirdness in the Devil's tone and continued

"That is why I rejected his heart at that time. Maybe he understood my worries or maybe he was just desperate since he was at the end of the line he asked me to take care of her for next 30 years with my life on line."

"But a simple verbal promise is not enough..." Kylo asked in a skeptical voice.

The snake just nodded its little head and answered his doubts "Indeed, that is why I took a dao oath"


Not bad, not bad"

[No wonder he was looking at me with such crazed expression when I hit little Avery with primordial energy]

(Author Note:- chapter 13 at the end.)

A dao oath is a vow taken by the cultivators with their cultivation on line.

When taking a oath, the universe serves as a witness and in case the oath is not fulfilled then their cultivation will be completely gone.

This vow is vicious because once an oath is not fulfilled forget about qi, they would not be able to use any energy.

Since they can not cultivate anymore, they become mortals. And if someone who has already exceeded the lifespan of a mortal has their cultivation taken away they will die next instant.

And the death will not be simple. Cultivation itself is going against heavens that is why cultivators face difficulties in breakthroughs, face tribulation and so on.

But the heavens are kind as well. They would not want the cultivators to be extinct just because they were going against him.

It is like how a mother will just scold their child and punish them a little when the children are being naughty.

As long as cultivators do not rebel against the heavens it was fine.

Learning Law of time is a rebel and that is when heavens carry out their punishment.

And the death of those who rebel against the heavens, will be the cruelest death they would face with their ending filled with pain. The more they have lived the more pain they will receive at the end of their lives.

And it is almost impossible to be alive after breaking dao oath.

That is for Nigel even with his bloodline at the most he can live upto 150 years old as a mortal. And he will never be able to cultivate.

But that is not the end. The ones who break the {Dao Oath} are deemed as unworthy by the universe, which is why even their soul is burnt, that is they would not be given a chance to be born again and will forever disappear from the universe.

That is the reason why he protects Avery with his life on line. Not that he does not care about her but if there was not a dao oath, maybe she would have already died.

"Little Avery told me how she saved you when you were injured during one of her adventures and later to repay her you started following her. Later you got injured while saving her..."

This was a lie. Avery never told him anything but he had seen this through her 'soul'. Kylo can only 'see' what others are thinking and not the Soul Contracted one's memories.

That is why, when Avery asked Kylo to take Nigel with him Kylo showed his hesitance.

In fact it was a simple wish and Kylo would not make his Subordinates sad just because of these small issues.

But he did not agree immediately. She then desperately tried to appeal Kylo to take the snake under his banner. And it was then Kylo saw the past of the snake and Avery....

But Nigel shook his head "No it was all a script. Scripted as a coincidence.

If I go and say your father send me she will ask what happened to her father."

Nigel lowered his head and continued in gloomy voice "And if she knows her father died giving me his heart she will try to kill me. And I could not have killed her back then because of Dao Oath.

Well I mean I would not kill her even in the future since she is also a poor girl who already suffered something which she should not have suffered."

[What a mess] Kylo was thinking...

[But then again it is better like this] ... while grinning. Nigel's head was lowered so he never saw how Kylo was grinning nor did he notice how a white orb floating behind Kylo when Nigel was speaking.

He then asked to the now depressed red snake "So you said you want to go back to your world?"

Nigel nodded his head with a determined eyes and said "Yes, I have to go back no matter what."

The devil nodded his head and continued

"Then Is it because of revenge?

Or is it because you want to give proper burial?

Or are you aiming for restoration?

Or just nostalgia?"

Nigel was now looking straight at Kylo without speaking anything.

Nigel opened his mouth to say something but then closed his eyes again. This happened a few times.

Seeing Nigel's eyes Kylo determined maybe the snake wanted all but was finding it difficult to declare his motives.

Like this few seconds passed, after which Kylo continued "I do not know your reason.

Nor do I want to.

Before speaking about those, first you need to survive. I cannot promise you any stupid thing like giving you a medicine to increase your lifespan or to cure your poison.

But if I ever get any such medicine then I can assure you, that the first priority of such medicines would be you.

I cannot promise you unrivalled strength, but I can assure you, with me by your you will definitely get what you wan and be unrivalled among your peers.

I cannot promise you to fulfill your dreams. But I can assure you, with me by your side you will atleast not be disappointed by the end result.

So... lets make a deal"


(Author Note:- Moral: Be Eloquent)

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