The Time I Got Reincarnated As An Extra

Chapter 59: The Quest To Save Lily [1]

Chapter 59: The Quest To Save Lily [1]


Dawn came and with it, the filtered slanted rays of sunlight impacted Amon's eyes through the window.

They twitched with irritation and slowly opened up tiredly.

Since there were no classes today, he thought of sleeping a little more.

But just like always, the goddess inside his head was there to stop him.

[No sleep. Wake up and check your watch, it pinged while you were sleeping.] She spoke in his head.

He sighed, burying his head in the blanket.

'I swear just five mor-' He halted as the latter part of her sentence registered in his mind.

His head jolted toward his watch, and quickly opened the messages.

His eyes widened with satisfaction as the message he wanted finally arrived.

[HOU Manager: Good Morning Sir. I'm pleased to inform you that Miss Athena has cleared her schedule for today, you can meet her at HOU by 1 PM sharp. I have not told her about your

identity as of yet since the conversation we had was in the anonymous chamber.]

Nodding with a smile, he quickly thanked Zephyra and got out of bed.

'Thanks for informing me about this.'

[No problem.]

He looked over at the mechanical clock and found out that it was 10 AM.

Without wasting a moment, he quickly headed into the shower.

After 20 minutes, he finally arrived outside wearing his usual casual clothes.

Looking at them, he suddenly realized that there were not many clothes he had for himself to


Or more accurately, the previous Amon didn't have.

'Maybe he just didn't like shopping...'

'Which reminds me, I also need to look in on my past self's body after some time. It might be that sister knows about it but for some reason, she never brings our parents up.' He realized.

It might be that there was a sad past for their parents which made him think that he should refrain from asking Katherine so casually about it.

He needed to find the right time.

Pushing back the thoughts for now, he headed into the kitchen and made himself bread and jam sandwiches like always.

They were just quick to make and compensated for the time he wasted sleeping.

Though he couldn't lie that they were bland.

[You are going to die eating bread and jam every day you know?...] Zephyra pointed out, her voice tinged with slight concern that Amon failed to notice.

'It's alright, don't worry. I only do it for the morning as well.' He answered and felt her sigh.

Suddenly, as he was about to take another bite, a translucent system window opened up in front of him.


Objective: Save Lily From the Slave market

Time Limit: 14 Days

Reward: [1 Sub-rank Increase In All Body Stats]

Penalty: [Erasure of Blood Element]

His eyes widened with shock.

It was his first quest that was assigned to him by the system.

And it was to save Lily from the slave market which was so dangerous that even the two guards could kill Amon in a minute.

Even the time limit was bafflingly short.

The reward was a sub-rank increase in all his body stats which were STR, AGI, etc respectively.

It was a good reward in Amon's opinion as with it, he just needed an increase one more time to hit the second order.

But the penalty was far worse if it was compared to the rewards.

A complete erasure of the [Blood] element.

It was impossible. He couldn't let this happen.

Of the 2 elements he had chosen, the one he had the most experience and mastery was


He couldn't let it be taken now.

It would also leave him with only [Lightning], which he couldn't afford.

But then again, accomplishing the quest in 14 days was going to be extremely hard if he had to judge with the limited information he had.

But it wasn't like he could refuse the quest and so he heaved a deep sigh.

[This is going to be difficult.] Zephyra pointed out and he nodded while taking another bite.

'It is....'

'I'll need to first scout and find information about them. Fortunately, I have Cryptics for that. After that, I'll also need to set many things up.' He started forming plans in his head.

'...But even with that, this is going to be very risky..' He concluded.

For now, he pushed those thoughts to the back of his head.

Suddenly, he remembered something due to the quest window.

'Oh yeah, I forgot to check my system changes last night...' He remembered and quickly

opened the system window.


The translucent blue interface opened up.

====[ STATUS WINDOW ]====

Name: Amon Ashford

Age: 18

Aspect: Clover

Class: Error

* You are an anomaly in this world, an error. One that was not supposed to exist. Who are you?

Only you know.

Leaves: 0000000

Elements:Void BloodLightning☐☐Levels

Talent: 10th Order]

====[ STATS AND SKILLS ]====

VIT: ×× × × ×

STR: × × × ×


END: × × × ×

INT: ×××× ◊

Skills Training Inventory Quests (Pending: 1)]

His eyebrows shot up a little and his mouth contorted into an 'o' shape.

'Oh..' He blurted in his thoughts as he saw his stats.

Either during his dungeon attempt of the FULLDIVE, all of his stats had leveled up together.

Or maybe some had leveled up in the former and some in the latter.

The constant blood pressure that he put on himself by accelerating his blood flow must have increased his endurance and vitality.

Meanwhile, his fight with the beasts and constantly getting hurt had increased his other stats.

Moving from his stats, he noticed the new change sign next to the elemental levels and

quickly opened the tab.

[VOID]: Level 1 ◊ ◊

[BLOOD]: Level 1× × × × ×

[LIGHTN]: Level 1× × × ◊ ◊

He hadn't paid much attention to it during the dungeon but he saw it clearly now.

His [Blood] element had obviously leveled up more times than [Lightning] because of how much he had used it compared to the other.

Speaking of this, he realized that his usage and thinking of [Lightning] was very constricted

compared to [Blood].

He didn't use it much and also failed to use it in a versatile way.

Maybe if he had thought about this before, he would have been able to escape the large

explosion at the end.

Unfortunately, it was past that now. All he could do was think about it better going further.

Suddenly, he realized another thing.

Since his body stats had already leveled up once in the dungeon, then that meant.....

With the completion of Lily's quest, he would finally rank up.

He would finally be a.....

2nd Order Clovist. With a 2 leaf clover mark.

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