The Time I Got Reincarnated As An Extra

Chapter 67: The Quest To Save Lily [9]

Chapter 67: The Quest To Save Lily [9]


The next day after Amon had received information from Cryptic Glories, he asked them if they could further dig into Blackchain Enclave.

They told him that they could but the information wouldn't be much about the slaves or employees since all they could do for now was investigate their systems and devices.

He told them to go ahead and after 1 day, he had received some reports of them.

It detailed what weapons most of them used and which guard was assigned to which place initially.

But the most important detail in the reports was their guarding schedule.

The report explained how the guards would switch places every 10 minutes, making them do a rotation in the whole building.

The time it would take for one switch to be completed was 1-minute maximum.

However, during that 1 minute nobody would be present at the entrance.

Though it seemed kind of dumb from an outsider's perspective, it wasn't since as soon as you headed inside, whichever way you went, guards would be present doing their rotation.

At one point, you would come face-to-face with them for sure.

Which was why Amon had instantly concluded that entering from the front was a suicidal charge.

Coming back to the present, he smiled as the guards finally moved inside for the switch, leaving the entrance open.

'Keep guard around me on all sides please.' Amon asked Zephyra.

[Alright, I understand.] She responded in his head.

He knew that Zephyra could look around him in a 5-meter radius so this was an advantage if someone was ever going to sneak attack him.

Making a platform of blood, he lowered himself to the ground silently and rushed towards a narrow alley right between the Enclave and another building.

It was all or nothing now. He had to rush at full speed.

And so he darted towards the middle of the alley, where he found a manhole cover.

Yes. He was going to infiltrate the building through the sewers.

And so, forming some thick strings of blood, he removed the cover and jumped down into the darkness, while also placing the cover back.

He silently landed on the ground and the disgusting stench of the sewers instantly invaded his nostrils.

But after walking through this tunnel so many times in these days, he was used it by now.

He upturned his palm and immediately sparks of lightning started to emanate from it, lightning up a certain radius around him.

The circular sewer tunnel was ginormous and spacious. It had taken him by immense surprise the first time he visited it.

Filthy rats scurried about on the metal floor while the circular metal walls were dirty and slimy.

Right beside him to the right, was a calm river of sewage discharge.

Focusing on this purpose, Amon bent his body and dashed at full speed through the tunnel.

After exploring this once and so many times, he had confirmed that no guard was ever placed here or even traveled through here during the switch.

After the [Lightning] affinity acquired another point, Amon considered using it like he had used [Blood] before.

And so, he practiced using it again and again in the 5 days which resulted in this......

He took a deep breath and concentrated on his [Lightning] element.

At that moment, sparks of lightning started to regulate around his legs, effervescently spreading throughout with each passing second.

With one final push, he bent his body and shot at a speed multiple times higher than his former one.

He blitzed through the tunnel, leaving yellow sparks in his wake.

His eyes widened at the fast motion of the world around him.

This was one of the major disadvantages he experienced first when using this move.

He would not be able to match his vision with his speed and therefore would smash into random corners or walls.

However, he found a fix for this overtime.

And so instantly, his eyes glowed amethyst, an indigo flame burning in them.

The world around him immediately slowed down, returning to its normal motion.

He used the effect of [Eyes of the Void] through which he could perceive the world around him in a slower motion.

The faster and slower motions canceled each other out, making him see everything at a normal speed despite moving at the same pace.

After some turns, he finally slowed down a distance away from the ladder that led up to the main floor.

This was because he instantly felt a burning feeling on his legs which indicated it was time to

let go.

This was the second major risk of this move.

By regulating electricity around him continuously, the respective part would start to heat up before starting to burn later on.

If he continued it, the body part would eventually turn into a charred state and further continuation would make it blow up in a mushy mess.

He quickly settled beside a ladder for a moment and retrieved a mana potion from his


The aubergine liquid glowed in the flash before he took off the cork and quickly downed it.

Instantly, he felt his mana being replenished to full.

It was a mana potion. He had purchased 5 mana and 5 health potions from HOU before coming


He didn't purchase more as he felt they would be unnecessary.

After downing it whole, he threw the flask aside into the river and stood up before carefully starting to climb the stairs.

Reaching the top, he carefully slid the manhole cover aside.

To his knowledge, it had been roughly 2 minutes after he jumped down from the building.

He slightly peeked his head out of the hiding and instantly saw darkness around him.

Behind him was a large device that was constantly beeping with lights.

It was a mana transformer.

It was the device responsible for converting the mana stored inside mana cores into electricity

that would power up a building.

He smiled.

He had arrived at the correct spot according to the blueprint.

He was in the electrical room of the building now. 4 floors above from where the slaves were


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