The Ultimate Support Character

Chapter 372 Quick Victory

While the siege was ongoing, the four Transcendents who welcomed us were all feeling great. Some of them couldn't even control themselves as their eyes put on an expecting expression, waiting for what Irja would decide.

Being the strongest, the leadership was naturally put in her hands that even the one who initially asked her stepped backward.

I observed the four. Two of them were Rank 1 Beastmaster Transcendents while the other two were from other tribes. From the knowledge I gained about the tribes, they didn't seem to be from Irja's or those tribes closer to her tribe. Since that guy who was slapped by Alwyn stated that only tribes under the three Great Ones were allowed to descend, the two were probably among those other 18 tribes.

With that many tribes, only when seeing them fight will Irja be able to pinpoint where they're from.

However, they're going to die anyway, there's no need to know which tribe will grieve for them.

While Irja continued to take their attention, the four girls who also noticed our arrival from inside the fortess excitedly flew out it, all their eyes trained on me.

As the one who couldn't contain her excitement the most among the four, Avelin, while carrying her old but sharp great axe, could be seen rushing from the sky, Flux Energy speeding up her flight.

Upon noticing the approaching enemy, the four Transcendents instantly entered their own combat stance.

However, never did they expect that while their focus was taken away by the incoming Avelin, Irja would use that chance to take them all down in one fell swoop.

Using her Vibrant Spirit Transformation, the four Lesser Spirits circled around the four and battered them with focused elemental-based attacks in an instant.

Before they could understand what's happening or before they could question why their reinforcements suddenly attacked them, the four has already fallen into unconsciousness. Producing four Chains, Irja threw it to each of them, restricting their Source Energy.

Those Chains were courtesy of Alwyn. The effect of restricting one's energy was totally useful. However, using it in direct combat wasn't that ideal unless one was fighting against an Incarnation.

It could be forcefully resisted after all and even if it lodged on the enemy, the effect will be lessened. However, if it was put on while someone was unconscious, they wouldn't have the chance to resist it, freezing their Source Energy within their bodies.

Taking four captives in an instant, the four girls who saw that were all in awe.

Although they're already strong enough to fight toe to toe or even defeat these Dark World Transcendents, they wouldn't be able to defeat them in an instant like Irja what displayed.

Avelin who was about to jump in my arms also stopped and with lips parted, her eyes glittered brightly as she stopped in front of Irja instead.

"Wow! Sister Irja, you're so strong!" Avelin grabbed her hand and raised it while her face drew closer to her.

The others following her all shook their heads with a smile on their lips. Naturally, they're already used to Avelin being adorably innocent like that.

"Eh? It's not that I'm absurdly strong. Daisuke's enhancement was just too much of a cheat. Besides, I'm using this." Perhaps surprised at Avelin suddenly grabbing her hand, Irja almost took a step back as her eyes pointed to the Totem grasped in her hand.

Ever since we spotted the four, I already extended the compressed Domain of Valor to her. Add the Energy Linkage giving 50% of my total Energy Control, that outcome was easily realized.

"Even so, a difference in Rank can produce this outcome, huh?" Erin looked down at the four unconscious Transcendents while biting the fingernail on her thumb. The girl was surely trying to compare herself to Irja.

"I told you. What I showed only contained a part of my ability and the larger part was all because of Daisuke."

"Alright, Irja. Don't be humble. Even without my enhancement, you'll still be able to take them down by yourself."

She's not just a 1st Stage Rank 2 Transcendent after all. Her UPL was already more than 450 after her breakthrough. Add the Support Bonus to that, it will be more or less 500. Just from that, she's almost double the UPL of the strongest among the four.

And if we also add the Domain of Valor, that will put her to near 600.

"Dai-kun." With an enchanting smile on her lips, Yuko became the winner of the race to reach me first.

Zerina also stopped as she mulled over the amazing show of might of Irja after all. And that leaves Yuko who continued flying towards me.

Hearing her affectionately call me, my arms naturally opened wide to receive her.

And even under the eyes of the other four, Yuko tightened her embrace and pulled me into a kiss that was long overdue.

"I missed you. You're finally here." Yuko whispered before completely entrusting herself to me as her arms circled to the back of my head.

"Me too. Did I let you wait?"

"No. Everything has to happen after all. I know you will always come back to my side."

"Did we just get beaten by her?" Erin, who already took her focus out of the four unconscious Transcendents, couldn't help but grit her teeth as she watched Yuko and I close to each other.

However, she surprisingly waited from where she was until Yuko became satisfied and stepped away to free me for the others.

"Monster, that ultimatum… Let's break it." Erin said before slowly inching closer to me.

"Well, I also planned to do that. Come here. You too, Avelin." I stretched my right arm out to grab her before pulling her to my embrace. When Avelin heard me calling to her, she smiled at Irja first before rushing over, taking my left side. These two Barbarian women, I still recall those nights where either of the two would take the side of my bed to snuggle with me. Although most of the time I was focusing on improving my Physique Cultivation back then, the few hours we would share in bed was enough for the two to be elated. Even this Erin who kept on calling me 'monster' but doesn't want to lose out.

"Uhm… Don't you want to come in first? Also… the siege stopped because of us." As someone who could finely control herself, Zerina pointed behind us.

I'm sure that this girl also wanted to come and run into my arms but like always, she's controlling herself not to. She will wait for when we are alone together for her to drop everything and become that affectionate Zerina. I already experienced it a lot of times before, however, it was with my Incarnation. They were all memories I could only relive and not actually experience.

Well, now that I'm here, there will be time to complete that memory with my real body.

With her reminder, all of us looked behind and saw the eerie silence that was currently broiling across the fortress and the surrounding area.

The attacking Corrupteds and Dark Beastmasters were staring blankly at the four unconscious Transcendents while the defending Whiteshade division members were also looking towards our direction. Moreover from the wall, I could see Ophelia, Noelle, Caila and Reinys watching from afar, with Reinys glaring at me like always.

From that short instance of Irja showing off her might, that's enough to change the tide of this siege.

Soon enough, someone from the Dark Beastmasters screamed followed by the blowing of their horns to retreat.

With that sound, the enemies woke up from their stupor of seeing their strongest combatants lying unconscious.

Every one of them attempted to turn around and run while some who were already climbing the ladder jumped down to not be left behind.

However, now that they're here, why can't we sweep some dust off the face of this world?

"Attack them! Don't let anyone retreat!" I bellowed.

Upon hearing that, Ophelia as the one directing the battle repeated it. With their morale raising to its maximum, the gates opened and out came the cavalry riding Desolate Wolves as they all aimed to cut down one Corrupted, Corrupted Beast or Dark Beastmaster.

Seeing that fervor, those at the top of the wall also jumped out and joined the chase.

Caila then picked up Reinys as she flew from the top of the wall and landed way ahead of the retreating enemy forces. Together with that princess, they raised some kind of Earth Barrier, blocking their path of retreat.

To help them out, I summoned my four Guardian Pillars taking the four sides. Anyone that will approach them will either be smashed down, crushed, or impaled by a spear and an energy arrow.

Seeing that they now have no path of retreat, they could only try to be desperate and take some with them to the graves. Most of the Corrupted surrendered though.

In that way, the siege that should probably last for more than a day ended in just a few minutes.

Aside from the Corrupteds who surrendered, every Dark Beastmaster was killed along with their Soul-bound beasts and Corrupted Beasts alike.

Leaving the clean-up to Ophelia, Caila and Reinys, I picked up the four unconscious Dark World Transcendents and entered the fortress followed by the five girls.

I know, there's really no point taking the four as prisoners. However, they still have little value. They will also meet their end once their value is used after all. Before that though, it's my reunion with the girls along with the proper introduction of Irja.

Just like when they talked through the Interdimensional Communication, it didn't take long for Irja to be thoroughly accepted by the group of girls.

And soon after that, the room we were in became filled in silence as five pairs of eyes all put me in their focus.

"Why are you all looking at me like that?"

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