The Villain's Little Cat

Chapter 108

108 Reaching the Granary

Of course, they were famous as in infamous.

Because each and every one of them were people who were capable of dictating other people’s life with a wave of their hand. If they were not satisfied, they could easily kill people with just a flick of finger.

It was so easy that a lot of people feared these reverse healing awakeners.

They could do normal healing, but at the same time, they could also do the complete opposite and took lives away from other creatures. Not only giant mutated animals but also towards humans.

Lotus felt instinctive fear whenever she recalled these famous reverse healing awakeners in her previous life. If possible, she didn’t want to be within 1 km with them because those who were more powerful could do their reverse healing from a range.

At that time, it would be hard for them to block these people.

‘Is it the person from my academy?’ Lotus asked, feeling fear from the bottom of her heart. These Reverse Healing Ability hadn’t been famous at this point in her past life because they would disguise their healing ability as per normal with others.

But Lotus would definitely recognize them if she were to see any of them.

Because their appearance alone had inflicted enough fear and terror for her that she couldn’t sleep for a long time. For such accursed ability to appear, it was indeed the worst.


But these people were not completely invincible.

They still couldn’t block firepower from bullets. And as long as they were attacked by machines from long distance, it was completely possible for them to die. But it was a bit hard to deal with those who were already at high rank.

It was mostly because their range was simply too far and the weapons that could be used against them was too few.

While Lotus’s mind was churning, Petra was also looking at the corpse indifferently.

“There should be a battle against giant mutated animals in the past and this is what left of them. Anyway, let’s go before more giant mutated animals followed us.” Petra waved his hand.

His men nodded.

Lotus looked at the traces on the ground and gritted her teeth. She hoped that there was truly no Reverse Healers around this area because as the current her, she definitely couldn’t match against.

Fire and wood abilities were rare and definitely powerful. But against these Reverse Healer, they were as weak as a chicken. The one who could truly deal with these Reverse Healers are those who were capable of attacking from long distance.



Because there were no one else around them, Kyle chose to carry Kate instead of putting her inside his pocket. Anyway, this place was not like that water tunnel that was so smelly that Kate felt like her patience was challenged, so Kate happily obliged with Kyle’s action.

She liked the scenery outside too!

Enjoying the pleasant wind, Kate was looking outside as Kyle controlled the floating skateboard towards the direction of the granary. She felt that even if there were a lot of giant mutated animals, it would not erase the beauty of these forests.

These giant mutated animals were not destroying their habitat and instead targeted the humans’ area.

It was a bit strange if she thought about it.

But she guessed that there might be something that giant mutated animals treasured from their human’s cities. That was the reason why these giant mutated animals were rushing towards their cities.

That was only her guess, though.

“The granary is already within sight.” Jake was pleasantly surprised when he saw the few buildings not far from the front. It was already afternoon and approaching evening, so finding the granary felt really good.

At the very least, they should be able to finish their mission quickly.

“There’s a forest here?” Kyle narrowed his eyes when he saw the lush forest right in front of the granary.

Normally, they would make an open area so that they would be able to transport the grains from within the granary as fast as possible, but the granary in front of them was surrounded by forest.

That alone had already caused suspicion to arise.

“Eh? Did this garden like forest grow in one night?” Jake was stunned.

They knew that there were giant mutated animals, but were there also giant mutated plants?

If there was, it would be proven to be very difficult to deal with.

“Are these plants different from normal plants?” Kyle asked while approaching the nearest one and narrowed his eyes. He was not an expert at plants and naturally couldn’t really differentiate the difference between this forest in front of them and also the forest they had just passed.

In this small open area, they just stood there.


They were all confused, but they had to hurry or they would end up staying here overnight. And looking at how many giant mutated animals roaming around, a night inside the granary would definitely not be very pleasant.

“Let’s go, then.”

Kyle waved his hand and a fire path appeared in front of him, directly forming a line towards the granary in front of Them. The others quickly walked forward and as they walked, they realized that the plants seemed to be growing at a speed visible to the naked eyes.

This made them dumbfounded.

Just what happened exactly?

“Hurry and enter the granary!” Kyle realized that this place was indeed a dangerous one. They had to hurry and take the grains inside before quickly hurrying out of this place.


Jake rammed the door and was dumbfounded when he saw a lot of giant mutated rats and also some other giant mutated animals on the first floor. These giant mutated animals were trampling on the few grains that were left on the first floor.

“Damn it! These are all food!” Jake angrily formed several metal spears and used it to stab these giant mutated animals in front of him. He would never forgive these giant mutated animals for destroying his food in the slightest bit!

Foods are very precious right now!

He didn’t want to let these damn giant mutated animals wasted any of it.

Dylan also frowned and waved his hand as water shoot out like blades. It was a different form as compared to Jake, but it was very useful to deal with these giant mutated animals in front of him.

Kyle silently electrocuted a few giant mutated animals in front of him while scanning the granary in front of him.

In one glance, this granary looked empty and had been raided by others before. But Kyle knew that this was the granary that his old man asked him to come because there was a secret compartment underground that held a lot of precious seeds and more valuable grains.

This was indeed the emergency spot.

The location that was specifically picked in case there was a famine and other disasters and the nation badly needed to replenish their food source. With the giant mutated animals roaming around, the higher ups wanted these grains and seeds to make sure that they could secure their supplies.

If these grains were destroyed by giant mutated animals, they wouldn’t know where to cry.

“Let’s go down.”

After they had finished cleaning, Kyle walked to the end of the building and looked around before he found a small inconspicuous box at the side. There was a small hole that looked like a cracked wood.

Kyle took out a card and inserted it.

As soon as it was inserted, there was a rumbling sound before the table moved to the side. There was a metal door there and Kyle bent down to insert the number before the metal door opened to the side.

“There’s really a hidden compartment here?” Jake was stupefied.

“Amazing.” Dylan blinked his eyes. He would have never expected that the nation was actually already preparing so much for this disaster.

“This is not the only spot.” Kyle walked inside. “There are some others military mission in other cities towards these kind of grain hiding spots. It has been prepared for so many years in case there’s a disaster that couldn’t be prevented.”

“But the security is high.” Jake followed Kyle and stopped when they reached the floor below. Looking at the pile of grains in front of him, he couldn’t believe his eyes.

These were all precious foods.

“Some of the spots should be selected to be taken out while some others were kept a secret in case there will be more food disaster in the future.” Kyle patted Kate to tell her to start putting these grains into her space. “Besides, how much do you think that a person could carry inside their space?”

“Not much?” Jake asked with uncertainty but when he saw that the entire place was completely emptied by Little Kitty, he was silent.

It seemed that he had underestimated the space that Little Kitty had.

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