The Villain's Story

Chapter 419 [419] Mohei Jian( Blade Of Blackest Ink.)

Chapter 419 [419] Mohei Jian( Blade Of Blackest Ink.)

[Outside the tower, Academic Convergence, Colosseum of the Capitol.]

For the first time, the entire Colosseum was silent, there were not even the cries of a baby ruining this significant moment.

Even the announcer, Harrison Soubuelle, the number one hero was unable to utter even a single word, this was the same even for Ragnar Drakmor.

Almost all the strongest were left speechless, whilst the others were left stupefied.

They were unable to believe the sight in front of their eyes, unable to even comprehend it.

Except for one of course

"About time."

The sword saint, Arken Miller sighed with disdain,  he was getting bored. He, along with Oliver Olsfer, The golden sage, was one of the few who had believed Alan would clear the Trial of the Heavenly Demon, The Trial of the World Of Murim, the thirtieth floor!

" least show some appreciation."

Oliver scowled at him, he was close to firing a mana bolt at the old geezer's head. How could the master not be happy when his student had accomplished a feat of this level?

"Meh, I'll do it when he clears the damn thing."

Oliver sighed...

Humanity had almost lost all hope of clearing the thirtieth floor when even the 2nd ranked hero failed! It was believed that only Oliver, Arken, Ragnar, and Harrison could clear the accursed floor.

Only these four, everyone else? Why bother trying?

But now, in front of their very eyes lay a sight that betrayed those previous beliefs.

A student, of the tender age of 17, soon to be 18, had cleared the thirtieth floor. Yes, he was the strongest first year, the first user of the spatial element known to Humanity as one of their own, a bloodline user according to them.

So what?

He still cleared it, did he not? When those even stronger than him had failed so miserably?

He did, and Humanity would bestow upon him high praise.

It started with the mutterings of a random civilian in the stands, who was enjoying a bag of popcorn before the shock hit him.


Then, another joined. His statement is still being ridden with disbelief.

"Holy shit..."

But then the disbelief turned into something else, Now?

It was awe.


Then, all that erupted was a boisterous cheer that drowned the entire Capitol. 

"Hell yeah!"

"He did it! The motherfucker did it!"

"Go twilight!"

But it was not just the Capitol. The scene was broadcast to the entire world! Could such a marvelous achievement be praised only here?

In the home of the common man, in the streets of a nameless city, on the bench of an unknown park, and even the crowds in front of cafes and restaurants watching the display.

Everyone who witnessed it, whether in the Colosseum or in the comfort of their own special places, cheered.

Their hearts raced, because...come on...

Who wouldn't when they such an amazing battle concludes in such a cinematic way?

Whose would not?!

Finally, after having gained some sense of self back, Harrison announced.

[Wednesday, December 8th, the Year 2065, Alan Peccator has cleared the thirtieth floor, Trial of the Heavenly Demon. We eagerly wait for his next course of action.]

But his voice was drowned by the abundant and ear-shattering cheers. Even the mana-enhanced voice of the strongest hero was helpless against the cheers of an entire city.

Harrison, chuckled, having expected this outcome, the air was shaking from the cheers...who was he to think his voice would reach the enthralled crowd?

'Well, no helping it.'

He thought to himself and stared at the screen with an interested gaze, he too wanted to see what would happen next.

And so did everyone else.


[Inside the Tower of Trials, 29th floor lobby, after clearing the thirtieth floor.]

[Alan Peccator PoV.]

After having recovered a bit from the fight against the heavenly demon, I was resting in the lobby of the twenty-ninth floor, thankfully, the tower allowed me to rest in the lobby.

Although it was quite strange, who am I to complain?

If I had been teleported to the next floor I was pretty sure I would have died quickly. the fight with the heavenly demon was so that serious, I was left half-dead.

I opened my inventory and checked the Miracle tear, thankfully, it was still there. I was running crazy with the random thought of having used it to return to my peak condition.

But that was just bullshit, the lobby had a healing function thankfully. Though I did wonder where this function was when I cleared the 29th floor...but meh.

Can't complain now...can I? 

Anyway, I need to check my rewards for clearing the thirtieth floor. Clearing the Twentieth floor had given me the Shadow Core, the heart of the Shadow Beast Aluman...So I wonder...

'It didn't give the heart of the heavenly demon...right?'

Yuck, I don't even want to imagine that.

I examined my inventory and scrolled to the end, where my reward was waiting for me.

[Item: Mohei JIan, Blade Of Blackest Ink.]


The moment I read that name...I jolted up immediately and took it out of my inventory.

The weapon of the heavenly demon appeared in front of me.

I hurriedly used |DRAGON EYES| to examine the item.

[Item Name: Mohei Jian, The Blade of Blackest Ink]

[Rank: SSS]

[Type: Jian.]


  A legendary weapon of unparalleled craftsmanship and dark power, once wielded by the enigmatic Heavenly Demon, the mightiest martial artist to ever walk the earth. This jet-black sword is a work of exquisite artistry and embodies the essence of shadow and ink. Legends say that the Mo Hei Jian was once a peerless, pure white blade, but as it absorbed the demonic qi of the heavenly demon, along with the sorrows of the Martial words, and shadows, the blade turned into the blade of the blackest ink. It is a masterwork of menacing beauty. Its blade is forged from an otherworldly alloy, once pure white but now so dark that it seems to absorb all light around it. The blade's edge shimmers with an eerie iridescence, resembling the glistening surface of black ink on parchment.

The hilt is wrapped in shadow silk, and the guard is adorned with intricate onyx engravings, depicting swirling clouds of darkness and celestial constellations. At the pommel, a blood-red gemstone, known to Murim as the "Eye of the heavenly demon" pulses ominously, channeling the sword's malevolent and mighty power.


[Strike of Blackest Shadow]: The Mohei Jian's strikes are as swift and elusive as shadows. It grants the wielder supernatural speed, allowing them to execute blindingly fast attacks that seem to materialize from the darkest depths.

[Torrent of Blackest Ink.]: Upon command, the blade releases torrents of inky blackness that engulf opponents. These shadows drain the strength and vitality of those touched by them, leaving them weakened and vulnerable. Sometimes, even the world is dyed an ebony hue.

[Heavenly Demon's Wrath]: When the Demon's Eye gemstone flares with a crimson light, the sword becomes a conduit for the Heavenly Demon's wrath. The blade's strikes are imbued with devastating power, capable of cleaving through the largest mountains and splitting apart the Jianghu!

[Soulbound Mastery]: The Mohei Jian forms a soul bond with its wielder, forging a psychic connection. This allows the wielder to access the Heavenly Demon's ancient martial knowledge, granting them unparalleled combat expertise and tactical insight. (This Ability is available only when you have been acknowledged by the blade. Only the heavenly demon was capable of such a feat.)

[Infernal Resurgence]: In moments of dire need, the blade can absorb the life essence of fallen foes, replenishing the wielder's strength and rejuvenating their wounds. This regeneration is fueled by the darkness and malice contained within the sword. Caution is advised, malice and darkness are not to be trifled with. The malice of Murim bears grudges millennia long.

[Eclipse Slash]: A devastating, ultimate technique where the wielder channels the power of a solar eclipse through the blade. When unleashed, it creates a pitch-black shockwave that obliterates everything in its path, leaving only darkness in its wake. It has split many, mountains, seas, and people...and is rumored to have split the moon itself.


My jaw hit the ground as I, in a state of disbelief read the contents of the item again, and again, and again.

Never did I regret not learning that art of the sword before this, but then I remembered I have a seven-star spear art at my disposal, but still.


I gently placed the blade on the wooden floor, taking extra care not to cut myself, and the floor.

"Wait...wasn't there an additional reward as well?"

I mumbled. I faintly remember that there was a display which told me that there was an additional reward for being the first to clear the floor...But what?

'Heavenly demon something...something...what something?!'

I tried my best to recall but it seemed that the memory was removed from my mind...I really did try my best.

"It was haevnly something...I am sure of it!"

I said, determined to recall the name, I tried searching my inventory but it was all for naught.

However, just as I believed I was at the crux of recalling the name of the item...A blue display appeared in front of me.

[The Ame-No-Sakahoko wishes to devour the Blade of Blackest Ink.]

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