The Villain's Story

Chapter 457 [457] Sweet, Sweet Revenge[2]

Chapter 457 [457] Sweet, Sweet Revenge[2]


The feeling of lightning hitting his face was unpleasant. George hurriedly jumped back and grabbed his face, healing it with his fire.

This was with the help of his numerous skills, some(most) which were gained not by him but by his family for him.

"You had to target the fucking face."

He said, his tone getting angrier and angrier the second.

He unfurled his wings, and rose to the skies.

"How the fuck are you still looking at the ground?!"

He roared, enraged, and five spears of fire appeared around him.

[Skill: Fire Lance(5x) has been activated.]

The fire however, possessed a bloody hue instead of orange, the flames varied from their original color as Sabrina realized.


She thought, using mana sense to locate the lances and put shields in appropriate positions, she managed to stave them off by casting three shields for each lance. She had to admit it, he was strong. Her previous comparisons were useless.

She had forgotten the fact that Elijah and Alan were just in their own league. Just like how George couldn't be compared to them, she couldn't be compared as well.

She was far below them. In certain aspects that determined awakened potential that is.

But she had one edge over him, and that was Artifacts. The battle-fest restricted the usage of other artifacts which were not one's main weapons, however due to her special 'circumstances' and special 'connections', some exceptions were made for her.

Money truly was best.

Sabrina responded to George's attack's by sending her own spears.

"You think that would be it?"

However, for every spear George sent, Sabrina needed to send 3 to counter it. His blood- red flames were strong.

He was, currently doing what would normally be a stupid suicidal act. The act of using his own blood to strengthen his fire. If not for the plethora of healing skills he had coupled with his immense amount of mana, this would be suicide.

"Did you seriously think that would be it?!"

He tripled the force of his attacks, intending to end this fight right now.

Sabrina still kept her eyes on the ground and simply covered herself in a dome of darkness.

[Skill: Fire Lance(15x) has been activated.]

The skills were so destructive the arena ground had been destroyed, only a vague resemblance was left behind.

"Yeah destroy her!"

"Come on!"

The 'fans' of George cheered, and the host looked at the stadium with regret in his eyes.

'Damn rich guys...'

Why wouldn't he be sad? His damn stadium had been destroyed. Now he would have to wait for it to be fixed before he could host another match. He was paid by how many matches he hosted, so of course this hit him hard!

But he still had to complete this match first.

[George Drakmor Wi-]

He was just about to announce George's victory, but to his shock Sabrina was still fine, without a single wound on her body.

She was untouched, George's barrage had done nothing to her.


She said, her eyes still on the ground, She wanted to enrage George so his bloodline would take control and he would go ballistic.

"I know what your trying to do."

George said as he descended, trying to find stable ground to land on. He knew the weaknesses of his bloodline.

Even the littlest of taunts made him go absolutely ballistic previously, it had taken him a lot to control this troublesome aspect of his bloodline.

But, Sabrina had one more taunt that was guaranteed to work.

She had saw it being used on both Alan and Elijah, whilst both of them were relatively calm and had seen it's effectiveness.

What was this taunt exactly?

"Pathetic Failure of a?Lizard."


It was the word 'Lizard'. It was apparently so insulting to dragons and their subspecies that the young ones couldn't control themselves no matter what whenever they heard it being directed at them, they would go ballistic.

Even the Adult dragons sometimes failed at containing themselves whenever this insult was thrown, some even said it was their weakness. The weakness of the famed and strongest race was apparently being called a lizard.

And it worked like a charm.


He was no longer able to control himself, all his training of quelling his weaknesses was useless in front of a single fucking word.


He charged at Sabrina blindly, igniting his body in blood red flames. He raised his fist and jsut when he was about to punch Sabrina.

He was wacked away by a large whip of darkness, Almost out of the bounds of the stadium.

He rushed at Sabrina once again, casting all kinds of skills.

[It look's like Sabrina Wellington's taunt worked spectacularly! George Drakmor is filled with hate!]

The host said, trying to increase his viewership no matter what. Using the name of the families the two contestants belonged too would work somewhat, and he was gunning for that.


Sabrina's fans began to chant once again with renewed vigor, they were all extremely happy that they had a comeback.

George was being whacked left and right, and his scales were being torn apart, but the drake did not give up. The 'insult' was still vivid in his mind.

He had forgotten all reason and was just blindly charging at Sabrina, wanting nothing more than to rip her apart.


He was firing breaths of fire, and everything he could do honestly, he was draining his mana reserves until not even a drop would be left.

Whilst all this was happening, Sabrina was simply reading a book as she was inside her dome, free from all the fire.

However, her happy reading time had to stop, her opponent was now tired.

She opened her dome and saw a weakened George, trying to stand but kept falling on his knees.

"Get...over here..."

Because he was going absolutely ballistic, he had failed to realize that he wasn't doing any actual damage. The sea of flames he had covered the arena in were not only blocking his view, but absolutely fucking useless.

"GET over here!"

His scales started to diminish, his bloodline energy was running low and since there was no more mana to replenish it his transformation would be cancelled pretty soon, with no mana to replenish it, he would be left completely helpless.

"Oh my, the lizard is getting angry."

He was just on the verge of breaking from his frenzy, but Sabrina brought it all back to square one. She had brought all that anger back with the same word.



She honestly wanted to look at his miserable face and laugh all she could at this sight, however she restrained herself.

George's scales slowly started to disappear, and his size reduced. The fire on his body vanished without a trace but he was still running towards Sabrina, trying to kill her.

"Oh my."

However, he was 'caught' in a trap.

A magic circle appeared beneath him. It was quite the sinister one, having skulls, blood, and even organs depicted in the carving. It was unknown when and how Sabrina did this.

"You fell right into it."

George suddenly couldn't move, as black tentacles bound his limbs and raised him towards the sky.

"The lizard is throwing a fit."

Again, he was affected and started throwing a fit, trying to escape from the clutches of the trap. His face was fully red, and this wasn't a skill at work.

He was just that livid.


Sabrina, using mana sense to see this magnificent spectacle, was laughing until she couldn't hold it in anymore, until it was hard for her to breathe!


However, it was brought to an end with George's word. Sabrina stopped laughing and then approached finally raising up her head from the ground to see his loatheful appearance.


And he spat at her, when she had finally raised her head.


Sabrina cleaned the spit on her face with a handkerchief, and looked up once again, this time deflecting any more spit with her mana.

"...You know why I didn't look up?"

She said, as the grip the tentacles had on George's limbs tightened.

The host looked at this, having predicted what would happen but calmed himself.

'No way...she wouldn't...would she?'

Sabrina knew the family George was she wouldn't go that far...right?

"It was so I wouldn't have to stare at your miserable face. That in itself was akin to a taunt. Something I wouldn't be able to control myself witnessing it."

The grip tightened, and the tentacles started to move away, tearing the ligaments and tendons in his limbs.


Screamed George at the top of his lungs, trying to use his strength to pull the tentacles but it was of no use. With his mana now exhausted, and his bloodline energy no where to be found.

He was quite literally, helpless.

"I knew I couldn't restrain myself from tearing your limbs apart when I saw you..."

Sabrina said, as she applied more mana to her trap and then...


Only George's guttural screams filled the area as his limbs were quite literally torn apart.

[Sabrina...Welllington wins!!!]

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