The Void Wolf

Chapter 135: A New Arrival

Chapter 135: A New Arrival

The intensity of the Storm Wall had died down significantly as a large amount of it was continually absorbed. It was so much that Ira was beginning to develop an inadvertent attunement to wind. Subconsciously his understanding of the storm was increased even though he himself wasnt aware. The black sphere surrounding him was continually moving toward the center point of the Storm Wall was consuming everything in its way.

Inside of Iras mind, there was a strange situation progressing. Ira Six, with hundreds of Iras gathered behind him were facing off against Ira One who held significantly fewer people.

What the fuck are you doing? Ira One asked with suspicion.

Nothing, its just that we think Ira has absorbed a large part of the Storm Wall and should move toward seeing if that other continent is real. Ira Six and hundreds of Iras voiced their agreement.

Youre splitting us into parts? Right now? Are you that fucking dumb? Ira One questioned.

No. As long as were all in agreement it should work out, right? Ira Six asked.

...I agree. Ira Two distanced himself from Ira One who was confused.

Hey. Ira One narrowed his eyes at Ira Two and spotted something peculiar.

Hey! Are those crumbs on your shirt? Ira One asked.

Ira Two hurriedly dusted the evidence away while pretending to be oblivious. Ira One looked around and he could actually see an Ira eating a pastry out in the open.

So thats it, huh? Ira One laughed.

Ira Six didnt appear to care if he found out or not and shrugged, If you arent willing Id be really upset, One. In fact, I might just cry out to you know who. We all might just do it if you arent too careful.

Youre bluffing. Ira One tested Ira Six.

No, Im Ira. Dont insult us, you know very well Ira doesnt bluff. Ira Six shrugged.

Fine. Do what you want but dont think itll last for long. Ira One waved his hands while smiling. It was clear he had something prepared but Ira Six wasnt worried.

Its nice that you agree. Ira Six nodded.

The crowd of Iras dispersed after everything was settled. Some walk on the air as if it was a set of invisible steps while others sunk into the ground. A few even climbed into each other's pockets before the one carrying them ran away. It was a very odd scene to watch but no one seemed to notice anything wrong.

Ira One opened a curtain and pulled it around himself before appearing in a dark room.

If it comes to that, then Ill take them with me. Ira One said to himself.

Iras mind was at a stalemate and the former wouldnt be too happy to find out about it seeing as he had a family he was eager to see.

Rhys was in a slump ever since Ira had disappeared and stayed in her tent unless the Valkyries called for her. Recently, she had been feeling even more down than usual, so much so that it caused symptoms like drowsiness and slight nausea. Even though she was eating a little less than usual, Rhys even felt that she had put on a bit more weight though she could easily work it off once she was in normal health.

She gave a mute sigh as she moved to stand up and put her mask on but just as she reached for it, a little girl appeared in her tent with no warning.

It was obviously Raveria and she held an inquisitive look as she stared at Rhys, ...Hmmm.

Rhys didnt know if Raveria could read so she didnt think they would gain much leeway in communicating. She gave a forced smile as she politely gestured for Raveria to go back.

It feels Raveria moved closer while squinting at Rhys.

Rhys raised her eyebrows with skepticism but Raveria didnt explain since she thought her own words were self-explanatory.

Raveria. Avery entered the tent and looked at the girl with a disapproving gaze.

Mum...Wont it be like me? Raveria asked.

...Wont what? Avery asked suspiciously.

The little one. Raveria tilted her head while pointing to Rhys stomach.

The tent went silent as Raveria waited for an answer to her question. The innocence of a child was really something to behold. What did Raveria feel? A familiar presence tugging at her bloodline that made her curious. Ira wouldve noticed if he were present but since he wasnt the only who could possibly pick up on it was Raveria.

Youre...pregnant? Avery asked with some astonishment.

Rhys was clearly shocked by the news and distraught as she couldnt figure out how to respond. There were clearly hundreds of questions filling her mind along with clear panic.

Calm down. Ill inform my mother, in the meantime you need to be more aware of your own health. Avery spoke indifferently but without the same coldness as before. It wasnt that she felt any special feelings toward Rhys it was just that latter was carrying Iras child. Being especially prickly and hostile toward her could serve to cause complicate the matter. Avery wasnt willing to see Ira upset over the loss of his child if something were to go wrong.

Rhys gave a distant nod as she sat down to process the news.

When considering Avery it was odd to think that Rhys would become pregnant so fast but she was human which was a driving factor. In ancient times, Gods could bless certain people with pregnancies which was, in reality, them planting demi-gods around the Mortal Realm to raise up into their own domains one day. Since Higher Races started off strong, a weaker race was needed to level it out, hence, humans were the most obvious choice. It was apart of the many ways Gods interacted with mortals and though some would call it a blessing from the heavens, they were pawns.

Raveria looked at Rhys one more time while wondering what would come out. She had an incredibly vague and simple understanding of pregnancy. She even wondered if her sibling would look just like her.

A few weeks later in some unknown place. A group of wooden ships with carvings of dragons sailed toward a weakening storm. Upon closer inspection, they were pursuing a fleet of smaller ships that had nowhere to go.

At the head of the fleet of Dragon ships was a man with amber reptilian eyes and orange hair. He seemed to be a dragon but he was in fact, half human.

It is as the Exalted Lares had spoken of...Not only is the Great Storm weakening, the traitors were using it to hide the shipment of their supplies. The man spoke as they closed in on the smaller vessels.

Yes, my liege. The Gods are wise as ever. An old man bowed at his side.

Thats enough, tell the mages to prepare to fire upon the poor souls. Theyve disgraced the Dragon Gods long enough.

As you wish, Sir. The old man turned around before yelling, Prepare to fire!

Men dressed in robes depicting dragons nodded before channeling their mana.

Just as they prepared to fire, a black sphere emerged from the Great Storm and exploded into a cloud of dark mist before a body fell onto the deck of a ship with a loud impact.

An attack? No...Find out what it is. The half-dragon ordered.

A mage sent a series of signals toward the ship which housed the unknown being and they responded with confusion. After various messages were exchanged through light, the mage spoke.

They say it's naked a young man whos speaking gibberish. A mage whispered to the Half-dragon Captain.

Ask them Suddenly, a sense of danger assaulted his body.

Iras body began to rise as he looked around with empty eyes. Then some light came into them as he began speaking aloud.

What...No...Are these bad guys? No. Does it matter if theyre bad or good? Look at them, I see Dragons every fucking where. What about the little boats? Kill them too? Too easy you say? Its not like its hard to kill these guys. Ira mumbled to himself while standing stark naked surrounded by men in armor with engravings of dragons and sharp spears in their hands.

Fuck! I get it. Shut up. Ira pinched the bridge of his nose, Were a collective mind right? Until Ira regains his wits we have to fill in. Stop asking about fucking pastries, damn it! Yes, I want some too. That doesnt mean we can find some now...You know what, everyone just shut up, Im starting now. Ira finished speaking and looked around.

You, its your lucky day. He pointed to a random man dressed in armor.

...Huh? The soldier showed clear confusion.

Yes, you, silly. You get to die without feeling even a bit of pain. Ira smiled before he took a step forward and punched the man directly in the chest.

There wasnt the slightest bit of restraint so the man literally burst into a pile of gore while his armor exploded out in pieces of shrapnel which injured everyone gathered on the deck of the ship.

Cries of pain and agony rang out but there was still confusion as to what happened.

The rest of you? Ira laughed before continuing, You arent so lucky.

He moved like a tide of pure violence as he grabbed a fallen man by the leg and used him to club another to death before flinging him away. It was clear he wasnt done as he took another step and grabbed a man by both arms and ripped them away.

Aaaaaaaah! The man screamed horribly as Ira lifted him up and tossed him into the ocean.

Of course, realizing the threat, the men began to rush up to him in order to attack but they couldnt even touch Ira as he weaved in and out of them. He barely even moved but they couldn't land a single blow onto his body.

Here! Ira kicked a man in his chest before stomping him into the wooden deck and shattering it entirely.

Then, magic attacks began to bombard the ship with Ira on it while the Half-dragon shouted.

Burn it all! Whatevers on that ship is more dangerous than the traitors.

The ship was hit with friendly fire as the mages fired on their own allies in the hopes of destroying a possible threat.

You know, Ive never noticed it before but Ira is a force of nature, Ira said to himself as he grabbed a chain and swung it.

A large object was attached the end of it which those watching from the other ships recognized as an anchor. Before they could even react, Ira slammed the anchor into the hull of another ship of the fleet and pulled it toward him. The entire boat was lifted out of the water, sending the crewmates flying. At least those who were lucky enough to be above deck, the ones inside of the ship crashed into each other like dolls.

Ira raised his hand as the ship flew toward him and then it the space around it became unstable and exploded into pieces before being pushed into a ball of splinters. The ball became smaller and smaller under the immense pressure and soon blood-colored ball of sawdust could be seen floating toward Ira. He grabbed it and tossed it into the air before throwing it toward another ship and splitting it completely in half. The weight of the compressed mass was clearly still there judging by its destructive property.

Horror couldnt describe the feeling of watching a monster in human skin kill so many people from the deck of a burning ship.

Suddenly, Ira clutched his head and shouted, What do you mean? Shit! Shit! Shit! The real Ira? Is he mad? Fuck! Eating them? Fuck! So who did it? Was it One? Really? See if we can talk to Ira. If hes too aggressive, tell him well scramble the location of that other continent. Bribe him with pastries first. Too late? Why the fuck would you threaten him first? I know what I said but didnt you think it would be better to wait for me to finish speaking.

With no interest in continuing his attack, Ira leaped away onto the deck of another ship before lowering his body and leaping again. The ship collapsed under the strength he exerted and none of the crew aboard it were spared.

No one could do anything as the monstrous being headed toward the continent which had hosted most of the higher races, Yeramesh.

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