The Void Wolf

Chapter 138: I'll Huff, And I'll Puff, And I'll Blow Your House Down

Chapter 138: I'll Huff, And I'll Puff, And I'll Blow Your House Down

Ira was approaching a huge city while examining his status card. He had been too wrapped up in his previous activities to really adjust to all the abilities he gained.





Growth Capacity:





Unknown, Keeper of the Red Moon (Ulta Majoris), Wisdom of the First-Flame

Mana Capacity:



Space, Wind*



Passive Abilities:

Behemoth's Strength*

Draconic Vitality

Supernatural: Agility, Reflexes, Senses, Regeneration, Endurance

Predatory Instincts

Kinetic Vision

Night Vision

Thermal Vision

Ultraviolet Vision

Greater Metabolism

Greater Beast Manipulation

Greater Physique


Temperature Regulation

Aging Immunity

Poison Immunity

Greater Fire Resistance

Greater Cold Resistance

Greater Illusion Resistance*

Bloodline Resonance

Genetic Mutation (Chimera, Ancient Dragon, Behemoth*)

Lunar Force Empowerment

Partial Lunar Force Control

Advanced Swordsmanship

Expert Martial Arts

Primal Awareness

Claw Growth

Genetic Memory

Concept of Space

Presence Distortion

Concept of Storms*

Active Abilities:

Short-Range Teleport, Call of the Third Moon (Inactive), Nothing (???), Matter Alteration, Gravitational Manipulation, Quickdraw, Nullification, Dermal Armor, Pheromone Generation, Fur Generation, Fear Inducement, Camouflage, Kinetic Manipulation, Spatial Manipulation, Spatial Leap, Mass Alteration, Devour (???), Assimilation (???), Beast Transformation*, Wind Manipulation*, Storm Breath*, Psychosis Inducement (???)*

The simplest thing he gained was the strength of the Behemoth. It was rather straightforward but it didnt mean he was as strong as the mountain-sized creature. Still, his physical strength was at the point where he could cause immense destruction if he didnt hold back. If he was to strike someone with all his might there would be no traces of them left.

What he gained from Gicae was resistance to the mental attacks and the ability to induce psychosis in other people by exposing them to illusions of the Void.

Ira tried to use his newfound ability and found that the world was covered in a grey filter. Although he couldnt see it, his eyes were completely black and anyone who was unlucky to stare into them would find themselves having an existential crisis of mind breaking proportions. Ira blinked a few times and his eyes went back to normal, he decided to try using his ability another time to get a better understanding of how it worked.

From absorbing a huge portion of the Storm Wall he gained a natural attunement to the wind and a detailed understanding of Storms. With his abilities, he could easily replicate a storm, especially when considering he was now able to manipulate wind.

Ira jumped in excitement while a gust of wind blew past and swept him upwards.

Haha! Ira laughed as if he conquered some great obstacle while pushing himself through the air.

Although he could leap pretty high and levitate when he spread out his control over space, he couldnt fly but with wind manipulation if became a reality.

Wait. Ira held his chin as he gently floated toward the ground.

There were a few abilities Ira held that wasnt present on the status card such as knowledge consumption and reality alteration. While consuming things was pretty straightforward to him, reality-altering was something he had no understanding of, but gained an instinctive feel for it. The sigil on his wrist was a demonstration of his reality alteration. In a way, he used it to isolate himself from the world so he couldnt be forced to ascend. If he could create a sigil that ignored the laws of the world then what else could he create?

That was the question Ira asked himself as he closed his eyes and concentrated. He slowly raised his hands and reached out to grab something before pulling it toward him. When Ira opened his eyes he was holding a hooded black coat with a silver string that was used to connect both sides of the collar.

Ira chuckled as he examined the coat that was had traces of black mist on it. He dusted it off with his hands and then the coat solidified. The main problem with having immense strength was the destruction of ordinary fabric which made caused Ira to end up either naked or wearing tattered cloth.

Next. Ira put the coat on and then repeated the same motions bringing a shirt, pair of pants, and boots into existence.

Hmmm...Its almost like Im in mourning or something. Ira looked at the monochromatic outfit he was wearing and squinted his eyes. He snapped his fingers and his shirt turned red to which he nodded. Although dark colors gave him a sense of comfort he felt like changing things around.

Better. Ira nodded before he glanced at his surroundings. He set his sights on the city in the distance and leaped into the air while pushing himself forward with the wind. He used his camouflage and his entire body, including the clothes he was wearing, blended in with the background.

The Dragons Wing Province was one of the many provinces ruled over by Dragons and their partially human descendants. Of course, the Dragons Heart Province was where the strongest of the self-proclaimed Gods stayed. It was even said that the lifeblood of the continent flowed from the Dragons Heart province, though the ones who coined that saying was actually the false Gods and not their people. Iras location was far from the center and he was currently looking for a way to get there. Thus he started with the capital of the Dragons Wing province.

Ira was gliding through the air while looking down at the city below him. There were numerous buildings illustrating a life of wealth and luxury with one of the centerpiece being a golden temple that was obviously an important place. The stones walls of the city had gates in each direction with a few dozen guards responsible for the intake of citizens and merchants.

It was likely they would check for some for of identification and Ira didnt have any so he skipped over it. He couldve killed his way through but he felt as if it was too standard of an entrance.

He landed on the outskirts of the city and ducked into an empty pathway before undoing his camouflage and stepping out into the street.

The cobblestone roads were neatly lined with nearly all of them leading toward the Golden Temple. Black hair appeared to be a common trait for most of the humans as they could be seen walking with their heads down but that served to help Ira blend in better. Those who had reptilian eyes walked proudly with a sense of pride in each of their steps. They were the Blessed Ones who had the strongest connections to the Dragon Gods and it wouldnt be strange for someone to be beheaded for upsetting them.

Ira turned his hearing and listened to the ambient noise of the city until he heard something interesting.

Oh? Ira grinned with an interested gaze and began moving in a certain direction.

A group of a dozen people was gathered in an alleyway situated between two restaurants. There were old wooden crates stacked in the alley which helped to hide them from sight. They whispered to each other while keeping a lookout in order to make sure they werent overheard of discovered.

Have you heard the news?

Yeah, and?

The Lares discovered that one of our groups received assistance from Tristan.

They dont know that hes one of us though, right?

I dont think so.

If theyre lucky only a few will end up dying...If not, then the Blessed One might end up wiping all of them out.

I doubt thats the case. They have to realize that all massacres do is inspire more to join our cause.

So well proceed with the plan?

...Theres been no word from Virgil, so Im guessing we will.

We cant mess this up then. This is the most ambitious plan weve had so far.

I still think its a bad idea...I mean attacking convoys and smaller towns is different than attacking a capital? Need I remind you theres an actual Dragon God in there?

This sounds good. A cheerful voice suddenly interrupted.

All eyes turned to the source and they spotted a handsome black-haired young man who appeared to be in his late teens. He was wearing a hooded black coat that hung on shoulders loosely as well as black pants and boots. His dark red shirt and bright yellow eyes served as a peculiar to contrast the dark colors.

Ira was crouching atop a stack of crates and no one had seen or heard when he appeared which shocked them.

Who are you?! Someone shouted as the group began to draw their concealed daggers.

Listen, guys, if you attack me, Ill have to kill you. Ira jumped from the boxes and landed in front of them.

It was clear to them that he had some sort of decent ability if he was able to sneak up on them without being discovered but he was actively hiding his bloodline resonance so they werent able to feel just what type of situation they were in.

How much did you hear? A man remained undeterred by Ira and sought answers.

All of it. Ira shrugged before continuing, You all seem to know a lot, so can you point me in the direction of the Dragons Heart Province? I have some really urgent business, you see.

If you need directions then why ask us? Im sure you wouldve found it easier to ask a random person on the street.

Its because youre a group of suspicious people clearly up to trouble. With that being so, I think you would know more than the average person. Ira explained clearly before he looked up.

A man with a crossbow was peering over the edge lining up a shot on Ira but jumped in surprise when the latter spotted him.

Ira furrowed his brows in confusion, Were you gonna...Hey, were you trying to set up a trap?

Kill him! A woman shouted.

The man using a crossbow shot at Ira who caught the arrow in his hand.

Poison? Iras nose twitched as he snapped the arrow in half and looked at the man on the roof who was clearly reloading the crossbow.

Ira sighed and waved his hand before a gust of wind pushed the man off of the roof and into the alley.

The rest of the group wasnt just watching and charged at him but as soon as he snapped his fingers the space around them froze and they were left motionless.

Well do it your way then. Ira grabbed the crossbow-wielding man by his collar and lifted him into the air.

Let me go! The man struggled to free himself but found that Ira had an unmovable grip.

Look at me, Ira said to the man as his bright yellow eyes were replaced by an endless darkness.

Huek! Once he made eye contact with Ira the mans body spasmed uncontrollably while his eyes rolled back

Iras vision returned to normal as he dropped the man, who wasnt quite dead, onto the ground. He turned to face the rest of the group that he restrained while black mist gathered around his body. Slowly, his form began to change and they could only experience fear as a ten-foot horned creature covered in small, writhing, tendrils of darkness stood in front of them. Its four yellow eyes and narrow wolfish face almost seemed to communicate joy.

Itll be faster if I eat you anyway. The beast said with a deep growl.

A few minutes later Ira stepped out of the alley and adjusted his clothes before marching off toward the Golden Temple. He paid no mind to the blood-soaked passageway that he was leaving behind.

Ira gained an understanding of the situation that was developing between the so-called Gods and the other races. The ones called heretics were those who had gained abilities from the Golden Aurora. They had even planned an attack on several of the establishments where the half and quarter dragon blessed ones gathered. It also had to be noted that he realized physically consuming people wasnt entirely necessary for gaining their knowledge. It dawned on him only after he had eaten more than half the group but being one not to waste food, he continued to eat them.

Ira arrived at the bottom of the Golden Temple to see dozens of humans stopping to pray while under the watch of temple guards. His clothing made him stand out somewhat but no one really paid him any mind. The main focus was on the solid gold gates that radiated with power. The gates were a thin barrier of separation between the city and the oasis-like area on the other side. Bright ponds filled with chirping birds and the pure voice of a woman singing faintly in the background. A low white fog drifted over the entire area and gave it a sort of enchanting quality.

Lets see Ira inhaled deeply while focusing on the air. It was clear something strange was happening as his chest would repeatedly swell and then return to normal. Without exhaling, Ira continued to increase his intake of air, one breath at a time.

There was a literal storm gathering inside of Ira but those around him only felt the wind pick up. There were some who looked at him strangely and some even went to get the guards who refused. It was only when minutes had passed did they feel something was off about Ira.

Hey, what are you doing? Four guards with dragons imprinted on their armor approached Ira with wing-shaped halberds. They walked with assurance in each step and they practically radiated with power. Their reptilians eyes gave away that they were Blessed Ones.

Ira gave them a brief glance before continuing to compress the Storm Breath. Although he could just release part of Storm Wall and destroy everything he wanted to test his new ability.

Hey! Im talking to you. A guard approached with the intent of grabbing Ira but as soon as he touched his shoulder the latter opened his mouth.

A violent and roaring wind capable of incredible destruction burst from Iras jaws along with storm clouds filled with energy. The guards were blown away but since they werent the intended target, they managed to survive. The Golden Temple was obscured by a thundering storm that ripped apart its heavenly gates and eroded away the construction of the temple. Its foundations were upturned as the golden pillars holding it up shattered. The thick engraved metal doors, which served as the entrance to the temple, were forced open under the incomprehensible gale.

After the extremely localized hurricane settled, all that was left were the screams of terror from those who witnessed Iras attack.

Ira paid no attention to the bystanders and leaped over the broken gate before making his way to the temple. Though he wasnt obsessed with his self-image he wondered if his demonstration was good enough.

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